Description of track type Audio, Aux Input, MIDI, Instrument, Master Fader
Audio are just...Audio
Aux are like audio, but can't have audio clips
MIDI is where you can record with a MIDI instrument.
Instrument are where you can put MIDI clips or record MIDI
Master Fader controls the level of an output
Two types of folder tracks
Basic and routing
Which pro tools menu can a track be created from?
Shortcut for creating a track
From which Edit/Mix window view can a tracks input be set
Can deleting a track be undone?
How do you know that a track will be shown from the tracks area?
It's circle is gray, not black
Which menu has the workspace browser?
Which device should you turn on last?
Monitor Speakers
Where can the audio device for pro tools be changed
Setup > Playback Engine
Shortcut for starting/stopping playback
Two valid audio types
.WAV and .AIFF
Describe the file types: Session, Wavecache, Audio, Rendered, Session File
1. Where the entire session goes as soon as something is created
2. A visual representation of the music
3. Default location for audio
4. Temporary files created as needed
5. Backup files for Session
Do you need a numeric keyboard to nudge?
Edit window description
Many audio clips, all the audios. Where yo music is
Mix window description
Settings for the tracks basically, it looks like a DJ thing
Transport window description
Timers! And tools! Like a toolbox
Describe file, view, setup, options, and window
Lesson 4
Rulers can be shown or hidden from which menu?
What shortcut to place playback cursor at beginning?
Insertion Follows playback looks like what?
Dotted line, right arrow, straight line, play button
What does the Trim, Selector, grabber, scrubber, and pencil tools do?
1. Trim can cut off parts of a clip
2. Selects certain sections of a track/clip
3. Grabs those selections
4. It just plays audio forward or backward
5. It draws up sound waves
What does dbl-clicking a clip with the selector tool do to the clip
Selects the whole clip
What happens when you hold opt and drag clip from workspace browser with grabber.
It leaves a shadow clip behind! (multiply)
What does the Slip, Shuffle, Grid, and Spot tools do?
1. Just moving clips freely
2. Also moves clips, but snaps them together and arranges them quickly
3. Moves clips according to a grid (like bars and beats)
4. Moves clips by typing in the time, bar/beat or otherwise into the thing
Name two types of grid mode
Relative and Absolute
What kind of mic needs phantom power
Condenser Mic
Name 3 polarity patterns
Omnidirectional (all of it)
Cardioid (Top)
Figure 8 (top and bottom)
2 types of line signals
-10 dBV (Basic)
+4 dBV (Professional)
What type of track is a click track
Default shortcut to start recording
3 on Keypad
What do you do if recording is clipping?
Adjust the gain
Difference between whole-file and sub-file clips in clips list?
Whole-file is the entire clip and sub-file is the clip after it's been trimmed or edited at the borders (has hidden parts)
Is it possible to delete whole file if subset are being used?
Does MIDI make its own sound?
Two track types that support MIDI
Instrument and MIDI
What kind of track is MIDI commonly combined with?
What does MIDI merge look like and what does it do?
It looks like a mouse merging into traffic (arrow into arrow) and it records MIDI on top of another MIDI tracks so that both audios can be heard
In what unit is tempo measured?
Beats per minute
What type of plug-ins are XPAND!2, BOOM, Mini Grand, DB-33, Vacuum?
XPAND!2 is multi-timbral synthesizer
BOOM is a bunch of drums
Mini Grand is piano
DB-33 is an emulation of a drawbar organ
Vacuum is a vacuum tube synthesizer
Three MIDI Views and what they do
Clips view is where you see your MIDI data in clip-sized blocks
Notes view will show you the individual notes
Velocity view will be loudness
Princess Annagale I
Modifier for "select all tracks"
Modifier for "individually select multiple"
Modifier for "select range of tracks"
Modifier for "make change to selected tracks"
Shortcut for Cut, Copy, Clear, Paste, undo, Redo
Can EDIT>DUPLICATE create a large number of copies?
Consolidate clip can be found in which menu?
Which are the three types of trim tool?
What do you need to use to nudge notes?
The nudge value?
Shortcut for "Create a fade on selected area"
Shortcut for Fade in from start of clip to cursor
Shortcut for Fade out from end to cursor
Tab to Transients What does it do and what does it look like?
It has an arrow goin toward a soundwave
Shortcut to hide/show video window
Comm and 9 on keyboard
Lesson 8
Mixing within a DAW is referred to as mixing "________"
In the Box
Are inserts on an audio track affected by the tracks Volume Fader?
What shortcut key quickly sets volume fader to Unity?
Video audio is typically panned which way?
Are meters on an audio track always post insert?
Are meters on an audio track always post fader?
Which key do you hold down to solo safe a track?
Are the inserts on a Master Fader track affected by the tracks volume fader?
Which control is on the master fader track?
What is most commonly used for effects
A copy of the signal to be routed to another destination
Controls the output amplitude of the track
Volume Fader
Controls the balance of the signal between a number of outputs.
LESSON 9 :000000
An Audio track supports up to _________ inserts.
To make a copy of an insert while moving it, hold the _______________ while dragging it.
Alt/Opt Key
True or False? An inactive plug-in will not consume any CPU resources.
Match the plug-in format to its description
- Introduced by Steinberg
- Designed for use with Apple’s Logic Pro DAW
- Designed for use with Avid's Pro Tools DAW
- Non-real-time processing
Virtual Studio Technology (VST)
Audio Units (AU)
Avid Audio eXtension (AAX)
How do you know it is a multi-mono plug-in?
Multi-mono uses mono and multi-channel uses stereo
Name the EQ types.
Additive EQ
Subtractive EQ
What are standard compressor parameters?
Threshold, ratio, knee, attack time, release time, and makeup gain.
How do you know if the send is in pre or post fader mode?
What are types of reverb?
Plate, Spring, Convolution, Hall, Chamber, and Room.
What control can you change to see volume automation?
Track View Selector
From which control can you suspend automation on a track?
Automation mode selector
The automation window can be accessed from which menu?
Window menu
Using grabber, which modifier deletes automation
Which control can you enable a plugin for automation?
Automation Enable
External Layback is ___________
Record the output of protocols output to a recording device
Bouncing to a track is __________
Recording of multiple tracks to another trag
Bouncing to disk is ____________
Utilizes bounce mix dialogue box
What method allows for faster than real-time?
Bouncing to disk
What is the first step in creating a File>bouce mix mixdown?
Select an area on the timeline
What menu command will create an archived duplicate?
Save copy in