What sound does the following IPA symbol make [p]?
pit, tip, spit, hiccough/ hiccup, appear
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [b]?
ball, globe, amble, brick, bubble
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [t]?
tag, pat, stick, pterodactyl, stuffed
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [d]?
dip, card, drop, loved, batted
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [k]?
kit, scoot, character, critique,
The letter <x> in exceed and excruciating represents a series of two sounds: [ks].
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [g]?
guard, bag, finger, designate, Pittsburgh
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ʔ]? "glottal stop"
uh-oh, hatrack, Batman, button, curtain
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [f]?
foot, laugh, philosophy, coffee, carafe
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [v]?
vest, dove, gravel, anvil, average
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [θ]? "theta"
through, wrath, thistle, ether, teeth
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ð]?
or eth [ɛð]
the, their, mother, either, teethe
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [s]
soap, psychology, packs, descent, peace,
1 The letter <x> in exceed and excruciating represents a series of two sounds: [ks].
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [z]
zip, roads, kisses, Xerox, design
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ʃ]
esh [ɛʃ]?
shy, mission, nation, glacial, sure
What sound does the following IPA symbol make[ ʒ]
yogh [joʊg] or ezh [ɛʒ]
measure, vision, azure, casualty, decision
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [h]
who, hat, rehash, hole, whole
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ʧ]
choke, match, feature, constituent
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ʤ]
judge, George, Jell-O, region, residual
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [m]
moose, lamb, smack, amnesty, ample
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [n]
nap, design, snow, know, mnemonic
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ŋ]
engma or eng
lung, think, finger, singer, ankle
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [l]
leaf, feel, Lloyd, mild, applaud
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɹ]
reef, fear, Harris, prune, carp
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɾ] "flap"
butter, udder, cuter, Adam, bottle, ready
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [w]
with, swim, mowing, queen, twilight
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [w̥]2 "voiceless ‘w’"
which, where, what, whale, why
(for those dialects in which witch
and which do not sound the same)
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [j] "yod" [joʊd]
you, beautiful, feud, use, yell

What sound does the following IPA symbol make " syllabic m"
possum, chasm, Adam, bottomless

What sound does the following IPA symbol make " syllabic ‘n’"
button, chicken, lesson, kittenish

What sound does the following IPA symbol make "syllabic ‘l’ "
little, single, simple, stabilize
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɹ̩]3
ladder, singer, burp, percent, bird
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [i]
beat, we, believe, people, money, dean
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɪ]
bit, consist, injury, malignant, business, gym
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɛ] "epsilon"
bet, reception, says, guest, bend
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [æ] "ash"
bat, laugh, anger, comrade, rally, hand
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [u]
boot, who, brewer, duty, through, dune
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ʊ] upsilon
put, foot, butcher, could, boogie-woogie
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɔ] "open ‘o’"
bought, caught, wrong, stalk, core, law
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɑ] "script ‘a’"
pot, father, sergeant, honor, hospital, bomb
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ʌ] "wedge or turned ‘v’"
but, tough, another, oven, fungus
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ə] "schwa"
among, Asia, eloquent, famous, harmony
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɑɪ]
I, abide, Stein, aisle, choir, island, fine
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɑʊ]
bout, brown, doubt, flower, loud
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [ɔɪ]
boy, doily, rejoice, perestroika, annoy
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [oʊ]
oh, boat, beau, grow, though, over
What sound does the following IPA symbol make [eɪ]
bait, reign, great, they, gauge, age
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [p]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Bilabial
Manner of Articulation: Stop
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [b]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Bilabial
Manner of Articulation: Stop
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [t]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Stop
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [k]

Voicing Voiceless
Place of Articulation:Velar
Manner of Articulation: Stop
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [g]

Voicing: voiced
Place of Articulation: Velar
Manner of Articulation: Stop
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ʔ]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Glottal
Manner of Articulation: Stop
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [f]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Labio-dental
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [v]

Voicing: voiced
Place of Articulation: Labio-dental
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [θ]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Inter-dental
Manner of Articulation; Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ð]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Inter-dental
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [s]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [z]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ʃ]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Post-Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ʒ]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Post-Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [h]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation:Glottal
Manner of Articulation: Fricative
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ʧ]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Post-Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Affricate
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ʤ]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Post-Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Affricate
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ɾ]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Flap
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [m]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Bilabial
Manner of Articulation: Nasal
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [n]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Nasal
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ŋ]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Velar
Manner of Articulation: Nasal
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [l]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Lateral Liquid
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [ɹ]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Alveolar
Manner of Articulation: Retroflex Liquid
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [w̥]

Voicing: Voiceless
Place of Articulation: Bilabial
Manner of Articulation: Glide
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [w3]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Bilabial
Manner of Articulation: Glide
What is the Voicing, place of articulation, manner of articulation for [j]

Voicing: Voiced
Place of Articulation: Palatal
Manner of Articulation: Glide
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [i]

high, front, unrounded and tense.
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [ɪ]

High, Front, unrounded, and lax
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [ʊ]

high, back, rounded, and lax
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [u]

high, back rounded, and tense
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [ɛ]

Mid, Front, unrounded, and lax
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [ə]

mid, central, unrounded, and lax
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [ʌ]

mid, central, unrounded, and lax
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [ɔ]

mid, back, rounded, and lax
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [æ]

low, front, unrounded, and lax
What are the four-part articulatory descriptions for the vowel sound [a]

low, back, unrounded, and lax