Animals Flashcards

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created 9 months ago by lilliemae
updated 7 months ago by lilliemae
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Prescriptions written for animals MUST have what information?

  1. Species of the animal
  2. Name AND Address of the owner of the animal


Compounded drug preparations for emergency dispensing may be dispensed by a veterinarian to the owner of an animal for the treatment of bodily injury or disease of the animal only in an emergency for a SINGLE course treatment, not to exceed a ________ day supply.

4 days (96 hours)


Pharmacist may compound preparations that may be used in an veterinarian office, which may be dispensed by a veterinarian in certain circumstances.



Practitioners of human patients may not DISPENSE compounds that are intended for office use.




The compounded veterinary drug preparation may not be distributed by any other place other than the pharmacy that compounded the preparation.



The distribution of compounded preparations for OFFICE ADMINISTRATION or EMERGENCY DISPENSING to a veterinarian shall not exceed ______ of production of compounded preparation in a calendar year.

The distribution of compounded preparations for OFFICE ADMINISTRATION or EMERGENCY DISPENSING to a veterinarian shall not exceed 5% of production of compounded preparation in a calendar year.


Pharmacist shall enter into a written agreement with veterinarian.


NINE Labeling Requirements for Veterinarians.

  1. By purchase order, Not by prescription.
  2. For Office Use Administration or Emergency Dispensing by a Veterinarian Only-Not for resale.
  3. Pharmacy's name, address, and telephone #
  4. Initials of the pharmacist
  5. Lot number
  6. Active ingredients and strengths
  7. Quantity, Amount, Size, and Weight
  8. Beyond use date (Expiration date)
  9. Ancillary instructions (Storage instructions and Cautionary statements)


Pharmacist shall enter into a written agreement with a veterinarian for the veterinarians' use and emergency dispensing of the compounded preparation before providing any preparation to the veterinarian.

What is included in this agreement?

  1. Name of Veterinarian
  2. Address of Veterinarian
  3. License # of Veterinarian
  4. Contact Information of Veterinarian
  5. Agreement that preparation can only be administered not sold
  6. Agreement to include Lot # and BUD of preparation administered
  7. Procedures for adverse reactions
  8. Procedures to recall a batch