resemble (v)
to look like someone or something (닮다, 비슷[유사]하다)
transform (v)
To change completely the appearance or character (변형시키다,완전히 바꿔 놓다)
implement (v)
To put a plan or system into action (시행하다)
habitable (adj)
Providing conditions that are good enough to live in (주거할 수 있는)
outbreak (n)
A sudden appearance of something, especially a disease or something else dangerous (전쟁·사고·질병 등의) 발생
rigorous (adj)
Severe or difficult; detailed and careful (철저한, 엄격한)
alternative (n)
Something that is different, especially from what is usual (대안, 선택 가능한 것)
wither (v)
To slowly disappear, lose importance (시들다, 말라 죽다)
duration (n)
The length of time that something lasts (지속되는) 기간
temporary (adj)
Not lasting or needed for very long (일시적인, 임시의)
frigid (adj)
Extremely cold (몹시 추운)
perspective (n)
a way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience (관점, 시각)
barren (adj)
unable to produce plants (열매[씨]가 안 열리는)
harvest (v)
To pick and collect plants, animals, or fish (수확하다, 거둬들이다)
artificial (adj)
Made by people, often as a copy of something (인공[인조]의)
await (v)
To wait for (…을) 기다리다
greenhouse (n)
transparent building that gives plants warmth and protection (온실)
precise (adj)
Exact and accurate in form (정확한, 정밀한)