Franklin Roosevelt and the Shadow of War Flashcards

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The immediate response of most Americans to the rise fo Fascist dictators Mussolini and Hitler was

A deeper commitment to remain isolated from European problems


The twin events that precipitated the reversal of American policy from neutrality to active, thought, nonbelligerent, support of the Allied cause were

The fall of France and the battle of Britain


The destroyers for bases deal of 1940 provided that

The US would giver Britain 50 American destroyers in exchange for 8 British bases


Seeking to withdraw from overseas commitments and colonial expense, the US in 1934 promised future independence to

the Philippines


The Neutrality Acts of 1935, 193, and 1937 provided that

Americans could not sail on a belligerent ship, sell munitions, or make loans to a nation at war


Lend-Lease Act clearly marked

An end to the pretense of American neutrality between Britain and Germany


The key issue in failed negotiations with Japan just before Pearl Harbor was

the Japanese refusal to withdraw from China


The provisions of the Atlantic Charter signed by Roosevelt and Churchill in 1941 included

self-determination for oppressed peoples and a new international peacekeeping organization


In the 1940 Presidential Campaign, the Republican nominee, Willkie, agreed with Roosevelt on the issue of

Foreign Policy


The effect of the strict American arms embargo on the Civil War between the loyalist Spanish government and Franco's Fascist rebels was

To cripple the Loyalist government's ability to resist Franco


One international action by FDR in his first term in office was

The formal recognition of the Soviet Union


One of the few successful wartime American efforts to save Jews from perishing in the Holocaust came when

Roosevelt's War Refugee Board helped several thousand Hungarian Jews escape the Nazis


The net effect of most of FDR's foreign policy moves in his first term in office suggested that

The US was giving up ambitions to be world power and concentration on the Western Hemisphere


By June 1940, the strong majority of American public opinion had come to favor

providing Britain with "all aid short of war" at the rick of armed hostilities with Germany


By mid-1941, Japan believed that it had no alternative to war with the US because FDR

Had in 1941 imposed a freezing of assets and a termination of all shipment and other critical raw materials in an effort to persuade Japan to withdraw from China


President FDR embarked on the Good Neighbor Policy

He was eager to enlist Latin American allies to defend the Western Hemisphere against European dictators


Franklin Roosevelt was motivated to run for a third term as president in 1940 mainly by his

belief that America needed his experienced leadership during the international crisis


Shortly after Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union in August 1939

Germany invaded Poland and started WWII


On the eve of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, a majority of Americans

while still wanting to keep America from formally entering the war, supported providing generous military assistance to Britain prevent it from falling to Nazi Germany and embargoes on Japan


Americans' enthusiastic isolationism in the 1930s can be best described as

All of these answers are correct


During the 1930s, the US admitted ______ Jewish refugees from the Nazi oppression

A paltry sum of 150,000


Roosevelt's recognition fo the Soviet Union was undertaken partly

In the hope that developing a relationship might counterweight the rising power of Japan and Germany


The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 came as a great surprise because

President Roosevelt suspected that if an attack came, it would be Malaysia


President Roosevelt's foreign policy

lowered tariffs to increase trade


By the mid-1930s, there was strong nationwide agitation for a constitutional amendment to

Forbid a declaration of war by Congress unless first approved by a popular referendum