apush final Flashcards

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the dangerous proviso that germany attached to its sussex pledge nott to attack unarmed neutral shipping was the requirement that

the us would have to persaude the allies to end their blockade of germany or sub wafare wuld be resumed


german subs began sinking unarmed and unresisted amrican and british merchant and passenger ships without warning

in retailiation for the british naval blockade of germany


the second battle of marne was significant because it

marked the beginning of german withdraw that was never reversed


after the conlusion of ww1, most women who worked

soon gave up their war jobs


president wilson viewed americas entry into ww1 as an opportunity for the us to

shape a new international order based on the ideals of democracy


when Woodrow wilson won reelection in 1916, he recieved strong support from

the working class and former progressive bull moose part members


because of the benefits that it conferred on labor, samuel gompers called ______ "labors magna carta"

clayton anti trust act


the federal trade commission was est in 1914 to address all of these practices except

prohibitng false and misleading advertising


the european allies were able to finance their costly war effort during the period of american neutrality mainly because

american bakers, most notably the wall street firm of jp morgan and co


the central provisions of the clayton ant trust act

outlawed corporate interlocking directorates and price discrimination against different purchasers


the germans gained an immense military advantage in the first months of 198 beause

the bolsheviks took russia out of the war allowing german troops to move to the western front


prosecutions under the espionage at and the sedition act can be characterized in the following ways except

the supreme court ultimately ruled that they were unconstitutional violations of the freedom of speech and association


The United States declared war on Germany

After German U-boats sink for unarmed American merchant vessels


The chief political difference between president Woodrow Wilson, and the European parliamentary statesman represented at the Paris peace table Was that Wilson

Refused to appreciate fully the need to break a reasonable political compromise between democratic, idealism, and great power of imperialism or colonialism for quickly coming to a peace agreement that all the allies could support enthusiastically


Woodrow Wilson’s administration refused to extend formal diplomatic recognition to the government in Mexico, headed by

Victorians huerta


In 1913 Woodrow Wilson broke with a custom dating back to Jeffersons day when he

Personally delivered his presidential state of the union address to Congress


To secure passage of the underwood tariff bill, President Woodrow Wilson broke new ground by

Personally presenting his case to Congress and arousing public opinion


President Wilson insisted that he would hold ___ to strict accountability for ___

Germany, the loss of American ships and American lives to submarine warfare


In the United States, the most controversial aspect of the treaty of Versailles was the

League of Nations


After the treaty of Versailles had been signed Woodrow Wilson

Was the subject of the rhetorical ire of German political leaders who felt the terms of the treaty were excessively punitive


The progressive bull moose party died when

Teddy Roosevelt refused to run as the parties presidential candidate in 1916


When the United States entered the war in April 1917, most Americans did not believe that

It would be necessary to send a large American army to Europe for more than a year


The United States primary contributions to the Allied victory in Europe, included all of the following, except

Multiple battlefield victories


President broke diplomatic relations with Germany when

Germany announced that it would wage unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic


In the Sussexx pledge Germany promised

Not to sink passenger ships without warning


When Woodrow Wilson became president in 1912, the most serious shortcoming in the countries financial structure was that

Money for lending was inelastic and heavily concentrated in New York City


Which of the following American passenger liners was sung by submarines

None of these were American ships


President Wilson’s first direct use of American military forces in Revolutionary when he

Seized Mexican port of Vera Cruz to prevent Germany delivery of arms to heurta


All of the following are true statements about Mexicans, who settled in the area known as the border lands except

Most were wealthy, farmers with significant land holdings


Passage of the shepherd towner maternity act demonstrated that the Federal government

Was willing to benefit and support women their role as mothers


Woodrow Wilson’s political philosophy included all of the following except

A belief that compromise was necessary to become an effective leader


Which of these is not a true statement about black soldiers during World War I

Black soldiers were more likely to serve in combat than white soldiers


Which term best characterizes Woodrow Wilson’s fundamental approach to American foreign policy



The Senate likely would have accepted American participation in the league of nations, and America would have been welcomed by the other nations into the league of nations if President Wilson had

Willing to compromise with moderate league opponents in Congress on some constitutional and American sovereignty issues surrounding American participation league matters


One primary effect of World War II on the United States was that it?

Conducted an immense amount of trade with the allies


Which of the following was not among Wilson’s 14 points upon which he based America’s idealistic foreign policy in World War I?

An international guarantee of freedom of religion


President Woodrow Wilson persuaded the American people to enter World War I by

Declaring a crusade to make the world safe for Democracy


With the outbreak of World War II in 1914, the majority of Americans

Earnestly hope to stay out of the war


In the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote the United States was

Following the path already taken by wartime governments like Britain and Germany and states like New York, Michigan, Oklahoma, and South Dakota


Progressive programs provided relief to

All of these are correct


Opposition to the league of nations many United States senators during the Paris peace conference

Gave Allied leaders in a stronger bargaining position


Woodrow Wilson was most comfortable when surrounded by

Academic scholars


The 16th amendment reflected Wilson’s progressive goals by

Establishing the first graduated, federal income tax


Wartime mobilization agencies relied on ___ to prepare the economy for the war

Voluntary compliance


In 1912 Woodrow Wilson became the first ___ elected to the presidency since the Civil War

Person born in the south


Woodrow Wilson show the limits of his progressism by

Accelerating the segregation of blacks in the federal bureaucracy


Difficulties in Mexico in the early 20th century affected the US by

Encouraging, massive migration of Mexicans across the border


When the US entered World War I, it was

Poorly prepared, militarily and industrially to leap into a global war


Despite the reluctance by both the president and Congress, the United States resorted to forced conscription in 1917 because

There was no other way to raise the huge numbers of American army servicemen efficiently that would need to be sent to Europe


Woodrow Wilson’s ultimate goal at the Paris peace conference was to

Establish the league of Nations


The Senate opponents to the league of Nations, as proposed in the treaty of Versailles argued that it

Robbed Congress of its constitutional war, declaring powers by entangling America in an international organization, capable of authorizing collective force against an aggressor nation


Republican isolationist successfully turned warren Harding 1920 presidential victory into

Death sentence for the league of Nations


Grievances of labor during World War I and wars and included all of the following except

Suppression of the American Federation of labor


Although Germans were generally loyal citizens during the war, they were subjected to all of the following, except

Rumors that they were spying and sabotaging in the US


The automobile revolution resulted in all of the following, except

The increased dependence of women on men


The most tenacious pursuer of radical elements during the red scare of the early 1920s was

A Mitchell Palmer


According to John Dewey, a teachers primary goal is to

Educate students for the broad range of life challenges through active participatory learning method


The 1920 census revealed that for the first time most

Americans lived in cities


Enforcement of the Volstead act met the strongest resistance

Foreign peoples who brought European styles of sociability with them when they immigrated to America


The main problem faced by American manufacturer in the 1920s involved

Developing mass markets in America and overseas to create sufficient consumer demand for American manufactured goods being produced during that decade at unprecedented production level


Which of the following was not among the industries that prospered mightily with widespread use of the automobile



The immigration act of 1924 discriminated directly against

Southern and eastern Europeans and Japanese


Buying stock on margin meant purchasing

Stock on credit with only a small down payment


With 5 million members at its peak in the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan was known for all of the following except

Lack of support in the Midwest in the Bible belt


In response to the need to develop greater and greater mass markets for their products American business in the 1920s relied, especially on the new techniques of

Consumer advertising


Jazz music was developed by

American BlackS


Among the major figures promoted by mass media image makers, and the new sports industry in the 1920s were

Babe Ruth and Jack Dempsey


The cultural offerings of programs and motion in the 1920s

Contributed to the standardization of American life


Job opportunities for women in the 1920s

Tended to cluster few paying fields


Charles Lindbergh solo flight across the Atlantic made him an American hero especially because

His wholesome usefulness contrasted with this cynicism and the debunking of the jazz age


The zeal of federal agents and enforcing prohibition laws against liquor, smuggler strained US diplomatic relations with



The post World War I, Ku Klux Klan advocated all of the following except

Opposition to prohibition


Business people use the red scare to

Break the backs of fledgling unions


The Ku Klux Klan nearly collapsed in late 1920s when

The organization was publicly exposed as a corrupt and cynical racket


Immigration restrictions of the 1920s were introduced as a result of

The nativist belief that the northern Europeans were superior to southern and eastern Europeans


The scopes monkey trial represented a tragic, embarrassing and final political curtain call for prosecution expert

William Jennings, Brian


During the 1920s many American immigrant ethnic groups

Lived in neighborhoods with their own churches or synagogues, newspapers, and theaters


Match each literary figure below with the correct work
A. Ernest Hemingway. 1. The sun also rises.
B. F Scott Fitzgerald. 2. Main Street.
C. Sinclair Lewis. 3. The Sound and the Fury.
D. William Faulkner. 4. The great Gatsby.

A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3


All of the following help to make the prosperity of the 1920s possible except

Government stimulation of the economy


Cultural pluralist like horace kallen and Randolph borne generally advocated that

Immigrants should be able to retain their traditional cultures rather than blend into a single American melting pot


One of the primary obstacles to work in class solidarity and organization in America was

Ethnic diversity


The American Airlines industry in the 1920s made most of its early profits through

Mail Contracts with the federal government


Although speakeasies and hard liquor florist, historians argued that prohibition wasn’t entirely a failure for all of the following reasons except

Crime levels decreased


The influential cultural film during the 1920s birth of a nation by DW. Griffith stirred extensive protest by African-Americans because.

The film glorified the Ku Klux Klan and portrayed as corrupt politicians or rapists


The long-term outcome of the scopes of monkey trial

Represented at victory for fundamental ridicule of the fundamental cause and highlighted the dubious rationality of a relying on a literal theological reading of the Bible over the findings of modern science


Advertisements in the 1920s reach out to the mass market of American female consumers and all the following ways except

Illustrating how automobiles could permit women to ignore their traditional duties as household managers and advance, their professional career goals, and ambitions


To justify their sexual frankness, many Americans pointed to

The theories of sigmund Freud


The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s was a reaction against

The forces of diversity and modernity that were transforming American culture


Secretary of treasury, Andrew Mellon placed the heaviest tax burden on

Middle income groups


The short term legal outcome of the 1925 scopes trial was that

Biology teacher john scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution and fined


The leading cultural critic of the 1920s HL menKen attacked all of the following except



The red scare of 1919 to 1920 was provoked by

The Publix fear that labor troubles were sparked by communist and anarchist revolutions


Most distinctive contribution to automobile industry was

Production of a standardized, relatively inexpensive automobile


Besides controlling the illegal liquor industry, American gangsters in the 1920s earned rich profits from which of the following illegal enterprises

All of these choices are correct


Disillusioned by war and peace Americans in the 1920s did all of the following except

Struggle to achieve economic prosperity


The religion of almost all Polish immigrants to America was

Roman Catholicism


Top gangster, Al Capone was finally convicted and sent to prison for the crime of

Income tax evasion


The Harlem renaissance can best be described as

A celebration of black culture and creative expression of a prominent vibrant black community in the north


During the 1920s, the new system of buying credit resulted in all of the following except

Providing a fundamental solid basis for sustainable long-term prosperity in the nation


which of the following was not among prominent African-American culture figures of the 1920s

Ralph ellison


The first talkie motion picture was

The jazz singer


John Dewey can rightly be called the father of

Progressive education


The following are true Marcus Garvey, founder of the United Negro improvement association, except he

Advocated the idea of developing elite, talented African-American, economic, and social progress and promote racial integration in the United States


The American radio industry was distinctive radio, and European nations because it

Was a commercial business dependent on advertising