Great Depression and the New Deal Flashcards

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Prominent female social scientists of the 1930s, like Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead, brought widespread contributions to the field of



The Wagner Act of 1935 proved to be a trailblazing law that

gave labor the legal right to organize and bargain collectively


All of the following are true statements about the men who joined the CCC except

many of the men had criminal records


After Franklin Roosevelt's failed attempt to pack the Supreme Court

much New Deal legislation was ruled unconstitutional


The National Labor Relations Act proved most beneficial to

unskilled workers


As a result of the 1937 Roosevelt recession

Roosevelt adopted Keynesian economics


President Roosevelt's Court-packing scheme in 1937 reflected his desire to ensure that the Supreme Court

upheld the constitutionality of legally challenged New Deal programs


The most immediate emergency facing Franklin Roosevelt when he became president in March 1933 was

the collapse of nearly the entire banking system


Immediately after taking office, President Roosevelt responded to the banking crisis by

Closing all American banks for a week, while reorganizing them on a sounder basis


Some Native Americans denounced the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 because its provisions

ignored the increasing loss of Indian land to real estate and commercial development and environmental degradation


Franklin Roosevelt's ____ contributed the most to his development of compassion and strength of will

afflicton with infantile paralysis


The Democratic party platform on which Franklin Roosevelt campaigned for the presidency in 1932 called for

extensive social reforms and a balanced budget


By 1938, th eNew Deal

had lost most of its momentum


One striking new feature of the 1932 presidential election results was that

African Americans shifted from their Republican allegiance and became a vital element in the Democratic Party


Most Dust Bowl migrants headed to



Senator Huey P. Long of Louisiana gained a large national following by promising to

"share our wealth" by raising taxes on the rich and giving every family $5,000


Match each New Deal critic below with the cause or slogan that he promoted.

A. Father Coughlin 1. "social justice"

B. Huey Long 2. "every man a king"

C. Francis Townsend 3. "a holy crusade for liberty"

D. Herbert Hoover 4. "$200 a month for everyone over 60"

A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3


Both ratified in the 1930s, the 20th Amendment _______ and the 21st Amendment ________.

shortened the time between presidential election and inaguration; ended prohibition


THe National Recovery Administration failed largely because

it required too much self-scrifice on the part of industry, labor, and the public.


Eleanor Roosevelt had honed her own skills and developed a personal network of reform activists through

her experience in settlement houses and women's reform organizations


Franklin Roosevelt took America off the gold standard and adopted a managed currency policy designed to

stimulate inflation


During the 1930s

the national debt doubled


Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was most notable for

Providing moderate social and economic reforms of the American capitalist system and giving necessary relief to millions of downtrodden without radical revolution or reactionary fascism


All of the following contributed to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s except

farmers' failure to use steam tractors and other modern equipment


The primary interest of the Congress of Insudtrial Organization was

the organization of all unskilled and semiskilled workers within an industry


In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt campaigned on the promise that as president he would attack the Great Depression by

experimenting with bold new programs for economic and social reform


While Franklin Roosevelt waited to assume the presidency in early 1933, Herbert Hoover unsuccessfully tried to get the president-elect to commit to

an anti-inflationary policy that would have made much of the New Deal impossible


Probably the mos radically economic New Deal program that provoked widespread charges fo creeping socialism by Republican and conservative critics of President Roosevelt's administration was the

Tennessee Valley Authority


The Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act of 1933

created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure individual bank deposits


The first Agricultural Adjustment Act raised the money that it paid to farmers not to grow crops by

taxing processors of farm products


The Agricultural Adjustment Act proposed to solve the farm problem by

reducing agricultural production


The group that had experienced the worst suffering as a result of the Great Depression was

African Americans


President Roosevelt's chief "administrator of relief" and one of his closest advisors was

Harry Hopkins


In 1935, President Roosevelt set up the Resettlement Administration to

help farmers who were victims of the Dust Bowl move to better land


The Federal Securities Act and the Securities Exchange Commission aimed to

provide full disclosure of info and prevent insider trading and other fraudulent practices


The federally-owned Tennessee Valley Authority was seen as a particular threat to

The private electrical utility industry


Recently, some historians have argued that the New Deal had a more radical effect on men than women for all of the following reasons except

many men were required to assume significant child rearing responsibility because of the millions of women who went to work for New Deal agencies


The fate of most of the Okies and other Dust Bowl migrants who headed west to California was that they

found themselves mired in poverty, squalor , and lack of economic opportunity in the San Joaquin Valley


Roosevelt supported the repeal of prohibition because

he thought that it afforded the oppportunity to raise needed federal revenue and provide jobs


The most controversial aspect of the Tennessee Valley Authority was its effort to

Provide cheap electrical power in competition with private industry


The phrase Hundred Days refers to the

flood of legislation passed by Congress in the first months of Franklin Roosevelt's presidency


By putting thousand of people immediately to work at good-paying jobs and providing access to low-cost electricity to a region lacking cheap electrical power, the _____ proved to be immensely popular among those Americans it served

Tennessee Valley Authority


The Works Progress Administration was a major ____ program of the New Deal; the Public Works Administration was a long-range ____ program; and the Social Security Act was a major _____ program.

relief; recovery; reform


Match each New Dealer below with the federal agency or program with which he or she was closely identified.

A. Robert Wagner 1. Department of Labor

B. Harry Hopkins 2. Public Works Administration

C. Harold Ickes 3. Works Progress Administration

D. Frances Perkins 4. National Labor Relations Act

A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1


The New Deal program of the following agency represented the most economically complex, managerially ambitious, and unsuccessful New Deal effort to achieve recovery and reform the entire American economy

National Recovery Administration


When Franklin Roosevelt assumed the presidency in Marc 1933

he received unprecedented congressional support


The American Social Security System, established by the New Deal, differed from most Europan social welfare systems primarily because it

did not initially coverall categories of workers


The Social Security Act o 1935 proved all of the following except

health care for the poor


The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 attempted to

Reverse the forces assimilation of Native Americans into white society by establishing tribal self-government


The early New Deal experiments borrowed rather freely and randomly from

US wartime and pre-war agencies and European social reform models