Topic 3.1 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by Ellarose
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updated 1 year ago by Ellarose
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What is a work plan?

a structured list of all tasks and associated activities required, with a timescale need to complete the project


What is a purpose/advantage of work plan?

. Provide a timescale for the overall project to be completed

. Map all the different aspects of the project against the timeframe

. Provide a schedule for the client and project manager to monitor progress

. Manage the time taken to complete the different stages

. Identify required time and resources which can be unsed to estimate the cost of the project

. Provide info for a project team so that they now whats needed by whom and by when


What are the components of a workplan?

Phases, tasks, activities, workflow, timescale, milestones, contingencies, resources


What is workflow?

the order that the tasks/activites will be completed


What is milestones?

key dates/mini deadlines when a task or phase must be completed nd progress checked


What are contingencies?

The "what if" scenarious and back-up plans such as extra time/alternative ways to complete something to ensure the project in competed by the deadline


What is a mood board?

a visual tool to assist in the generation of ideas by collecting a wide range of images/materials that will give you a 'feel' for the project. Its can be digital or physical and stimulates creative thinking and innovative approaches


What can you include on a digital mood board that cant be included on a physical mood board?

sound/video clips


What can you include on a physical mood board that cant be included on a digital mood board?



What are the components of a moodboard?

Images, colours/colour schemes, text, housestyle, fonts


What doesn't the mood board show?

what the product looks like


What is a mind map?

an image that quickl generates and records the outlined ideas for a project/product and to develo/show links between different thoughts, aspects, resources and processes of a project


What are the components of a mind map?

Central node, sub nodes, branches, text, images and sound, musicand videos on digital mind maps


What is the central node?

The main idea/theme


What are sub nodes?

interconnecting lines or branches for the different parts, sub ides from the main node,eg. animals as a main node and birds, mamals, reptile, amphibians as sub nodes


What are branches?

The connecting lines that link nodes and sub nodes


What formats can mind maps come in?

Computer software like Word or PowerPoint, physicl moodboard on papaer/card