5.1 Flashcards

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At what age does productivity/creativity typically peak

late 30s and early 40


What is the typical relation between job performance and age?

as age increases, performance consistently increases or decreases


initiative vs. guilt (3-6 years)
crisis: activity planning/goal setting/exploration



identity vs. Role Confusion Social Relationships. adolescence

12 to 18 years)

11 to 18

crisis : figuring out future self values direction goal.
is is our time in finding out who we are, time of diffrant task, doing diffrent things, before we have to make some identy comidment, so figerimg out our future self, what are our values and what derection do we want to go, what is our gols .maybe you want to explore diffrent relagens if you are only used to one relagion, maybe you want to try out higer education if you liked school.everone is life tragectery looks a little diffrent depending on the choice you make around these structures


Young Adulthood (19 to 40 years) Intimacy vs. Isolation Relationships

20 to 30 years

18 to 40

so within in out aduithood out main foocuse intimavy vs isolateion intemacy is not only related to romatic relationship, but it is also related to the freinships that you make. potinchilly the network that you make related to work isolation is the backside of that, you feel alon, so our main goal with erecsion is wather or not we find meaningful conection. so some pig quistion that might exset in early 20 or 30. is am i going to be alone for ever or if you go trough a brack up is this it for me, im done this is the only relationship ill ever have. or if you are in a ralashinship you would say grate this is my forever partner.so these questions come from interactions with big relashionship
'dsocial lifeintimacy vs. IsolationÞrikson’s Psychosocial Theory


Middle Adulthood (40 to 65 years) Generativity vs. Stagnation Work and Parenthood

40 to 65


Define social clock

age-graded expectations for major life events, such as beginning a first job, getting married, birth of the first child, buying a home, and retiring


List the six phases of the family life cycle

family life cycle
devellopmental trend within a family over time, each stage involves key adjustments, tasks and changes that must be accomplished if individual and family as a whole are to survive. not all families experience each stage


single aduilt leaving home

major task: diconnect and reconnect with family on a different level while simultaneously establishing individidual identity.

therapy needs: weak sens of self, inability to emotioonally of physically separate from family or origin, lack of social skills to establish relationship with others

major task: diconnect and reconnect with family on a different level while simultaneously establishing individidual identity.

therapy needs: weak sens of self, inability to emotioonally of physically separate from family or origin, lack of social skills to establish relationship with others

About 30% of US
adults are single.
 Dating preferences
 18-29yr Men are
single in modern


new couple-joining families through marriage

major task: adjustment and adaptation acoommodate each others wishes, needs and fantasies. therapy needs: inability to adjust to living as a couple, difficulty with relatives, inability to work thru interpersonal issues and communicate procreation

Sternberg’s triangular theory of love
 Intimacy: friendship
 Commitment: dedication
 Passion: sexual desire
 Balance changes over time

 Couples in a sexual relationship that live together
without being married
 12% of couples living together in the US are not
 More likely to
 separate over 2 years
 divorce if they do marry


families with young children

major task: physical, psychological, and social even that alters couple lifestyle dramatically. family becomes unbalanced and needs adjustmenr attachment betweeen child and spouse.

therapy needs: balance relationship and activities working with children and establish controls over children


families with adolescents

major task: sandwich generation. most obvious stress in this stage is the number and kind disagremments between parents and teens, often times around what the teens wants for themselves and what the parents want for them.
therapy needs: conflicts between teeens and parents (setting limits and expression) sandwich generation stressors , spousal stress and they age .

Middle–aged adults that care for generations
above (parents) and below them (children,


launching children and moving on

major task: couples rediscover each other without children, redefine roles

therapy needs: sense of loss regarding self, marriage or the child leaving, sense of conflict with a child who is not becoming independent, we are seeing a trend towards children staying longer sense of frustration or anger toward marriage or carrer


faamilies in later life

major task: physical and cognitive decline financial challengaes, loss of spouse or parter

therapy needs: concern about health decline, lack of meaning or enjoyment of life grief, inability to established good relationships with family .


implication for lifestayles in therapy

match of cycles between family and therapist, the understanding, or lack thereof, between the therapist ethnis background and the family. ethnicity and life cycles- evaluate families in relationship to their ethnic background.



Complete the following diagram of Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love. Be able to label theintersections of the circles as well! (use arrows and the space at the sides to help

so there is a balence in aany relationship between intemacycomidment and passtion,intimacy is how much you like that person, do you see them as a friend. this does not only exset in your patnership, but it also exsite in your reglare frienship, how close you feel with that person.comedment is the delacation to the indevsual or relashionship, that conects to frenshio to, that common relahinship as wil. the term exclusive is just you an that other person or a marage a two by two or one by one partnership.passiant is sexual desire, that may incompase the relashionship in a smallporation or meam oiration, kind of depand on the indivals. we know that the balence and the types on these relashionship change over time. so the relashionship you have in college, much be more diffrsnt in a relashionship you have in your 30s. your longterm relationship is much more diffrant then you intemacy, then when you were cashilly dating.

Sternberg’s triangular theory of love
 Intimacy: friendship
 Commitment: dedication
 Passion: sexual desire
 Balance changes over time

when we look at constent love, that is a little bet harder to find, those layers , may not meet up the way you expected them to, based on holowed btralis, but it is likely to have diffrent kind of relashionship over the corse of your life time. you may expreans a more romatic love when we are younger potanchilly, or when you are oder in a mare effect conract potenchilly. companet love we see with older copels, maybe that sexal part of relationship is not imporant . is more being with each other in that long term place pashen love comement and passion, but maybe not intomacy. there not a whole alot of like, they are commeted in some wayere sexial things are in the middle and th


intimacy liking/freinshid and passion infotised love. are related to romantic love

intimacy liking/freinshid and commitment empty love are related by companion live

commitment empty love and passion infotsied love are ralted to fatuous love

all f these componet are realted to consummate love



What is cohabitation and how have rates changed in the last 40 years

Couples in a sexual relationship that live together
without being married
 12% of couples living together in the US are not
 More likely to
 separate over 2 years
 divorce if they do marr


_______% of US adults marry at least once and the average age of marriage has _______ in thelast 30 years.

70 %

shercing by about 2 years. this is for age cap or increasin

about 20 21, for men it was 24 and for 2022 for women is about 28 and for men is about 30


Define & differentiate egalitarian vs. traditional marriage

the traditional marage is the men soal brate wener, or the higest paid. hear women may still work, but they tend to do more of the house work, caregiver. in egalitarian marrige, the goal to have an eqaul share responsibility. so if you have childdren, doing a trate off, so for example ill tack them to school, you pick them up from school.


_______% of US adults have children and the average age when having a first child has _______in the last 30 years.




How does launching children affect marriages? (hint: include both positive and negative aspects)

Shift in marital relationship
 Positive:
 Greater time
 Financial security
 Peak satisfaction
 Negative:
 Few commonalities
 Increased divorces
 Early & late divorce brings greater

when we are lanching chilren, later in life there is a sheft in marital relations tipiclly, it can be positive or nagative depending on the strature of that relashionship . tippicly we see more time, just for these indivials to be there middle age self, more cruses, more vacations. finachil secaraty and keep satefaction , those are the good part of lanching your kids. once they are out of the house you get to go back to your normal life nagative factores, if your relationship middled over time, you been more focused on your kids, then maintaing that relashionship , maybe there might be not communalites with you and your spouse were they use to be. this may lead to devorce, when we see earlyer and late devorces that is tipiclly childrent cary the most strass and the aduilt is expresing the most stress.


What factors affect the quality of parents’ relations with their adult children

children leave home, if indivals do have chilrent. when we think about phsyical changes in the state of life vesion is going to start to decline


Define kinkeeper

 Role of gathering family for celebrations and
maintaining close family communication

there are some indevuls in the family that is the Kinkeeper. so they bring everyone togther, when it is most imporant. so holedays, funers, graduations, baby showers. and the kinkeeper has resourses, you have a house , and community.


How does being a grandparent affect quality of life

in later aduithood you are are reaching retarment , you are also decreasing in your strength and in your health tipiclly.so healthy aging is a really important idea to talk to with your parents, or talk about with your parents , or with your grandparens, what do they want in there retirement

 Average age of grandparenthood is
 50 years for women
 52 years for men
 Most report it improves quality of life year,


What types of grandparent relationships tend to be the strongest

Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

Sandwich generation

Relationships made with very young children and sustained over time have the strongest foundations. It's also important to know that when grandparents are close with their adult children, the odds are very good that they will have a strong relationship with their grandchildren, as well.


Define sandwich generation

Sandwich generation
 Middle–aged adults that care for generations
above (parents) and below them (children,

if we see a sandwich generation, that starts to emarge . so as you age yiur parents aslso age. and if you have childrent you are also taking care of a little human as well. so if your parents are aging at a more pregrasive rate, at a more faster rate. you may need a caretaker or a caregiver, but you also takingcare of 16 and your 10 years old . that a lot of work, so at that pont before assistent leaving these indivals tent to eprense alot of stress and tipiclly women are plased in this rule more often then a men espeshilly when are are not working


______% of US marriages end in divorce.
