4.8 Flashcards

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middle adulthood

40 to 65, a lovey time in the beganning of your creccer, starting to go to the doctore for memagram for conopres and at the end you get to retarer

so the 50th birthday in very imporant in us culture, we see the peak on the cerrer, we see the higest promotion level, maybe you make it up to manegemt or company orgenzation. sfo, or you just have alt of retarment, your 41 k is very nice or teacher reterment is very niice or back to school.


middle aduithood

children leave home, if indivals do have chilrent. when we think about phsyical changes in the state of life vesion is going to start to decline


Physical Changes: Vision

vition is going to start to decline, they use reading class

accommodation is the ability to focuse on the retina. so if you knodice your parents and gradparens are consently reeching for redars, glasses. that is very common because they evenchilly are going to start to screp very small thing.

this is because our eye is changing a little bet


Physical Changes: Skin

 Epidermis less attached to dermis
 Epidermis and dermis in water
 Results in wrinkles, looseness, and

our eperdermace becomes less attached tp the musily fiebarance undertone of the skin, which is the dermance . that is were hare paretecals are , blood vesals leave the skin, fat and tessose leave the skin becomes more ferm, as our eperdermince that top layer of the skin becomes less attached, then we get renclary. we also lose water contant in the dermace, eperdermace . so are skin get much drayer. we want to delay renclues and that moyster loss .

so for celeberties there maybe presure to look young . look budefual espeshilly presure toreds women in this regard . so we have a huge indestry related to you plastic sergry, fellers , bowtox .so that natrual aging prosses which is tipiclly for everybody has kind of been skyould . we dont want to look older


Physical Changes: Reproduction

 Menopause: End of menstruation and
reproductive ability
 Average age: 52
 Hormonal changes
  estrogen
  FSH
 Common symptoms
 Hot flashes
 Mood changes

physical changes for reproductivity, women are going to see a change in there ability to reporduce, so menapots is the end of menestration and the end of reperductive avelebility. avrage age is about 52 years old and women face pertty crazy hormon changes as there reperductive system kind of shote down . common system include hot flashes and mood swings . there is also other conferment systems, somtimes wate loss or gain, sleppnessnss or erability .



 70% of US adults
marry at least
 Average age of
first marriage

tipiclly in middle age ,long term cometed partnership become more common. about 70% of us aduit are marred or have been marres at lest once, and out age of first marrage have been changed gematicly over time. so if we compare 1950 to 2022 the age of marrage rise.

so when we first get marred the age of first marrage that is much older now then it use to. in the 50s there was women about 20 21, for men it was 24 and for 2022 for women is about 28 and for men is about 30, so we kowdist two things the age gab is stringging by about 2 years and the age of first marrage is incrasing by 7 or 8 years

this is happing because of education, or socital standers


types of marrage

Types of marriages
Traditional Marriages
Egalitarian Marriages

the traditional marage is the men soal brate wener, or the higest paid. hear women may still work, but they tend to do more of the house work, caregiver.

in egalitarian marrige, the goal to have an eqaul share responsibility. so if you have childdren, doing a trate off, so for example ill tack them to school, you pick them up from school.



 45% of US marriages end in divorce
 Risk factors:
 Infidelity
 Money
 Substance use
 Poor problem-solving
 Low education
 Low SES

divorce is also common in middle aduithood, middle age. around 45% of us mareges end up divored. and there is alot of risk factores, like infidetity,money is more imporanet relate to devorce and infidetity, substance use, poor problem solving, and then low education and low SES, are also contrebuting, but a conterpoint can be, so we may see that the divorca rates are higer in these indivials, but we also comparing how how many are still marred, even though there relashionship is unsadefactory.

so for how education we may not think there is any option for us in terms of cerrear or diffrent life stayle, maybe kind of content maybe kind of conten to stay in the marrage that we are in, we dont see another option, or what was expected of us.

with low economic states, SCS- you may not have the option to get a devorce because financhilly it does not make any sens.

for example a step mom before she married my dad for a long time her and her kkids lived with her ex-husbent, so even though they were seprated they could not get a devorce , because they could not eforded, they are could not move out of there duplex home, they were not in that romatic partnersship they were in that romate type of thing . so they could not do anything ealse because they could not effore to. so you have to think, what is difecult about the devorce, cort feas , layers , and costety, layers are not cheep.


Childless Couples

20% of women 20-44 are childless
 Similar satisfaction to those with children only if
voluntarily childless

70% of US
adults have
 Average age of
first child
based on 2021
data – 27

this is becoming more common, if you herd on the term, due income no kids, this is a rising fenaonemon within the menemal generation. so up to 20% of women ages 20 to 44 do not have childen if we think about women who are volintary chiless, they do want to have kids , they are not happy with kids, they are as just as satifide then ay other kids indival, at least in term of life golas, or there overall life satefaction .

if a women is invetory chiless and cant efford obortion, that were we see the satafcation rates dep a little bet a little bet. maybe not be able to have, what is expected to have , or seeing what other people have is what you wanted is pertty diffecult, but for indevils without kkids is not a morly corapt idea . and in some social conversation or social cercals that may ssem kind of crazy,how do you not want kids, they are the soul resones or living,. for some people that is the case to wating kids them, but if you dont want them there should not be any prasser to have them just because it is a more duty as a humean .

up to 70% of us aduits have kids and the avrage age of the first child based on 2021 data is about 27 years old for all mothers. so in the 50s was arount 21 to 22.

so we see a delay in childbith and that is realed to women agecation, and the avrage age of first marrage, so the older you are to get married is more likely you are to have kids after


Couple with Children
4) Couple with Teenagers

Average cost
of raising a
 Not including
a college

so for coples with kids and tenagers , we avrage cose in rising a child not incuding a college education is about 233, 610.

from 0 to 18


Launching Children

Shift in marital relationship
 Positive:
 Greater time
 Financial security
 Peak satisfaction
 Negative:
 Few commonalities
 Increased divorces
 Early & late divorce brings greater

 Role of gathering family for celebrations and
maintaining close family communication

when we are lanching chilren, later in life there is a sheft in marital relations tipiclly, it can be positive or nagative depending on the strature of that relashionship . tippicly we see more time, just for these indivials to be there middle age self, more cruses, more vacations. finachil secaraty and keep satefaction , those are the good part of lanching your kids. once they are out of the house you get to go back to your normal life

nagative factores, if your relationship middled over time, you been more focused on your kids, then maintaing that relashionship , maybe there might be not communalites with you and your spouse were they use to be. this may lead to devorce, when we see earlyer and late devorces that is tipiclly childrent cary the most strass and the aduilt is expresing the most stress.


Launching Children


there are some indevuls in the family that is the Kinkeeper. so they bring everyone togther, when it is most imporant. so holedays, funers, graduations, baby showers. and the kinkeeper has resourses, you have a house , and community.


) Family in Later Life

 Sandwich generation
 Middle–aged adults that care for generations
above (parents) and below them (children,

if we see a sandwich generation, that starts to emarge . so as you age yiur parents aslso age. and if you have childrent you are also taking care of a little human as well. so if your parents are aging at a more pregrasive rate, at a more faster rate. you may need a caretaker or a caregiver, but you also takingcare of 16 and your 10 years old . that a lot of work, so at that pont before assistent leaving these indivals tent to eprense alot of stress and tipiclly women are plased in this rule more often then a men espeshilly when are are not working


late adulthood


in later aduithood you are are reaching retarment , you are also decreasing in your strength and in your health tipiclly.

so healthy aging is a really important idea to talk to with your parents, or talk about with your parents , or with your grandparens, what do they want in there retirement year,.


Physical Changes: Audition

Steady decline
 Especially for

in term of physical changes older focues have a hart time hearing and that is because slowly over time we are less able to hear high frenquences so our adeshion declins. and it might exselarated when you are a musition or you are constecy around loude meshenary. there is assesten tecnology you can use, like hearing adides


Physical Changes: Reproduction

 Decrease in
 Testosterone
 Sperm volume
 Sperm mobility
 Difficulty
 Attaining an erection
 Still able to father children

World’s Oldest Dad!
Fathered children at 94 and
96 with wife in her 50

in reporduction this is were msles start ro decline. so from the time bo reachers man sexial mecherty they can foster children up intal death, but it may be diffecult in older age, because we may see a decrease in testostrom the sperm sperm valuum and spream mobility. but ticnelly they are reducing sperm upuntal death, there is also deffeculty uptaning and maintaning interaction, but it importantto know that any man can foster chilren, so long as they are herdar


Alzheimer’s Disease

Form of dementia (neurobiological disorder characterized by deterioration in mental functioning)  Impairments  Memory  Reasoning  Language

we see is much more common in older ages speseficlly around 75 amd 85. this is a form of demencha and demencha is a nerol biological desorder charecteised by a genral degteration in mental funcshing. so we lose memory, which is a common simtom, there amprament and daly funcshoning , reasoning, langueg, faical understanding as well, alot of people with altimers get wasp, so they dont really know were they are, they might dont remeber were they and you can till ficially . it is more common is women compare to men. and in terms of developing this desses, you are more likly to develop it after 75 85 years old.


Alzheimer’s Disease

 Characterized by
 Neurofibrillary tangles
 Amyloid plaques

in terms of what is happing in the brain. there are neurofibrillary tangles and amylold plast that starts to build up in our brian structure. so these are desruptive in many ways, they may desrup neron segnaling and they are also deterating the nurons themslves. so these tawol protes imbeted embroyed protens are acting in simler way in were we saw cross detentraly, so as we age our protes start to compin togther. so data proen compin togther to cause desroption tau protens boind togther and effect those nurols in those connections


what is Dementia

it is a result of phical deses that damages the brain, everything that makes us who we are strateges emotions, our hopes are feelings are draven by this.

there are not in to much pain but they can put themselves in danger by acsedent


Chronic Disorders and Disabilities

Chronic disorders  Long term conditions  High blood pressure  Arthritis  Heart disease  Osteoporosis  Dementi

people that exprince desebility has they age. so some individuls have decebillites in there younger ages, that is eclibital, but we do see desorders influancing decebility as we moves forward, so high blood presure , hart deses etheprodes and demanch. it is imporant to konw a specturum of how much desebility influances daliy living . so in the contacts of a desorder like multiple desporosis, which is another gate desis were milies shet gets to detarided on miland norons produsing fire and capasity, which will be those truchers. so as you age ADLs progressess you atart to move alot when you are slower, your cognestion is alot slower. so tippicly that progration goes from you are able to walk normilt to using a walker to walesheer, over time your body deterades so much that it is no loger sestance funshing


Leading Causes of Death

<1 year: Congenital anomalies
 1-44 years: Unintentional injury
 45-64 years: Covid-19, Cancer
 65+: Heart disease

leading case of dath for older forcuse is hart dessess, but also looking at 45 to 65 middle adulthood rang which is cancer and covid-19. covid 19 was much more influanchil to the middle to older age population compare to indivals to younger ages . we see it effected older body sructure then younger body strucur .

so thinking about these to prevent hart deses smoking is responsible, or ither living chooses are nessary health to alcohoal consomtion and the rise obesity conrebuting to hart desis


Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Basic ADLs
 Self-care tasks necessary to live alone
 Bathing
 Dressing
 Sitting up
 Eating
 Instrumental ADLs
 Shopping
 Cooking
 Housekeeping
 Paying bills

what can you do athomisly, alot of people can do there own ADLs on there own, so bathing, moving, around, seating up and eating, dressing theselves, going to the bathroom.

but as we age we might need with instrumental ADLs , it may be harder for us to go to a groshry store or cooking, keeping the house clean, and paying bills. we tent to get slower overall and less adept in remebersing all the things in tine


Long Term Care

Retirement communities
 Assisted living communities
 Nursing homes

depending on the indivials abilities and there daily activils, they may or may not need extra support, in that case it is important to descuss long term care care for the aginging indevils,. retrements are grate option for high funcshoning healthy aduit, who are in that 65+ age range.

assistet leaving communites are a little bet diffrent, this is wereindivilas may still be high functioning in terms of congatiive abilites, but they may have phisical desebilites that maybe assistent or they may require assistence.

narsing homes are used when the indivials has really segnafict medacal needs along side of there ADLEs . so they need support in mutiple factore in life. there can also be terd in a way revelent to end of life