4.7 Flashcards

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Physical Changes: Peak Performance

in our 30 our peak preformace in indrance tepiclly we are able to do texsing activities or longer. we are also better at eam ans stedyness, for basball players, gofers, these are important


Adult Cognition

In adulthood individuals begin grappling with
¤ multidimensional evidence
¤ contradictory evidence
¤ universals
¤ facts behind beliefs

in our earlyer like 18 and 20 we are starting to think a more cohesive logical, motaidevetinal problem, onece your brain is eatqwept at 24 to 25. you are able to grable with these pig question to solve a big problem, but little problem are solved vert effechintly. so we are thinking about complex setuations, we can upserve evedince. spme evedence is motie demetinal, some is condtertery, so we can start to asses, so even though we can assess blink contrict blink . i can still form some kind of communication, this is why we have adulte that are serving as jourye s, they can hadel or lesson to, they are going to take in arguments from prasecution and events. from those aregument they are going to pre-form, some sort of logical cohsive conclution about wather or not this indivial is gelty.



we also looking at universal facts behind belefs. so hear we talk about mortal congnation. so what is somthing that you know to be kind of universal. ill treet other like you like to be streeted

and then were does your belefs come from, so that maybe questioning relagetin, and questioning for knowlege base based on wather you majore in this feld. if you beleve life development is an important class that maybe because of your expreance learning about factial bases of these all difftent time periolds. the sientific peraiode behind all of them



when we are thinking about cognation we are also intering this epestemic cognation prosess. so we are reflicting on how facts and belifs ideas are acwaerd. so in these case if you get information from a class, that information is proberly embaded over and over across time there is some sort of requirment about the stats you are learing or the facts that you are learning, they may be improven over time . but if you are seeing a tiktok, black lead to blank or blank cases blank without a whole lot of information that is not the best face thing, orthe best idea thing. edeshnilly you may reflict in older age in how you develop your relagious belifs system , or you learn how that changed over time, maybe you as a kid you really thought that there was a potentional santum. but as you get older that belef may change


dualistic thinking

due listic thinking is kind of a starting point epistenic cognation and this realte to moralet as will. so in that stage of mortal thinking in this stage of aduilt thinking we are looking at two options, right or wrong, and good or bad obedinice vs punshment.


relativstic thinking

what is right depending on the thinkers opeion,


commitment within relavistic thinking

Personally satisfying perspective that synthesizes



so say you lesson to a freind who has has gone to chless and resived a horable case of food posening, if you are in the duelistic thinking mood, you would say chlise is offal, you can go there.

revistic thinking might be okay chelly might not be my healthest option maybe there is some risk involved there, but i still like chelles, so we might have diffrent exprense with tradial meals.

comedment within that revelistic thinking

okay hey i know some people bad chilles before, i know there is a risk, it is a risk i am wealling to take because i axsept this risk

so stage by stage we are reflicting on how we think about the world


Increased pragmatic

Accept inconsistencies
 Use logic to solve real
world problems

pragmatic thought is also increasing as we age. we are going to except incstices and use logic to solve problems.

for example, you can think about it is totally going to be the case by the time you arean duilt, i would have a house , will i am an aduit now, and i am still resting, so that is an inconseticy that i you can except, maybe i will have a house someday, but it is not the quite timeline that i would have a house. so how would i solve this problem, will i can start a bajet, but i have to make that bajet around what my expectations are, do i have to build something new, i have to factor in building cost, land onership taxes, or do i want to buy a house that is aredy here. it would be nice to have to have a house aredy there, and i would just have to deal with the taxes, but if that house is cheeper what is wrong with it, is it honted, is there ploming or aer contion.

so we have to logicly think though big problems


cognitive-affective complexity

increased cognitive-affective complexity
¤ Coordinating positive and negative feelings
¤ More aware of own and others’ emotions

we are also better adept in regnazing our own emotions and other peoples emotions. so when you are suprized that is acconimation of fear and joy, hopeful.

if you are rightchess or you are expersing righchesness, you have an error of joy but you have anger under right that. a person is teling you to go work and they are agry about it.

estesive there is a punch of joy, despare is a panch of sadness,

heatreat is a mix of fear and ager

are emotions are contax face, so how do we condenate between our positive and nagative emotions


social life

intimacy vs. Isolation

so within in out aduithood out main foocuse intimavy vs isolateion

intemacy is not only related to romatic relationship, but it is also related to the freinships that you make. potinchilly the network that you make related to work

isolation is the backside of that, you feel alon, so our main goal with erecsion is wather or not we find meaningful conection.

so some pig quistion that might exset in early 20 or 30.

is am i going to be alone for ever

or if you go trough a brack up is this it for me, im done this is the only relationship ill ever have.

or if you are in a ralashinship you would say grate this is my forever partner.

so these questions come from interactions with big relashionship


Single Adult

About 30% of US
adults are single.
q Dating preferences
q 18-29yr Men are
single in modern

about 30% of all us aduils are singul, so is not the majority , but you have to conser the age that you are including here, so all us aduilts 18 all the way to 99, depends on how old you are. and teplicly once you reach a certain age or common to be a longterm pathnership or a fear parthership. so you have to look specificlly at the age brack down, so for men 51%, for women 32%. when they are age 18 to 29. and hear overall ages 41% of indivals are singal.

datind prefraces very , we see that depanding on infent megadems and not megademis, commeted non comted,

we see there is alot of people are i dont know, i down protenchilly commeted relashionship if it works out other wise i am just henging out

we are need to look at this despoportion amount of men who are singal in modern uneran . vedio game, there a chinge in highworn, you are sacard to settle doen

into why women are singual is that singal moms.

the more educated women are the less likely they are to be in a parnerhip, so we see higer education women and they are peeky in who they want to marry and who they dont want to marry .

it may be harder for men to date in moder erreor. depending on the dating apes you are using, or going out in person to meet people, potenchilly the behavore that men are using to try to date are seeing as creepy or prentory , but if you also look at how women are dating . some of those behavores may over lab but there is a diffrent proception for man . women can also be peaky at this point, in where they have other option then to just get nirred


single aduit

so why are young people sengle

/ alot of them are saying i am not into it right now .

more important pieoraties right now, that can be school, that can be getting you bad.

i like being single

and just besy

in the 1950s that would not be the case, you want to fit in , when the social norm of that time were find a parner quickly, have kids quickly and rise that family, now we have alot of options that are avelible to anybody.

if we look at gender relation LBGT is also involved in it as will


new couple

Sternberg’s triangular theory of love
¤ Intimacy: friendship
¤ Commitment: dedication
¤ Passion: sexual desire
¨ Balance changes over time

this is a gate way to conser relationship

so there is a balence in aany relationship between intemacycomidment and passtion,

intimacy is how much you like that person, do you see them as a friend. this does not only exset in your patnership, but it also exsite in your reglare frienship, how close you feel with that person.

comedment is the delacation to the indevsual or relashionship, that conects to frenshio to, that common relahinship as wil. the term exclusive is just you an that other person or a marage a two by two or one by one partnership.

passiant is sexual desire, that may incompase the relashionship in a smallporation or meam oiration, kind of depand on the indivals. we know that the balence and the types on these relashionship change over time. so the relashionship you have in college, much be more diffrsnt in a relashionship you have in your 30s.

your longterm relationship is much more diffrant then you intemacy, then when you were cashilly dating.


new couple


¤ Couples in a sexual relationship that live together
without being married
¤ 12% of couples living together in the US are not
¤ More likely to
n separate over 2 years
n divorce if they do marry

this is common or relativly common ecwipt for copales so thses are indivilas with sexial relaships that live of coples living in us that are not marred togther that are not married, so about 12%

it is incrasenly common with the cost of living that let socital presser to be marred before you live togther. when we are looking at outcomes people who cohapit are more likly to seprate after that 2 year park, they are also to devornce if they do get marred.

so why might outcomes exsite, there might be a low amount of commemt


in that vedio we are talking about the 3 overlaps




when we look at constent love, that is a little bet harder to find, those layers , may not meet up the way you expected them to, based on holowed btralis, but it is likely to have diffrent kind of relashionship over the corse of your life time. you may expreans a more romatic love when we are younger potanchilly, or when you are oder in a mare effect conract potenchilly.

companet love we see with older copels, maybe that sexal part of relationship is not imporant . is more being with each other in that long term place

pashen love comement and passion, but maybe not intomacy. there not a whole alot of like, they are commeted in some wayere sexial things are in the middle and