CHD Flashcards

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created 9 months ago by kiol223
updated 9 months ago by kiol223
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Avoiding or modifying risky behaviors is the most effective prevention tool true or false
a. true
b. false



Those with HIV who take art and get and keep an undetectable viral load of less than and get and keep an undetectable viral load of less than 200 copies still pose a small percent risk for transmitting HIV to their HIV negative sexual partners true or false (lewis 224)
a. true
b. false



What type of program would the healthcare provider suggests to a patient with HIV who has high risk behaviors?(Lewis p.224 EBP)
a. Partner program
b. AA
c. HIV for dummies 101
d. Behavior change program



A nurse observes a nursing student educate a patient with HIV stating "tell a patient with worried about HIV is



the new nurse who just started working on a pediatric floor knows that ASD, VSD, and PDA all have what in common?
a. inc. blood flod to pulm arteries
b. Dec blood flow to pum art



a nurse is assessing the knowledge of a nursing student, she may need to re-educate them when they state "tet, tricuspid atresia results in.."
a. inc. blood flod to pulm arteries
b. Dec blood flow to pum art



the nurse is trying to determine the severity of VSD in a pediatric patient what diagnostic method test is she most likely using?
a. US
b. ECG
c. ct
d. chest xray



Significant interactions with Arts occur with over-the-counter drugs such as
a. Antacids, proton pump inhibitors, SSRIs, herbal therapies,
b. Antacids, proton pump inhibitors, certain types of Supplements
c. Antacids, proton pump inhibitors, certain types of Supplements, herbal therapies
d. Antacids, proton pump inhibitors, certain types of Supplements, SSRI



A nurse is educating a client on their new medication cobicista. The nurse knows the patient understands the medications purpose when they state...
a. "I shouldn't take this medication at the same time as my other HIV medications"
b. "I should only use this medication when I'm actively engaging in sexual intercourse"
c."this medication doesn't directly affect my HIV"
d. "this medication works by binding to CD4 cells and inhibiting the ability of HIV to attach to the cell"



The nurse is reviewing the best preferred approach to preventing opportunistic diseases, which of the following is the best approach?
a. vaccines, education and regular yearly screenings
b. Triple prophylactic therapy, CBC CMP and Elsa assay
c. Adequate art vaccines and disease specific prevention measures



The new graduate nurse who works in a community clinic knows that preventing transmission of HIV can be done with this comprehensive HIV prevention strategy to reduce risk for sexually acquired HIV infection and adults at high risk
a. Preventative retroviral Entry Pharmacologics (PrEP)
b. Prevention & risk Education Practices (PrEP)
c. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP
d. Primary retroviral education and prevention PrEP



A person who is living without HIV is prescribed antiretroviral tenofovir DF in combination with emtricitabine what is the best course of action by the nurse
a. Educate the client on ways to reduce high risk behavior and a non -accusatory manner
b. Notify the hcp and suggest lamivudine
c. Question the patient using inclusive language and therapeutic communication about when and why they were prescribed this medication
d. Inform the patient with a calm educational demeanor to rinse with a gentle alcohol based rinse if they experience any white patches in the mouth and continue taking the medication as normal



Nursing diagnosis for the patient with HIV may include risk for infection lack of knowledge difficulty coping and...
a. Anemia
b. Mods
c. Impaired nutritional status
d. Ineffective thinking



The most effective healthcare strategies for a disease as complex as HIV is...
a. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
b. Community outreach programs and prophylactic pharmacological therapy
c. Abstinence until marriage and supplemental chastity belt
d. Primary prevention and health promotion



a client worried about acquiring HIV ask the nurse can I receive HIV from drug use what is a nurse's best response?
a. Yes you can acquire HIV from drug use
b. No you cannot acquire HIV from drug use or needle stick injuries
c. Yes and you can acquire it from alcohol use
d. No you cannot acquire HIV from drug use.



You were working at a community clinic when a patient Admits they cannot stop using drugs but they still don't want to acquire HIV what is the best response (Lewis,p. 224)
a. Eliminating drugs is the best way to prevent acquiring HIV I'd recommend na
b. Avoided sharing equipment with others this will help eliminate your risk for acquiring HIV from bloodborne pathogens.
c. Needle and syringe Exchange program
d. Cleaning your shared equipment in sterile solution or boiling hot water



A woman comes into the clinic and says that she desires to have a child she asked is this possible
what is the nurse's best response
a. Yes but only if you have HIV counseling
b. Yes but only if you access voluntary HIV antibody testing
c. Yes but only if you are on optimal Art therapy
d.all of the above



The OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires all employees to be screened for HIV false a blood test
a. true
b. false



What is the current guidelines recommendation for normalizing HIV testing decreasing the stigma related to testing and finding hidden cases getting infected people into care and preventing new cases of infection ( Lewis 225)
a. Standard OSHA STD screenings
b. Universal voluntary testing
c. STD voluntary testing
d. CDC STD screenings



Which statement made by the patient demonstrates their understanding of Antiretroviral therapy? ( Lewis 225)
a. "ART is relatively affordable, so I shouldn't have problems getting my medication"
b. "my anxiety has significantly decreased since I started art because I know that it works for everyone with HIV"
c. "I'm not worried about side effects because I know I'll stick to my treatments"
d. "there are some barriers to obtaining and complying with art that might put me at risk for developing drug resistance"



Upon receiving report you learned that patient in room 6 has cryptococcal meningitis and keep saying he needs to go home and make sure he takes the potatoes out of the oven what is your most important concern regarding the patient(Lewis 226)
a. Ensuring a steady flow of humidified O2 via nasal cannula is in place
b. Obtaining abgs
c. Keeping the side rails up and making sure his call light within reach
d. Performing a Halo test



Upon receiving report you learned that patient in room 6 has Pneumocystitis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) and keep saying he needs to go home and make sure he takes the potatoes out of the oven what is your most important concern regarding the patient(Lewis 226)
a. Ensuring adequate oxygenation
b. Obtaining abgs
c. Keeping the side rails up and making sure his call light within reach
d. Performing a Halo test



Okay so in regards to antiretroviral drugs you're going to want to follow these instructions when teaching the patient or caregiver to decrease the risk of developing follow these instructions when teaching the patient or caregiver to decrease the risk of developing resistance which is a major problem in treating HIV infection I have a Jolly Rancher in and while the sounds annoying it's better than my dry Mountain Sounds okay one discussed options with your hcp to find the best regimen for you easy done to know the drugs you're taking and how to take them like some have to be taken with food some might need to be taken on an empty stomach and some cannot be taken together some might need to be taken on an empty stomach and some cannot be taken together these are things that you for sure are going to want to teach the patient so you'll have to know that and then you'll have to teach them and help them figure out the best regimen to follow this therapy and we'll get to that in a second all right take the full f****** dose as prescribed and take it on got them time and if there's like a side effect or a problem okay that is so valid I and if there's like a side effect or a problem okay that is so valid I get it like there are some meds where it's like you know you take them and they immediately make you feel nauseous and you're like okay f*** that I don't want to take anymore you have to report that to your hcp have to have to because okay I won't go I won't get on my soapbox but next thing is take him as prescribed follow the rules simple to the point. Don't stop taking one of them and continue taking the rest of them and be like no it's fine like that one was making me feel sick anyway but I'm taking the rest of my meds it's not like that all the meds together equal one man and that's the best way and take this out I'm just like Jesus Christ? Okay again you can't take one of the meds tell your doctor immediately don't take any new drugs without checking with your doctor he like this you know triple therapy or art therapy is all like think of it as like a hair shampoo that's tailored to you like that curology brand where you go on you take like is your hair wav hair shampoo that's tailored to you like that curology brand where you go on you take like is your hair wavy is it straight is it really is it dry like this is your regimen that is specifically for you and you're therapy these medications hair shampoo that's tailored to you like that curology brand



You're receiving report on a patient newly admitted to the rehab unit he's 68 year old male who had hip replacement 3 days ago the nurse giving the report casually mentions oh by the way he has AIDS can you believe that an old man like that has HIV how would you respond
a. Yeah that is pretty curious since older people are at lower risk for getting infected with HIV
b. I don't think it's professional to talk about his diagnosis and we should refrain any further comments outside of his care
c. Well I don't think it's professional to talk about a patient in a stigmatized manner I will re-educate you and say that Currently there is a high rate of older adults infected with HIV due to the fact that treatment has been effective and reducing death from HIV from treatment has been effective and reducing death from HIV from opportunistic infections and people 16 older are being infected at increasing rate and expected to grow
d. I don't know you should Google it



Missing a few doses of Art is okay as long as you double up your dose and continue taking your therapy as scheduled true or false? (Lewis 225)

b. false



Promoting healthy immune system whether the patient chooses to take art or not May delay the progression of HIV true or false? (Lewis 225)

a. true
b. fale



In regards to early intervention after the detection of HIV infection what would you assess for other than symptoms opportunistic and diseases
b. Contractions
b. Anemia and excessive bruising
c. psychosocial problems
d. onset of new tick and treors



When it comes to delaying the disease progression for a patient with HIV useful interventions would include maintaining
a. BMI 30%
b. H1C above 6.4
c. lean body mass & adequate nutrition/vitamins &mineral
d. Assessing interpersonal crisis or violence related to psychosocial behaviors



When will your hcp test your viral load after you've started art therapy
a. 1 to 2 weeks
b. 2 to 4 weeks
c. 4 to 6 weeks
d. 3 months



A patient wants to know how they can have sex with their partner who has HIV and remain safe they are aware of the fact that abstinence is the clearest way to reduce transmission of HIV but they still want to be sexually intimate with their partner what advice can you offer(Lewis 224)
a. Oral, sex, fingering, and rubbing is considered safe sex when it comes to HIV transmission.
b. Your partner and you could attempt mutual masturbation, where both parties engage in solo masturbation together as a means of pleasure.
c. Insertive sex, as long as you have a condom, is considered a safe sex activity.
d. Showering before and after sexual intercourse can ensure safe sexual activity



Which diagnostic finding indicates HIV in a patient
a. High CD4 cell count
b. Increase WBC count
c. Decrease blood glucose
d.Increase cholesterol and triglycerides



retro sternal pain is considered what type of subjective Functional Health pattern
a. Cardiovascular
b. Respiratory
c. Cognitive- perceptual
a. Activity- exercise



Objective data is assessed by the nurse and HIV is most likely suspected which of the following is not included in objective data?
a. Hyperactive bowel sounds
b. Hepatosplenomegaly
c. Rectal pain
d. Harry leukoplakia



A patient with HIV would patients infected with HIV generally show Finding such as hyperglycemia thrombocytopenia neutropenia lymphopenia anemia altered liver function, what other finding might be missing from this statement
a. decrease CD4 cell count
b. Scoliosis
c. peptic ulcers
d. Increased RBC



The window. Most tests to detect HIV infection is about how many weeks (Lewis 219, diagnostic studies)
a. 1
b. 3
c. 2-4
d. 2



when text is formatted like this it means that I need to complete this note card: Vaccines needed for the patient with HIV or to prevent HIV



About blank after someone becomes newly infected with HIV the person typically develops acute HIV infection where during this. Have mononucleosis like syndrome of fever small lymph nose sore throat headache mal aise nausea muscle and joint pain diary and or diffuse rash some people have neurological complications such as aseptic meningitis peripheral neuropathy facial palsy or goalie bear syndrome

a. 1 weeks
b. 3 weeks
c. 2-4 weeks
d. 2 weeks



The nurse knows that for HIV screening she needs to collect what from the patient
a. Semen and blood
b. Blood and saliva
c. Blood and Urine
d. Semen urine and saliva



A patient in the community clinic has developed recurrent pneumonia and cytomegalovirus a nursing student asked the RN "does this mean that they meet the diagnostic criteria for AIDS outlined by the CDC?" (Lewis 219, table 14.10)
a. Yes,, you are correct we should also assess them for CD cell can't below 200 and opportunistic cancer such as carpozy sarcoma or burkitt's lymphoma and a loss of 10% or more of ideal body mass
b. No, because the patient has no indications or diagnosis of HIV to be diagnosed with AIDS a person has to have HIV and develop at least one of four conditions that is outlined by the CDC
c. I'm not really sure I'm on my break
d. You can call IT and ask them to help you get a meditech password so you can look at their chart.



The higher the viral load the less active the disease
a. yer
b. nah



Opportunistic infections include bacterial fungal protozoal and viral
a. yeet
b. Knaurrrr not quite



Cervical cancer is considered an opportunistic cancer that if someone had HIV and cervical cancer they would meet the diagnostic criteria for AIDS
a. yes chef
b. chef i dont know if you like the dish or not



Wasting syndrome is defined as a loss of 15% or more of ideal body mass (lewis 219 table 14.10)
a. uh huu hunnyy

b. thats that shit i dont likeee
