4.6 Flashcards

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Sex: Influencing Factors

adeleson sexial adetudes/ sexual behavior

Factors that influence sexual behaviors in
¤ Peer s
¤ Ethnic gr oup
¤ Sex exposur e (i.e., TV /inter net)
¤ Religious beliefs
¤ Child-par ent r elationship
¤ Impulsivity

what is most influtional for adeleson for ingagig in sexual behavore is the list

so we are thinking peers, there is alot of cosep about what is going on . who is doing what, and who and were, and why. so all of that communication and influnce, that peer presher behavore.

ethnic group and socital economic stadies. women are desproposhnarry eddected in those areas

sex explosher, the more that you are seeing sexaluly charge on tv, internet the more likely you are to think about or start to ingage in those sertin behavores,

relagous belifs are important so depending on if your secelor or religous you are abuse sex belife is really diffrent from the opsit person

how close you are with your parents is influactal, you have a good relationship, but low communication. that can effect how you are veiwing in sex is diffrent . if you have a poor relationship and poor communication that will think about sex or ingage is sex,

impoulsvity, we do know adelason are far more imposive in there children and aduilt counter parts. we talk that about that abonch with the stop light game. adleson are very sensitive to reward because there reward pathway there living system is more muture then there pre-fontal cortex, which is there brack system or there infshen system. si the samefindings we see with peer prasher and the impulcity influnce with the stop light game we see in adlesons sexual behavore as will


Sex: Social and Cultural FactorsSex: Social and Cultural Factors

Social and cultural factors

Heightened exposur e to sexual content in media

there plenty of western and indivuglisted media sorses that hypeing our explosher of our sexial content. you can also think about macsens, facion indestries and what is into books.

so what we are consuming has increase in its sexcail explocity.

the relasionships is a big part of it, the ootfets, sex drgs as well

so when we see an increase in explosher, thats also going to increase in behavore. so we do know the more sexial content that is one waches, the more they are to engage some sort of sex behavore. that can be anything from


Sex: Social and Cultural Factors

Social and cultural factors

¤ Limited infor mation about sex fr om par eSocial and cultural factors
¤ Limited infor mation about sex fr om par ents

50% of individuls have not talk with there parents closer to 40 to 45 % of individuals have talk to there parents

when we talk about the social coversation around sex. alot of time for tenagers, this is were we have conversations around school. sex-education is reqired in some form of faction in the k-12 education tepiclly it is implemented in the middle school year and somtimes in high school. even in 2008 years around 96% adleson in the US poplulation is resiving some sort of sex education, regardis of gender. and we can see those tran lines are manly about STI 's, how to prevent HIV and a little bet about sex, so this may have been changed based on pre-report data, as will as birth control that may have beel the lowest year that may have incrase in 2024.

at home we go from 0 to 100 to 0 to 80, so there is a low gemastic lowring in how how much information parents are getting from there parents

the only section that femals are beding out males here is how to use a condom, that makes that make sens for the males in content.

first we look at victismition level, then how you protect yourself, women are being told to wite until marag.


Sex Education & Communication

Parental Perspective
¤ Teen -paren t
con vers ation s about
s ex are on ly effective
at reducin g teen s ’ risk
behavior when
paren ts ’ match their
mes s ages about s ex
with their teen ’s
◼ developmental level
◼ sexual experience

Teen Perspective
¤ Teens might
avoid talking with
family because it
is uncomfor table
¤ Many teens ar e
awar e of big
messages (delay
sex, pr otection)
◼ But less is said
about dating
r elationships,
consent, etc

looking into the consederation between parent and children. when we talk about how to re-duce sexial behavore. when we are talk at the perant to the child . what is more effective for redusing teen pregnacy is maching there coversation around there developmental level and around the level of sexial expreanise. so as a parentd and this is there developlental level, they are 12 years old, they are just hitting puperty and they are just trying to servive, but there is sexial exprense you may not know at all and you may not be confrable asking about it , your tenn might not be confrable ansewring. depanding on how you persead sexual behavore that may not be that coversation open for that indivial, but it is really important to mach what you are talking about , so that you know what information to give to there humer.

so if we look at sexality communication expriment, so we are looking at time 1 and time 2. so parents are asked to start a conversation with there teens about about s.

teen preseptive

Most teenagers receive formal sex
education before they age 18 (~96% of
female and ~97% of male teenagers

teens are avoding talking to family because of that confront zone . why do i not talk to faimly because that is acward 41%

then we have a nagative reaction this iss about 20% of the time . if you dont feel confrable disclosing sexial incury because your parents are highly relagouse, or they have high expectation of you, or they have some mortal jugment around sex, it makes it hard to open about those question

we also know lots of teens are awar of fack messages when we are educating teens about sex, when we are why we are delying sex why we do we wite in some content.


teen preseptive

Most teenagers receive formal sex
education before they age 18 (~96% of
female and ~97% of male teenagers

teens are avoding talking to family because of that confront zone . why do i not talk to faimly because that is acward 41%

then we have a nagative reaction this iss about 20% of the time . if you dont feel confrable disclosing sexial incury because your parents are highly relagouse, or they have high expectation of you, or they have some mortal jugment around sex, it makes it hard to open about those question

we also know lots of teens are awar of fack messages when we are educating teens about sex, when we are why we are delying sex why we do we wite in some content

we dont know alot about being carful in relashionships avoding peer prasher, these are less talketive.

we see formal sex education i school around 96 to 97% of the time for us teens. most of that we see that exsite arould middle school time, so 6 to 8 grade . 9 grade to hinger is a little bet less but is more frquint 1 to 5th grade, you may have interduction to sex in 5th grade

this is tepical when we look at tipiclly fedary funded school at least to some extent, somtimes schools are not funded enough to go trow all of those topics or there shool bord detation like that depended were you live. but we want that nostly comprahives, but we also have abstence bolding , that are very common in texas but also along the south, were isravebills exsite, absenice only sex A, it looks at absantnce only as a coract way to incounder sexaual issues sexual expration . is a way to senser alot of information about just genral health topics, and isted it is looking at apsence onli idea were there going to save you for marage.

thos does not change the out come of how often teens are having sex ,by end of high school about 17 or 18 about 60% males and femals who have sex at some point.

so weather you are getting comprahesitve education or abstance only base education tipiclly these numbers stay the same


teen pregnacy

U.S. teen birth
rates have
declined over
 Increase in

we are seeing a decline. how much we see teen pragnacy is a problem, but if we think back to the early 2000s. with this big media about teen pregnacy came out when teen mom came out, and my life is liz. alot of activity shows cover teen prgnacy in that case fear around that this is going to happen to you around those aspects. but thinking about the chgecterly about teen pregnacy with the incrase in education, or comprahetive the apsence around the reagen, and that cocsputry use, so women being on birth control more often, pracsing self sex, talking about hetro sexuial relations. when we are thinking about how often that occures is high but it is not high as it used to be.

if we add grads and SCS, if we look at rates. so we do see non-hispatic black hispanic women, they are more likely to exprense teen prahnancy, so this could lead to a number of factor

SCS is a factore, so less resouces, less acsses to reperductive health, means you have less acseess to conserseptions depending.

and less educational, the topic of your school, is just using an absence case of educational system because they do not have enogh funding to go into all of the spesifics. but we do see a small change from 2017 to 2018. for those women we see it is increasing a little bet, but it is despropertshint for non-hispatic white conter parts, so there are spesifices that effect women in pertecular and it increases in birth rate,


Contraception use

for U.S. teens,
contraception use
increases with age
 Gendered differences
 Lack of contr aception
at younger ages
◼ lack of meaningful
◼ unrealistic about
◼ sexual exploitation or

we do know contraception use is increasing over time. we also see gender diffrances exsite. so at younger ages we do not using controception that muc, likely we do not have alot of information about it yet . so tepiclly 14 or younger you are tpiclly in middle school or below. so you may not reach that sex education start . so in that case you may not know how to you condom you may not know birth control exsiste.

youger adelesons are unrelastic about there consocunses. so there not thinking that it might happen to them or they may not know the consequnces are.

and then the sexial exportation, or afusive is important to high light so espeshilly for females who are not using consetription it may be a result of not knowing not having educatioal resouses, but potanchilly having an oder partner who somtimes does know about these things and chooses not to tell this indival, in that case they will put them in a riskey posetion and is powering and control posation which can be prodmatic.



Chronological age
 Age in years
Functional age
 Competence/performance
 Physical
 Psychological

chronological age

how many years you been on earth

functonal age

is the competence /performance level that you have, so this can grade physicly you may be more incomptant, that you are in a sens that you have an ilniss or deseas, crontic disorder desibiity. but phcologicly, incondeveiclly you are running with the best of them.

althernitively you might be really fit, you walk daily, you are active, but you get demata, so there phycological cogntative decline, so evenchilly phisical declin as will


 Primary aging vs. secondary aging

prrimary aging vs. secondary aging
 Primary (healthy/normative) - Inevitable biological
 Secondary (pathological) - declines due to heredity,
disease, or environment

prrimary aging is what we expect, helthy normative genral decline in our vagens, it is just an anabile biological chnage . so everyone will get rencles and sunpots and fracules, there can bee a sheft in metablisim when they get older, but normal, it may slow down a little bet, but you can still be very active, and healty when you are agining.

secondary aging or pathelogical ageing relates to a decline based on your prepraty, a desess or the envaroment, or acoundation of all of them. so prementy you may have an incrase risk for desis so alot of time peremity and diseas may over lab when we are looking at canser rates, if you have a family history, the doctore wants to know about it, so they may look for wornning sighns of early onsetsof cancer, and then e

envorment is also is very impportant,

biologicly there aging should have as similer if not the same chgecterly but in this sacondary aging compont. there is a diffrance based on there envarment. so what you choose to do, or where you choose to live can influnce your age .


Theories of aging: DNA & body

Biological aging
 Senescence - the condition or process
of deterioration with age

DNA & body cell change.......tissue and ogin change

biological agining is part of senescence which is the condition or the process of deteroration with age. so as we get older are body changes as a resuit of celler change our DNA also changes a little bet . what ever changes is occuring that is going to empliment our tissues and our orgens,


Theories of Aging: DNA & Body cells

Genetic aging
 Theory 1: Aging is associated with telomere
shortening that occurs with each cell division
 Programmed effects of specific genes

the first periode that is going to evolve around genatic aging that is part of the biological aging process is the most widly expected, so aging is geneclly associtates with telemer shortning . telemers are little caps on the end of your chromosoms and they are there toprotect the chromosoms during cell devation,

during age cell divetion these telomerre shorten a little bet, so the cap get smaller . the more they shorten the more we age.


free radicals

Genetic aging
 Theory 2: Free radicals destroy DNA, proteins, and
 Oxidative damage to cells and tissues of the body that
arises primarily because of aerobic metabolism.
 Cumulative effects of random event

this idea states that as we age, as our body start to change, as it start to eculate, our cells are going to loos imporatent voleculs in this gase electrons. so when these electrons fall out . they are called free reteclas and they start to bounse around looking for another mulical to get attach to. when they hopping around they are causing oxsedated dameg or stess and they tent to steal from other cells. so as they are stealing from other cells that will cause aqumlitive effect of aging.


life expency women live longer then men and tippliclly indexstral are high level of education. indestraliztion see it, they live in a longer period between andeleson in term of aduithood rules



early aduilthood

Emerging Adulthood

18 to 40, early aduilthood tecniclly. tpiclly we see aduilt complet there education they are coming imployed in there caresers. alot of people inter a long term relashionship, and some start a family. these are big markers in in aduit in life



Ginzberg’s Career Choice Theory

Stages of career choices
 Fantasy period (lasts until late childhood)
 Idealistic, based on appeal, not abilities



Ginzberg’s Career Choice Theory

Stages of career choices
 Tentative period (adolescence)
 Greater practicality
 Realistic period (young adulthood)
 Exploration of career options through experience



Physical Changes: Peak Performance

vesible changes we are at our peaks of preformance level in our 20s relating to speed strength and cordnation.

so when we look alot of profftional athleets they are tepiclly younger, they are drafted petechilly in high school and college


Career Development

ncreased narrowing of possible selves
Career Development
Attend college?
If so, which college?
College major(s)?