4.5 Flashcards

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How do opposite and same sex friendships change over adolescence?

Peer Relations


Disclosur e:

incr eased disclosur e to friends and significant others

Decr eased disclosure to parent

when we are talking about adelesons henging out with each other. that is very common. they are talkink alot more to there freinds then they are talking alot less there parents


we also know close freindships are going to be important so we got cremate structure. so close frinship and crowes, so this is tipclly your best freind or someone you chractersise as your best friend. in these mutral relationship we see atonomy cowapration, we also know shard freinships an belefis and asprations.

for best freinds they are tipiclly craking is the same social stadise, so if you are both poplular, then you are in a sens of close of that way, or you are part of a group. if you are most avrage, conservtual

the more similer you are as people the longer lasting that frinship is.


peer groups Cliques

 Close peer gr oups w ith 5-7 member s
 Similar in backgr ound, attitudes, and values
College clique
Girly clique
Trivia clique

these are groups that you have with 5 to 7 members .

these fouces are in similer background values and intrests, you might meet these people in college or meet them in work group as will. and you might be in diffrant kind of cliques



or ganized gr oups
compr ised of sever al
 Based on r eputation
and ster eotypes,
adolescent self-concept
 Repr esents multiple
facets of a school social
str ucture

crows are ushilly orginzaed comprased of servral groups of people. so we can have many plases in croweds tepiclly these are based on repersintation and seterio type what you are involved in at school, what is your social concept is like. so over all these groups are going to repersent diffrent fasteice consuptial contex. track team, band time. you mightnot know every one is this group but you are still a part of it.


How do the lengths of romantic relationships change during adolescence

What are some effects of early dating?

rating relationship

 12-14 year s: br ief
 16 year s: aver age dur ation 2
year s
 Few r elationships last post-
gr aduation, but it is possible to
have a high-school sw eethear t!
 Early dating (<12-13 years
old) linked to
 Dr ug use
 Delinquency
 Poor academic achievement

Relational Abuse can be much mor e subtle - conveyed
ver bally r ather than physically.
 Emotional abuse, including pr essur e to be physically
intimate, shar e inappr opr iate photos or have sex , may
occur befor e the fir st violent act

dating also emrag in adeleson year. so as we age and start to interact with people around us, ealiplly there might be some fiting early or romace or interation.

when we talking about early age relationship 12 to 14 anything at this age is pertty bref, we are talking a cople of week noting serious, by 16 we see a pertty lurge incrase in languge desperation in relationship, so on avrage people are dating for 2 ish week. people are dating 6 mouth or year somtimes 4 years and we know in few relashionship may make it past the high school year, but for megorety of people who you are dating in high school is not the first one you end up with, but the concept of high school sweet hart is still revelent, it happens for some people

when we are thinking about early dating, in that 12 to 14 age somthimes younger then 12. we see these relationships tippicly atract with prodmatic outcome spicificlly to drug use, detinquency, and lower academic achivments. so in this case we see relaionship A kind of constract from genral reqiurement for needs, so are we in school extra curulur. when you focuse on relashionship all those stuf goes out the wendow, your premeary goals is to stay with this person . and in somtimes in these early age relationship we know that the younger the individual is tepiclly pared with an oder indivial at lest by 2 to 3 years, so in that case the peer presher to ingage in acsendent that one may not compremy, espeshilly related to sexual, but we also see it in other social contex


Conversations About Dating

Relational Abuse can be much mor e subtle - conveyed
ver bally r ather than physically.
 Emotional abuse, including pr essur e to be physically
intimate, shar e inappr opr iate photos or have sex , may
occur befor e the fir st violent act.

dating in tegage years, we know that patters of dating starts young and can traspire into aduithood, it is really imporant to bring healthy reletiop into ideas to tenage brain.


relational absuse

bringing is relational abuse we tipiclly see for individual that have issues with relationships moving foward troghout there life speseficlly ierment volice or dating volince relational abuse starting very early. there is presher to be intement, there is presher to shaere inoproprate photos or have S, and so this this all counts as relational influce, even if it is not a volint act, so alot of times these event happen before any sort of phiscal act.


dating matters

it it a comprhasive modals that repersent that fouceses 11 to 14 years old. the modal incudes 7 componets, youth program provide middle schoolers with a knowlege ans skill they need to have healthy and save relationship.

parent programs which gives parents with a positive skill interaction and communication with there children

a traning specificlly desigh for educatore to help them understand the risk factores and warning sighn of teen deating volince

a youth focuse communcation program that reinforses teen provetion mesages from social media let by high school led imbaseres.

free compont to build a community level. to build copacity of conberhensive provestion

identifiying and chrack deta on dating volince

inform moble policy

as we are intering into these parnerships, it is important to keep an eye on them as an aduilt in this setuation


Conversations About Dating

Abuse Behavior s
 Ex erts control over
par tner’s activities and
 Ex treme jealousy or
 Isolation - teen no
longer hangs out with
fr iends or family, only
their partner.
 Intimidation / short
 Belittling/putting down
their partner
fr equently.

 V ictimization Behaviors
 Fear of partner
(especially for physical
or sexual violence)
 Anx iety at social
gatherings – under a
w atchful eye of partner
 Considering life outside
of the r elationship /
ending the relationship
 Feeling hopeless, down,
or depressed.
 Low self-esteem

so starding with behaviors are chrateised as potecilly abusive, when we are in exerts control over the parners activety or companions we are telling our partner who they should be with or you are seeing someone telling them that.

that also goes with jealousy and possesslvenes so this is just more then just a base line of sens of jelosy. this can get potenchilly wide depeding on the setuation if someone at the groshry store if someone put there hant on your showder , you partner parner may see that and corapt.

isolation goes with that control behavore, so in the fure they would like you to have you for themselves, so they will take you away from what you used to, close family relashionship close frednshipes and that can be deatremichal for that person iselation. they will feel like they have no other person to trun to but this person who is somtimes good somtimes bad.

intimidation and short temper as will as brlittling or putting down your partner. gree, easily if you are interacting with tjose people in a reglar enverment. so taking them out to eat, seening what there doing, overhearing there conversation. this does not just atract to teen relationship it also atrach to aduilt relationship and alot for indivials who exprenss this kind of snose they expresed it before


Victimization Behaviors

Fear of partner
(especially for physical
or sexual violence)
 Anx iety at social
gatherings – under a
watchful eye of partner
 Considering life outside
of the r elationship /
ending the relationship
 Feeling hopeless, down,
or depressed.
 Low self-esteem

fear on a partner of the partner who is really pravlent espeshilly if there pysical or sexial abuse. so that fear can be also alveious for social setuation

anxiety in more sarrld in these social context. so for those kind of uder these wachble eye , they feel very hesetend to do anything out of ordenary. they may dont want to talk to you alon, they would want to have there partner present when there chatting , is that observation of that partner that crates axsity of that indivial. if you get this indivial alon they might be conseding what life will be like without you, it is very dengrouse idea because they dont know what is like without this person or they cant expect how this person may feel.

somthing relate to interlazation feeling hope less, depressed having low self-esteam not feeling out you can get out it you are helpnessness tired in this class, that the feeling you try you cant get out


helthy relationships

What constitutes a healthy dating
 How do we talk to teens about dating and
 Topics like consent, dating violence, healthy
 Grandma Advice - “How do you feel about
yourself when you are with this person?

how would you as a teen be more reseptive to coversation about relationships. what would you like an aduit to talk to you about if you talk to them about your own relationship.

it is very imporant skill to try to know were your tenager is espeshilly were you see some red flags, but if you are just looking out for how there relationship is gentary doing, you can have alot of green flags too. so how does your partner make you feel? so helpful suportive kind, where as you know i feel like there is somthing wong with them, that is more red flag aproch

just having lessioning ear will be benefial

how does your partner make you feel


At what age did you get a cell

late elemertry or joner high/ middle school, so thinking about genral trand in sell phone moter sheft we know that we are getting phone when we are getting older and we are getting phones over time. so compare to 1980 vs now there is alot more middle schoolers and tengers that have acsses to there own phone, not the landline at home.


cell phone,

ell phone ownership
 Incr eases with
◼ Age
◼ Time

when we are talking about tenagers taking with one another with tecnology.we know that with instend message communication they are constently using tecnology and we know tenagers spend around 9 hours a day on there phone.


cell phones

 Fr equently use technology to communicate
 Spend an aver age of 9 ho ur s a day on the phone
 Pew Resear ch Center 2015 Repor t:
◼ 24% of teens say they are online “almost constantly”
◼ 73% of teens have a smartphone
 Pew Resear ch Center 2019 r epor t:
◼ 45% of teens say they are online “almost constantly”
◼ 95% of teens have a smartphone

in 2015 only 24% of teens are online almost constently , that trastilclly changes in 2019, where it dubbles were 45% of teens say they are online contently. and sell phone onership we also dematic increase from 73% to 95% ownning smart phone.