4.3 Flashcards

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List some domains that show cognitive gains during adolescence.

 Inhibition
 Processing speed
 Processing capacity


How do these gain relate to problem solving?

 Strategies
 Metacognition
 Cornerstone of scientific
 Cognitive self-regulation

Development of the
pr efrontal
cor tex supports complex
pr oblem solving


identify and describe cognitive limitations/biases during adolescence.

 Imaginary
 Believe ever yone
else is looking at
 Personal fable
 Feeling special
and unique
 Difficulty with
rational decisions
(especially when


What are some changes that occur when kids transition between schools? And what are some
effects of these changes

Elementary → Middle → High
 What changes?
 School
 Social groups

School Transitions
 Elementary → Middle → High
 Effects of these changes
  grades
  self-esteem
  motivation
  problem behaviors
 Competition
◼ Gr ades
◼ Ex tracurriculars
 Less teacher support


What are effects of participation in extracurricular activities?

Associated with a number of positive
 Higher
◼ Gr ades
◼ Self-esteem
◼ School engagement
 Lower
◼ Dr op out r ates
◼ Depr ession
◼ Delinquency
◼ Substance use


How does multitasking affect learning?

 Completing academic task while
 having the television on
 listening to music
 texting
 Multi-taskers
 have greater difficulty
applying information to new cases

it might be harder for you to apply what tou done before to somthing new that is asking you to do a similer task

for example in her states class, the big idea that they cover is hypotesis teastin, so significant vs not significant. if you for some reason missed that class or became destracted with that class, you may have diffecutiy later on in class in implaying that kowlege into the T-test, so you have been fergetting or maybe not incoding the information, that is presented to you, because your braiin has alot of commucsating couses


How have high school graduation rates changed in the US since 1910?

Graduation rates in the US have improved
substantially since 1960

in the us our gradutation rates segnifictly increase we are up to 90% of indivilas resiving as a high school deploma, compared to 60s 41% were getting an high school deploma


What US populations show the highest dropout rates?

Drop out
rates are
highest in
 Low SES
 Minor ity
 Males
compar ed
to females
 Dropout rates differ across the country
 Lighter states > dr opout
Post-Elementary Considerations

when we think about school after elemetry ages we have to conseder droup out rates. this are going to stedy increase as kids get older, but it is more pravlent for serten sercmstansis.so espeshily when we see low economical states for some indivilas, manority individls and males compare to femals, those are all predicters of high school drupouts, when we are thinking of low economical stadice why would someone drup out relate it to there imcome life.

for minorety youth that might be blated or founded with that low SES, that could be something that atracts in the certain area, so in that case maybe those students are being met with the same resouses as kids there in high SES school destricts.

males compared to femals. men preform to drop rader then get there education.

we see women getting there education higer rates men espeshily in college classroom

just thinking about diffrences that exsit in who has acsess to high school education even if it is a public school and free for everyone in the us depending on were youn live and the school system that you are apart of. those resorses deffer from school to sxhool, and there aditudes that are prevlent into diffrent family groups. if you come from a family that is educated, they would say education is a big pinpont you should be in. if you come from a family that does not pieorties education very much, but there just doing just fine, maybe that shapes your vew around education, will i dont need an education, i can go work good money


How do dropout rates in the US compare to other countries

Dropout rates differ across the country
 Lighter states > dropout

the south is potenchilly more rural there is more agrecuture, there is more indistry.

in rural areas maybe education is not as high on the list as joing a trade or joing an indestry

in the north east area we have alot of city centers that are importent toamerican culture, if you think about washigton DC, new your city, and big university seters too you got boston, harvert. so it is very dence and education focused area, in were the south is perticlly known for there poor education system, pertically relate to state bujet. so in texas if you do not alecate resorses equily to education system same thing for loseana, messipy gorga.

we do know that there is a diffeance is funding in northen states compare to suddern states as will as social economic condetion


Graduation Rates

Graduation rates differ internationally
 Lower in United States than other industr ialized nations

we are still low is graducation rates compare to other contries on our high school graduation rates or sacoundry education


What does Erikson identify as the central conflict in adolescenceWhat does Erikson identify as the central conflict in adolescence

Identity vs. role c onfusion
 Cr isis: Figur ing out futur e self
◼ Values
◼ Dir ections
◼ Goas

this is our time in finding out who we are, time of diffrant task, doing diffrent things, before we have to make some identy comidment,

so figerimg out our future self, what are our values and what derection do we want to go, what is our gols .

maybe you want to explore diffrent relagens if you are only used to one relagion, maybe you want to try out higer education if you liked school.

everone is life tragectery looks a little diffrent depending on the choice you make around these structures

your values at age 16 are diffrent then today


How does self-concept change in adolescence

Understand the self as situational
 “I have a fairly quick
 “I am an organized
person at the office, but
messy at home”
 “I am sociable with
friends but shy around
people I don’t know very

in adelesions we are viwing self as seturational, reder then in early childhood we viwed the as self as metrial so assosating in what we look like , what we have in middle childhood we assosset ourself with other people. so comprativess, i am faster then you but i do not as quickly math problems as students in my classroom

in adelesons we are egnologing our flewarinty in this sens, so as contex changes are expretion change are self-estem change, so pertechilly you can have a quick temper, maybe you are orginaz at the office, but you are messy at home. so those are two seprat context. socialble around freinds but shy around people you dont know.


Identity Development:
James Marcia’s Identity Statuses

Early adolescence: I dent it y diffusion, foreclosure, or
morat orium
 Late adolescence: I dent it y morat orium, ident it y
achiev ement
Identity Diffusion
 No firm commitment to an identity
 Not exploring or making progress on identity

how do we crate our own identity or how are we going to select something we are commeted too

james marcias created some of these diffrent commesd vs explation idea arund erecsion identy vs role of confution stage.

we have fasts we call to, and there all diffrent based on weather we exprented yes or no or explore diffrent idinties and if we made a commendment yes or no. in early adeleson we tepiclly see difution more aclortion and more atoriam.

and then later adeleson we see adetoriam and achivments, that may attrack with early aduithood as well.

when we make commedment and you explore thats achevment explore and if we have not made a commedment and we are no exploring that is confution


identity diffution

we are not commted to an identity and we are not also exploring, so that is kind of feeling perplice. you dont have perplice

in this case we are not thinking about who might we be in the future or who we are right now steking to the stdice quo.


Identity Foreclosure

Firm commitment to an identity without

earn limite to your idenity, but you have not exlore anything elase, so is like you have a one track mind. this or noting


Identity Moratorium

No firm commitment to an identify
 Making progress on identity formation
 Exploring options

moratorium is no firm commedment to anything perticlar, so not nayling down an identity right this sacound, but you are making progress in your idenity formation so you explore diffrent options trying new things, perticipating in diffrent clubs . with motoriam we are seeing kids with diffrent faces, so if you have a emo face that may not be you today, there might be resedent in that. if you try football and then glee club . and the glee club was calling modertriam is an acurate describtion of your identity esploration


identity activment

Commitment to an identity after exploration
 Explored different opportunities based on
personal decisions

it is commted to an idenity after you have looked at diffrent opoertunites. we do what to give people acssess to what is like to be teacher, is there a student teeaching program before i do my inter colleg degree at this school.

peranting is an important factore in choosing who you want to be. based on how supportive and demading your parents are, those diffrent pareting styles it may influce to just pick somthing right off the bat or or you have more options to look at multiple paths.

we see more idenity forclusher when children have oppetrian parents, they are strect parents, demading with high expectations. high expectations are good but in this case we dont have the support pumper that expectation .so you may feel that oh no if i miss up i am relly scrode.

when we have more authoritative pareting style we see those kids explore more often, they leave the nest a little bet sonner and they tent to deal with fayler in a better way . they know they can come back from there flailer it it grates the growth mindset.

your own behavior is important so you like to take risk or not, is moving to a diffrent city acurate for your persenality , your agsity level, mental health levels, how you feel stayle vs change.

soceeconomic states is huge, so historical contex . you got resorses to support what ever avenos yyou want to support

what about your lower SCS what do you have to do ested of explorig. work support fun thing setain thing yourself or others.

and historical context, think about what is expected in your families so if you have a family that is havey in trade and you go work for law fern, or a carpernder.

or if you have a more treditional family structure, maybe as a women you are expected to have a family , that may not be in your goal at that time point or maybe never


When Antonio is asked about his plans for the future,
he says he might want to be a lawyer like his mother.
However, he is continuing to explore and learn about
other professions. Antonio is displaying characteristics
of identity
A. Achievement
B. Diffusion
C. Moratorium
D. Foreclosure

C. moratirium


Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Judgmen

children between the ages 6 to 10 tent to juge udenatory right or wrong tent to focuse on rules and consecences intention are consetly neglicted

in middle childhood childern are only beganing to question the laws and rules consedering the impact on intentions are mortal desetions

when you see those young kids vs middle school age kids you a more setuational oproch in contex . they are saying will you could steal the drug but if it does not work. all of these are really important in looking at the responsis, of your answer is, it is really baed on your resoning behind that answer. to see were you are at this tregectery


Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Judgment

Moral Dilemmas
 Focus on r easoning, not r esponse!
 Levels of moral reasoning
 Preconventional reasoning
◼ Ex ternal r ewards/punishments
 Conventional reasoning
◼ Standar ds set by others
 Postconventional reasoning
◼ Per sonal moral code
 Stage 1
 Focus: Punishment and obedience
◼ “If you let your w ife die, you w ill get in tr ouble”
◼ “If you get caught, you w ill be sent to jail”
 Stage 2
 Focus: Tit-for -tat, per sonal benefits
◼ “If you do get caught, you could g iv e the drug back
and w ouldn’t get much of a sentence.”
◼ “It w ouldn’t bother you to serve a little jail term if
you have your wife back w hen you get out”
Preconventional Reasoning
 Stage 3
 Focus: Ex pectations of and r elationships w ith other s
◼ “No one will think you’re bad if you steal the drug, but your
family will think you are an inhuman husband if you don’t”
 Stage 4
 Focus: Maintenance of social or der /systems
◼ “Heinz should not steal the medicine, because the law
prohibits stealing. “
◼ “In most marriages you accept the responsibility to look
after one another’s health and after their life and you have
the responsibility when you live with someone to try and
make it a happy life”
Conventional Reasoning


Preconventional Reasoning

which is tepical for 6 to 10 years old. and here we are focued on reword or punishment, right vs wrong


Conventional reasoning

Standar ds set by others

we are starting to pay attention to what social norms are telling us about morality. so is it mortal to brack the law, alot of time is what socity tills us that braking the law is bad so no. so there is some socital structure that is postaring our opeon about what ever mortal delemo that we are facing, so there is some sort of order to socity. a majore part in humean expreans is being conformaty, we want to be a part there is safty, in this case the convetral reasoning is were alot of people fall. so this will track to our 11 to 17 years old as will. convetional may start a little bet later in early middle childhood. it is going to exsit in adeleson years and