4.2 Flashcards

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How do rates of risky behaviors differ in children, adolescents, and adults?

we know that adelsons are more reskey when they are with there peers and this atracts the mice. so if we give a mouse a glass off wine then that adlesson mice will drink that class of wine, easpeilly if they with there mice vudy, they are going to get more drunk with there frind compare to when they drink alon. aduit mice do not drink alot of alcohold but junavral mice drink alot with there frinds. and when there alon junaval mice drink tipiclly more then aduit mice, but they are not more secificate when they are with there peers.

we can crate the hypocrital game and but them in the FMRI scander. the whole pont of stop llight game is test adelesson and aduits ability relate to self-control in a stop light game, the whole objective is to get all though these stop light as quickly as possiblt with out carshing, you are esanchilly given a cople senaro type. while paying that game resargens are monotoring there brain activity and what is really intersting is that when you pare atelession young audits and aduits adelessions are making a tone of resky destions and they are crashing more often and this happen most friquintly when resarges desive the partecipany and till them that there friends in the other room watching how there preform on this solf light game

so just by being told that your frinds are waching yo. it result in secnificly amount of resky behavore and the gative outcome. this does not track with aduilts nor with young aduilts

so why is this happing.

adelesions grader activation in what called a ventral
str iatum. and this is out gas system it tills us to go. is part of our reward pathway which is coprsed with ventral
str iatum and the emecela, but these are very responsive to emotional stemlight or very respostive to reward based stemilgiht. in this case what is rewarding is peer interaction , or peer feedback

and then what is not working is the pre frontal cortex, which is our brack system this is are self-control, problem solving, thinking ahad structure of our brain and we know that it is not quite develop at this time at adelession . it takes until our 20 to make that fully developed.

when we think about lateral procosetal cortex almost almost non going on this adeleson groups, lots in the aduit group

ventral striatum reward bathway tons in adelasuins espeshily in peer groups very few in the aduit group. likely we see diffrances as what is to seen as cool comparese to aduilthold.

perticipant who show the gradest ventral striatum activiation, so the gradest reward activation show the lowst resetance to peer influnce. they are not able to reset peer presher.

the proberly of a negative outcome is anywere 60 to 80% likely same thing STI risk they are think about 60% of time.

so they do understand risk, but they do not have cognative control. so as we age that connative control become refide as our pre-frontal cotex develops

so if that pre-forntal cortex is delayed the reward pathway ventral striatum ampgdaia are mechring earlyer, so you have a gas system before you have a brack system

when we thinking about brain development and riskey behavore all of this is accoring when we have a senstive and risky period when our limpic reagen or reward regen are more active and matrure then our pre-fontal regin


Brain Development and Risky Behavior

but is we showed kids tenagers and aduilts hyg stak of money put them in a scaner and showed there ventrum stradum activation, the reward activation, we see that tenagers are much more intrasted in that stak of money


What is the best current theory
about adolescent risk taking?

B. Adolescents ar e mor e sensitive to r eward than childr en
and adults
C. Adolescents do not have necessar y self-contr ol skills

B. Adolescents ar e mor e sensitive to r eward than childr en
and adults
C. Adolescents do not have necessar y self-contr ol skills



May be due to a delayed sleep-wake cycle

when we are thinking about adelesion sheft labies. it sheft from childhood to the delay phase or delay slepp, so adelson get sleepy late a night so 11 or 12 clock and there tipplical wake up time will be 9 or 10 am just to acounte for the full 8 hourse along with there tipical sleep, but when we talk about school start time that is tepiclly esant traking along side that adelesson cycle,. we see tenager are sleeping more during classes or feeling more tired based on there sheft in there behaviors. so adelson are the only times persiod that this will happen.

earlyer childhood we see sleep extend into that 8 houre period we still sing 8 to 9 houre adelsion somtimes a little bet more that is normal and then for aduilthood we are sleeping a little bet earlyer and waking up late


psychopathy adelson

one of the most common we see from psychopaology is depresstion and depression stages very so in expresen mind depressive symtomes those may last for a cople of weeks or you might see pro-long cronic depression that is itermind througout the life span, but in adleson when we start to see the on set becomes very ovuious and it is chrectrized by depresive food or erabetry. so gentry feeling down or unmotavated tired.

foucs with depression have also decrese in constrations, so they are a hard time paying attention and, in adeletion that means in school students have a low grade avrage and student teacher invoment.

and we also see changes in apetight which crospont to chanes in wight, some indivals tend to lose other indivals eat to feel confrated. sleep is also effected so with a presentaion depration we may see focuse who sleep more often, longer then 10 hours. and we are thinking of moteple sleep period.and then activity levels that loss of motavation that lost of intrest relly influces everthing. and then when depession get really prodmatic, when it becomes we see a soicadeltion in teagers or they make planse for soicide.

socide is the tom morality reasons for fouse og age 12 to 24, to 30 to 32 and then you have acsend, socide followed by homoside.

so thinking about adwlesons emotions and prosessing this is very important to conserder because aadleson are not super rational. they are rader emotional. so if there any hint of socital sitation it needs to be adessed very quickly because it can snow ball out of people

when we see Diagnos majore depressive episodes in adeletion we see a redy stedy inresce 12 to 17.

we also look at gender rate, we see a femals are repording more segnafecate depresive episodes then males.

there is no findimintal base line dipression level between males and femals, but why are we seeing trand, this is because men are not self reporting or seeking treatment as women, or they are not identified as need trament as often as women are.

women are repording depresive syimtymes more often compare to menn, but that not mean that men are not expessing segneficant depessive episodes. and sicide are the leading case for men significanty up to 12 to 30 as will

samething when we are loking at the life span we see that femals are reporting depressive depretion more often then males and we see ages 40 to 59 are higest repert of depresstion


What about eating disorders

women are the most comenly effected by eating desorderbut it does not leave men out, we know that men expresnse eating desorder behavore but not as common as women


Compare and contrast bulima nervosa and anorexia nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa
 Symptoms
◼ Eating binges, followed by use of
compensatory behaviors (vomiting,
laxatives) to avoid weight gain
 Prevalence
◼ 1 - 4%
 Anorexia Nervosa
 Symptoms
◼ Intense fear of gaining w eight/ being fat
◼ Ex treme food r eduction
◼ Body w eight < 85% ex pected w eight
 18 times mor e likely to die than people in their
age without this disor der !
 Pr evalence
◼ 1-4%
Eating Disorders

this is chratersized by eating venches, so eating alot of food at once, this is based of junk food or treet food and then inorder to vwaking vwaking compensatory behavore in needed these can be anything that are related to expeling the food that you eat. so vomiting,
laxatives, bulimia and exsetive exsersis.

so fouces with bulimia anarosa are persing perty quickly, after they eat, so some worning sighns for that are constenly chking there catogers what there eating and looking at what they are eating. eating quickly and going to the bathroom.

in tems of popluation prafrance we see 1 to 4% indivulas repording with this desoder


Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa
 Symptoms
◼ Intense fear of gaining w eight/ being fat
◼ Ex treme food r eduction
◼ Body w eight < 85% ex pected w eight
 18 times mor e likely to die than people in their
age without this disor der !
 Pr evalence
◼ 1-4%
Eating Disorders

we psycopath alot of trate or large group anarexsia are relly hart core fear of gaining wate so spesificlly fat. and to compesate for that fear tepiclly intcak very tramticly, so alot of cheking categores, not eating certin food or cutting your dht, being nervouse talking about food and when we are thinking philelogly what the symtoms looks like the wight of the indivial is less then 85% of the normal BMI expected rate. so it need to be very significate to chrectersize the penroza eneroza, however thought prossess and patherns that can match penroza enerza before it reaches that level.

by redusing your food intact as much as intergate do, you are putting the significant amount of string in your body strucure your orgens, your ponalary system, your hart is effected, and evenchilly if you have no fat in your body to cuel your body the takes home to acumlate for that cust, so you are going to lose mussile, bone dead speed, other fuction state to desepate, you are going to see hire loss skin descleration .

prevlance we are seeing 1 to 4% here,


eating disorder Hospitalizations

eating disorder most common during
Eating Disorders
 Hospitalizations most common during
Eating Disorders
 Eating disorders more common in females

we do see they arecommon is adeleson so that 15 to 19 bare is huge copare 10 to 14 or 20 to 24.

50 indivals per 100,000. so that is a small amoute overall that is perty significant desorder eating level were they need to be hosbitlize, but is imporant to look at eating disorder as there soal factore of there hospilization vs the other incoditions that are in hosbitals for and then later they are dignosed with interasia. so we are thinking about indivials with low blood presure or really high hart rate, systim of bolic shote down orgen falyer. that is presented before someone is presented with dinosied

we see an increase from the beganing of the 19s up 2000, 15 to 24 are compareble.

wide spred midia is the reason, fasion trnd, or drug users


Bulimia is associated with:
A. Not eating to control weight
B. Not being bothered about weight gain
C. Regularly engaging in purging activities
to help control weight
D. Eating only certain food types

C. Regularly engaging in purging activities
to help control weight


Which of the following represents the prevalence
of anorexia disorder in the population?



Stages of Piaget’s
Cognitive-Developmental Theory

For mal Oper ational 11+

accoring to piaget this will last until the end of life, so the cogntaive skills that incure around 10, 11, 12 and 13 estra, tepeclly relate to our schooling.

this is to being in abstact thought into our coversation so, with premake ocupetional stage adeleson have a very eqiped in aptract reasoning. looking at the ablety of adleson to hold numbers in mind, expand on that question with alapes time stap relase in alot of diffrent ways to test adeleson.

so those apsarch and chaenging problems are due to solve at this time, we also know that adelesson are grate at imagning comment world, this is on fanacy of meeting at this time if you are into harrypother or hunger games,

so we also think about politic, at this exstra, if we think about the larger issues you may star to becom awar about it like shotings and we saw a grafic response after it with students, of thar school talking about or having coversations gun reformer in scjools. so when we start to bering in alot of these ideas, these ideas brote upon alot of talking plant and abastact

we also like to being in hypocrtical thinking so, what would it look like if you have a diffrent life or a diffrent outcome, what does a fiffrent cerrer look like, what diffrent perfotional do you have


Propositional thought

Ability to deter mine tr uth of statements just based
on logic even if they contr ast with r eality


Hy pothetic o-deductive reasoning

Solve pr oblems by gener ating hypotheses and
using deductive thinking to logically deter mine
the effect of var iables on the outcome

we have to think about if ann the hypotis statement and plan out how the test goes to logicly dermen what iflunces what. so how preple A influces out come B and at this pont we have a pental apelens, you sbing back and forth. what matters is how high you pull.

so we are looking for the outcome how howbole, what might influnce it.

so what would i hyposis hear the longer the platoma the more often with the swing atteshinaly the liter the wight the pema belong to.

iff you burn your cookies what might be the reason. the over might be to high


Formal Operational Stage

this is not universal so it is depended on school, formal schooling,

so when we are looking at grate level pre-formance on these types of rule questions, so when we saw an exmple feder vs glass and glass vs fider example when we are looking at 7th graders they are not pre-forming will 8th graders are starding to get it right by 9th grade bertty well. but if you dont have this level of schooling or you have lower grade of schooling lower at grade 7 then you may not get these right at all. is kind of diffecult to think trought if you dont have expresance at all


Propositional thought refers to

A. the ability to evaluate the logic of verbal
statements without referring to real-world