copayment OR copay
lacag bixin
the amount you have to pay every time you see a doctor---the insurance company pays the rest once you have met your deductible
EXAMPLE: Every time I see my doctor, I pay a $25 copay. If the visit costs $150, the insurance company pays $125.
cover costs
daboolida kharashaadka
pay for
EXAMPLE: I have a health insurance policy with a $0 deductible. My policy starts covering all my costs immediately. I pay only the copayment, which is $20 per visit.
isla markiiba
right away
EXAMPLE: If you can see the doctor immediately, you don't have to wait.
laga jari karo
the amount you have to pay before the insurance company starts paying any money
EXAMPLE: My insurance policy has a high deductible. I have to pay the first $5,000 of my medical expenses. After that, I only have to pay the copay. The insurance company pays the rest.
ururka dayactirka caafimaadka
one kind of health insurance policy
EXAMPLE: I have an HMO, so I have to use their doctors. I have to choose a doctor from the list they provide.
information that describes something, so you understand it
EXAMPLE: I want to understand my insurance policy. I will read the description carefully.
a group of people in different places who work together and share information
EXAMPLE: My HMO gave me a list of doctors in their network. I have to choose one of them to be my primary care physician.
lacag joogto ah
the amount of money you pay every month in order to have a health insurance policy
EXAMPLE: The monthly cost of my insurance policy is too high. It is more than I can afford. I will look for a health insurance policy with a lower premium.
the right or opportunity to use something
EXAMPLE: When I am sick, I want immediate access to my doctor. Unfortunately, she is very busy, and I usually have to wait a few days for an appointment.
good things your insurance policy offers
EXAMPLE: What benefits does your health insurance policy provide? Is it medical only, or does it offer dental benefits also?
EXAMPLE: People who are sick have high medical expenses. They have to pay for doctors' visits and for medicine. It really helps to have health insurance.
canshuur la'aan
you don't have to pay taxes on on this income
EXAMPLE: I put tax-free money into my new health savings account.
health savings account
koontada keydinta caafimaadka
a medical savings account offered by your employer
EXAMPLE: I put $200 every month into my employer's health savings account. I don't have to pay taxes on this income, and I use the money to pay medical expenses.
match an amount
isla doonoo quiimaha
pay the same amount
EXAMPLE: My employer offers to match the amount I put in my health savings account each month. I put $250 in the account and my employer also puts $250 in. This is how I save money to pay my medical expenses.
set up
(verb) to start (an account for saving money)
EXAMPLE: I set up a tax-free health savings account. I can use that money to pay future medical expenses.