4.1 Flashcards

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our HPG acssess which mealis hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. we have verias hormos that are treggerd by this axis and hormos are subsetances that are secreeted by our eggs, your hypothimis is like a phose it keeps tabs on how many what are the levels of hormos are thoughout the body and it is keeping in tract of the timeline between birth and when is time for buperty. so you may of herd them say hispective that communicates derectly with to the pituitary. pituitarty sends pupertal hormos down to the gonat for our sexial orgins. so this relare goneglazing hormons and foloicalstemilate. they are what truns of P. from there gonalaying fological stemilazing hermons are moving down to the overies or testy and then those orgens will relase there own sems of hermons testrosgoal and estrigen, so it is imporants to know both testostral and estregin are realsed. but they are just at diffrent level so males tesostral and femalse are realing more estregin. and depending on the your tipiac hormonal or balnce, inbalce they may express just a reglar premortal development or diffrent premortal tregtectery

so for testotral it is realte to spermogenesis the creation of sperm, and sacendary sex charecteistic, like the depanding of the voice and fial haire.

estregen that promotes sacendary sex chareristic for femals, so brest development and phlocable gensis which esenchlly paarepar eggs for obelation

for boys and grils, when we are 18 and ready to go to college. then we see testosral for males are highist and our enstegin levels are higest.

now for the opsit hormos boys see leverity now low estrygen grils do see more testotrom then boys then estregen


Name and describe five factors that affect puberty onset (hint: be sure to note secular trends in
puberty menarche)

Factors that influence puberty onset
 Cultural
◼ Ear lier in US than Norway, Finland, and Sw eden
 Historical—secular trend
◼ Ear lier in all countr ies in 1950 than earlier years

Factors that influence puberty onset
◼ Ear lier development with
 Race
◼ Ear lier in non-Caucasian groups
 Stress
◼ Ear lier in children abused

for femals, women who are latein or african american femals tent to start puperty erliar then white girls. so over all the us start puperty earlier then the scandevational coetres. this is more likelt the us is having more acsses to faty food compenis, so is we think about fastfood over wight individals and obisity the us is higer on that compare to other contries even before fast food interduced we still see more acses to food groups. these contries had amis of these time periods of imporatnt.

and historical trand we see before the avrage on set of manarg for young women that there is sacound trend that egsist, for acenchilly over time women started there period at younger ages. so earlyer in history girls were starding there periods at older ages and now girls are startding there periods in younger ages,

the more nutrion you have acsses to the more likely you are to get sexial mechirity a little bet earlyer and you dont have to look up to that need like 17.

we also know food sourse in moder cultures in the us and other highly procssed areas we see some influce in hormona egactions into our food souces, so alot of our meat have high estrgent levels, just to produce more. those are the most influanchil

overall the agerge age on admastation has gotten younger over time, so that is esacler trend

also the puporal onset is influnce by BMI, so that relaytes to overwight and obese indivial, so higer BMI relates to earlyer pubertal development.. and for race we know that non-caucation groups tepiclly starts medestration earlyer and alot of this is looking at women, metafact aew time pont to have solt. tepeclly women remeber what age they were in when they were in there periods men long year

in stess we see gum grils who have been secially absused men are occures earlier then tepiclly developing grils.


What are some consequences of early vs. late puberty onset? Are these effects different in boys
versus girls? If so, how?

for timing when we reach pupertiy is imporatent for verias self-confendent and social markers, for boys when you mecher earlier you get taller more muscluar that ecuite to alot of positive feed back, so you may seem more more athlitic behavire grade you might be seen more actactive or self-confident and independednt

for later mechirety boys we see a much more increas in depresston and axsity, but once the late mechirity boys reach puperty we see the these effects go away, so this would not be a long lasting on there genral mental health.

for early mecherd girls there are tepeclly viewd more negativly, there is alot of influnces in the social cultltural social plathical. we see higer leval of depression in axsity and higer levels of delecwent behavore. once you heard puperty your rewarde system is pertty active, so this can lead to engaging is risk behavores. we see some influnce on admestration on how these girls look. dress code deal here. you can maybe increas your delegwent behavore for getting called out for when being a distraction. think of this contact in were does this delegwent behavore comes from and overall a decress level of popluarty that can contrupute to depresion and axsity


short mood and feeling spetion

so higer scores relate to negative feelings and mood, so we can see that before puperty, or right at pupertal onset at 10 in half everyone is linked the same wether you areearly normative or linked, at 13 years the early mechring grils are corverting to negative feeling, pusibliyy realte to there pubertal onset. at 14 years start to estite

we dont see the same trind relate to mecherity girls. this is because they are not being knowdest as much or outwold lack chericterisic. somtimes when we reach an age sexial herasment can be revlent at this age.


How do rates of emotional intensity differ in adolescents compared to their parents?

Experiencing strong
 Affiliating with peers
 Conforming to peer
 Taking risks
 Having unpr otected
 Dr iving
 Dr ug/alcohol use

adelesson are known for expecting really strong emotions, they like to heng out with there frends. they conform to whatever there frinds are doing, peer prestions, they like to take risks around new pehaviors, so sexial behavior is going to becom more pravlet in adelesson years, perticlly realte cumenoal mascnelety to. once those hormos go crazy they are terning on our sex drives, and that start to exsist in there early on years, tipiclly colers to 14, 15 and 16

and then drug use, so this starts to becom more prevlat depending on the group that you hang out with, the more acsses you have, petechilly the naberhoods you grom up with and perental controal.


How do rates of risky behaviors differ in children, adolescents, and adults?

Compared to adults,
adolescents experience
emotions that are more
frequent, intense, and
 Repor t feeling mor e euphor ic
and mor e depr essed in r esponse
to events (e.g., talking to
fr iends, being in class)
 Positive feelings do not last as
 Gener ally, mor e emotionally
r esponsive to events
Adolescent Risk: Death Rates
Adolescent Risk: Driving Death Rates

in terms of our strong emotions compare to aduits if we are giving them genral mood questioer. we see adeleson expresens emotions that are more frecwent so there happing often there intenice. so they take up to alot of mental energy and space and they are valetie this means that they change often, flacktration.

so if you ask them to talk to you about your friend, they are going to report feeling for it , i love my friend. and then if they ask you about your least favrtote class they are going to be like idk why im here , im sad all the time. so when we talk about all these reports we know that all these feeling does not last very long, not only for positive but somthimes for negative emotions too.

genary we are more emotionaly repostive to a bet.


men are dieing more often then women 12 to 19 and across auder if them we see this acward trend

by age 19 we see dath reats close to there hight.

uniational ingry makes up alomost 50% of dealth rate and when we look closer at uniational ingers/acsent we see73% of the time is rated to driving, or motor veyacle acsedent. others unational deaths are posening like realte to alcohol poseing drug overdose teawing.

when we think about aleset drug use we also know that 15-24 are persty notories for there use of drug use but eapecilly in reast years. we see a very incrase in 2008 to 2009 to 2019. we see a gemastic increase in opeused in 2000 to 2003

alcogol use in the norder arels menedosa orgen but we can look at 8 to 9% we see texas is high leweana

so when we look at alesit drug use any alest drug use. if we are ading in extecy, socologic , merewana, we see that12 graders are doing the most to 40% 022 they are doing alot in the 70s, 10 graders are cachinng up the droup is covide. when we look at alest tenage drug use, when wee look at aduits this really change alot of substance use desorder using strac up trough the pendimic alot but trough adelesstion. there not be albe to go out with there bodies, there not be able to do perties or do drages at paries.

for adeleson sexaul behavore is nt that teens are not having sex, teens are having sex its less then expected, so only about 20%of high school students are sexauly active and in that case we see some brack down male vs femals obeset sex relations and same sex relations. so in this case we got pertty low amont in eagaging is sexal behaviore, but that is more then enough so we still have to concerder are they being risky or healthy

birth control low based on hormono bitrh control, but is used about 50% based on sexaul incounters. birth control is often used by femals and condum use is used by males, but we see relativly foblolic trande in that upward connection i using protection more often in more modern years. this has alot of diffrent reasoning, we have more comprahensive sex-education we have more resorces to birth control and consprensive tecnics and we see both boys and girls are being talk to about sex more often in pervious genaration. it used to be just tords men and just towad women

