Chapter 42 and 43 flashcards Flashcards

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How do the Taylor Glacier bacteria produce their energy?
A) photosynthesis
B) heterotrophism
C) chemoautotrophism
D) thermophobism
E) photoautotrophism



In ecosystems, why is the term cycling used to describe material transfer, whereas the term
flow is used for energy exchange?
A) Materials are repeatedly used, but energy flows through and out of ecosystems.
B) Both material and energy are recycled and are then transferred to other ecosystems as in a
C) Materials are cycled into ecosystems from other ecosystems, but energy constantly flows
within the ecosystem.
D) Both material and energy flow in a never-ending stream within an ecosystem.
E) None of the choices is correct.



Which statement most accurately describes how matter and energy are used in ecosystems?
A) Matter flows through ecosystems; energy cycles within ecosystems.
B) Energy flows through ecosystems; matter cycles within and through ecosystems.
C) Energy can be converted into matter; matter cannot be converted into energy.
D) Matter can be converted into energy; energy cannot be converted into matter.
E) Matter is used in ecosystems; energy is not.



The law of conservation of matter states that matter cannot be created, yet matter is sometimes
gained or lost to an ecosystem. What is the reason for this seeming contradiction?
A) Chemoautotrophic organisms can convert matter to energy.
B) Ecosystems are open systems; therefore, matter can be moved in/out of an ecosystem from/to
another ecosystem.
C) Photosynthetic organisms convert sugars to more complex organic molecules.
D) Detrivores convert matter to energy.
E) Heterotrophs convert heat to energy.



Photosynthetic organisms are unique to most ecosystems because they
A) synthesize organic compounds they obtain from decaying heterotrophs.
B) synthesize inorganic compounds from organic compounds.
C) use light energy to synthesize organic compounds from inorganic compounds.
D) use chemical energy to synthesize organic compounds.
E) convert light energy into matter.



A cow's herbivorous diet indicates that it is a(n)
A) primary consumer.
B) secondary consumer.
C) decomposer.
D) autotroph.
E) producer.



To recycle nutrients, an ecosystem must have, at a minimum,

A) producers.
B) producers and decomposers.
C) producers, primary consumers, and decomposers.
D) producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and decomposers.
E) producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, top carnivores, and decomposers.



Which of the following terms encompasses all of the others?
A) heterotrophs
B) herbivores
C) carnivores
D) primary consumers
E) secondary consumers



Which of the following is an example of an ecosystem?
A) all of the brook trout in a 500-square-hectare river drainage system
B) the plants, animals, and decomposers that inhabit an alpine meadow
C) a pond and all of the plant and animal species that live in it
D) the intricate interactions of the various plant and animal species on a savanna during a
E) all of the organisms and their physical environment in a tropical rain forest



If the sun were to suddenly stop providing energy to Earth, most ecosystems would vanish.
Which of the following ecosystems would likely survive the longest after this hypothetical
A) tropical rain forest
B) tundra
C) deep-sea vent community
D) grassland
E) desert



Which of the following is true of detritivores?
A) They recycle chemical elements directly back to primary consumers.
B) They synthesize organic molecules that are used by primary producers.
C) They convert organic materials from all trophic levels to inorganic compounds usable by
primary producers.
D) They secrete enzymes that convert the organic molecules of detritus into CO2 and H2O.
E) Some species are autotrophic, whereas others are heterotrophic.