Exam 3- Art History Flashcards

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updated 1 year ago by bramant
art history
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-Reliquary of Sainte-Foy


-Silver gilt and jewels over a wooden core

-A monk stole her remains/reliquary because "she wanted to be in my cathedral." Bones inside, child martyr killed for refusing to pray to roman gods, thought to be touched by the divine or a portion of the divine which makes it a reliquary. pilgrimages to cathedrals



-Last Judgement Tympanum at Atun



-Fearmongering people to come to the church and pray. hierarchy of scale with jesus in center, on left side is people going to the church and getting into heaven, right side is people being tortured and going to hell for not going to church, bottom is people being resurrected for judgement day

-jesus is not naturalistic but the humans are to show his divinity



-The Appearance of Hailey's Comet at Bayeaux Tapestry


-Embroidery, linen

-Hailey's comet is a bad omen and is shown before the Battle of Hastings (continuous narrative), super flat with floating figures



-Speyer Cathedral Exterior (apse and towers)



-Burial place for Roman Emperors. Twin spires with apse for bible and seron. groin vaults, clerestory windows, big focus on building vertically



-Dover Castle



-Castle has towers/keeps for defense, crenulations at top for archers to shoot from and hide behind. Sits on a cliff, lots of walls for protection



-Saint-Denis Exterior



-Birthplace of Gothic art, Saint died a martyr's death and was executed. Abbott Sugar moved massive social classes after rebuilding, bringing prestige to the church. Lots of light, gold, precious gems, lux nova (new light, stained glass)



-Chartres Cathedral, West Facade



-Points are not equal sizes/symmetrical, rose window symbolic of virgin mary. stone tracery, represents the church's rule over the earth as it as close as one can be to heaven while on earth. cult of mary begins because she is seen as nurturing and jesus is not



-Virgin and Child and Angels, Chartres stained glass


-Stained Glass

-Mary with a crown as the queen of heaven and Jesus seated on her as she is a thrown for him, Jesus in earth tones as a child to represent his connection to earth. Jesus is a man child (homunculus)



-Royal Portal, Chartres Cathedral



-3 portals, right portal archivolts show philosophers and scholars (revival of human knowledge). Capitals of jambs have epics of life of christ and mary, christ's ascension on the left portal, christ on mary's lap. archivolts also have scenes of the zodiacs.

-hierarchy of scale, jesus has depth and is more naturalistic



-Lion Capital from Sarnath

-Buddhism, India


-Sacred lotus flower at base (presence of divine purity), dharma wheel, lion, horse, bull and elephant from creation myth. 4 lions, 4 directions roaring to symbolize Buddha and the spread of buddhism



-Great Stuppa at Sanchi

-Buddhism, India


-Symbol for resting place of Buddha and cosmic map. used to achieve nirvana and enlightenment through meditation and circumambulating. mandala



-Yakshi Bracket Figure

-Buddhism, India


-Nude female figures=fertility and abundance. the mangoes are blossoming as she touches them, sensual and nearly nude, but also has a casual and confident posture. becomes format for depicting Buddha's mother, deities



-Gandhara, The Life and Death of the Buddha

-Buddhism, India


-First Panel is his mother giving birth to him out of her side

-Second Panel is him at the Bodhi tree, enlightenment is reached, cranial bump and third eye, mudra pointing down to earth

-Third panel is his 1st sermon, gains followers, wheel of dharma and cosmic law, mudra up=have no fear

-Fourth panel is death scene



-Boar Avatar of Vishnu Rescues the Earth

-Hinduism, India


-Snake king represents conquering of earth, lots of political themes from the top rows, celebrating Vishnu for protecting the earth



-Shiva Nataraja

-Hinduism, India


-cosmic dance, destroys and recreates universe. have no fear mudra, promising liberation, movement. dancing so intensely that it creates a flame



-Mamallapuram, Durga Slays the Buffalo Demon

-Hinduism, India


-Lion, many arms (8), dispeller of evil, trident, diagonal line



-Descent of the Ganges

-Hinduism, India


-Political, possibly the story of the ganges river, not demons but a snake-like king. Nagas are the protectors of the river and represent water. animal worshipping, shiva is bestowing a weapon



Terracotta Army

-Chinese Art


-All completely unique faces and hair, all face east, and they were made to protect the king in the afterlife because they are by his burial



-Funeral Banner of Lady Dai

-Chinese Art

-Colors on silk

-Han dynasty saw peace for the first time, started with the Silk road, represents the three layers of the universe.

-top layer is heavenly realm with 2 men facing each other, 2 dragons (luck), crescent moon, rink or red sun with raven

-In center she wears a silk robe and is leaving the earthly plane

-underworld: 2 dragons going through a disc to represent sky, food and drink for those who are mourning. patterns of silk, corpse would have been wrapped in silk. textiles indicate status



-Great Wild Goose Pagoda

-Chinese Art

-Architecture rebuilt, original was wood)

-Simple and proportional, circumambulate



-Fan Kuan, Travelers Among Mountains and Streams

-Chinese Art

-ink on silk

-neo-Confucianist ideas. small travelers to elevate the importance of landscapes and their grandness, rid self of impurities to become enlightened

-Realism, spiritual communication with nature, gives sense of the sublime (overwhelmed with beauty), climax of drama



-Altar to Amitabha Buddha

-Chinese Art


-Lives in paradise on earth, sitting on a lotus thrown, flame halo, 7 celestial figures, ropes of pearls like objects of power



-Ise, Inner Shrine

-Japanese Art


-Only imperial family and a few priests were allowed inside for shinto beliefs, held emperor's mirror, no other shrine could use this design/ rebuilt every 20 years for purity reasons, dedicated to the sun goddess, 4 rows of fences. natural simplicity and no need for overdecorating



-Hungry Tigress Jataka

-Japanese Art

-Lacquer on Wood

-Tigress about to eat her cubs from famine, but Jaakata jumps off of a cliff as sacrifice, which then leads to him achieving enlightenment and becoming a buddha, abstract buddha



-Descent of Amida and the 25 Bodhisattvas

-Japanese Art

-colors on gold and silk

-type of painting that was hung for the dying with a gold tassel that they could hold, as if they were being guided into the afterlife. divine radiance, ring of light, like hospice. pure hand



-Jocho, Amida Buddha

-Japanese Art

-gold leaf and lacquer on wood

-buddha of compassion, lotus flower and joined block method. surrounded by bodhisattvas



-Aerial View of the Horyuji Compound

-Japanese Art


-More and more curved tips to the pagoda like dragon tails. reliquary, not entered



-Tassilli-n-Aijer, Dancers in Ceremonial Attire

-African Art

-Rock wall painting

-dancing comes into play, which became an important art form. headdress is symbolic of roundheads



-Crowned Head of Yoruba King

-African Art

-Zinc, brass

-naturalistic, represents royal figure. maybe part of funeral, possibly woman king because of features and it was possible for this culture to have women leaders. slight bulging of the eyes, linear design/scarification to show status



-Benin Warrior Chief Flanked by Warriors and Attendants

-African Art


-Created for royal palace in benin city. Feet going straight out, not down. hierarchy of scale for status, warrior in center is most important and established. floral background



-Mali Great Friday Mosque at Djene

-African Art


-Centers of trade and architecture, rhythmic pattern from wooden beams, ostrich eggs on top for rebirth and renewal


What is the difference between a stupa and a pagoda in Buddhism? (add picture of transition)

- stupa is rounded, pagoda is taller and pointed. both circumambulate



Mandapa= cosmic mountain



Jambs, trumeau, lintel, tympanum, vousoirs, archvolts



flying buttress, rose window, stained glass, pointed arches, ribbed vaults


What are the differences between Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals/art?

-Romanesque: return to sculpture, very symmetrical and very little decoration

-Gothic: built up and out, more space, larger ambulatories. not symmetrical


What is the role of pilgrimages in medieval Europe? how did it affect art?
