APUSH Chapter 35 Flashcards

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As World War II began for the United States in 1941, President Roosevelt
a. led a seriously divided nation into the conflict.
b. endorsed the same kind of government persecution of German-Americans as Wilson had in World War I.
c. called the American people to the same kind of idealistic crusade with the same rhetoric that Wilson had used in World War I.
d. decided to concentrate first on the war in Europe and to place the Pacific war on hold.
e. declared that the first strategic goal was recovery from Pearl Harbor.



Once at war, America's first great challenge was to
a. pass a conscription law.
b. raise an army and navy.
c. extend aid to the Soviet Union.
d. develop atomic weapons.
e. retool its industry for all-out war production.



Overall, most ethnic groups in the United States during World War II
a. were further assimilated into American society.
b. were not allowed to serve in the military.
c. had their patriotism questioned as in World War I.
d. cast their vote for Republican candidates opposed to the war.
e. served in ethnically distinct military units.



Japanese-Americans were placed in concentration camps during World War II
a. due to numerous acts of sabotage.
b. in retaliation for the placement of Americans in concentration camps by the Japanese.
c. as a result of anti-Japanese prejudice and fear.
d. because many were loyal to Japan.
e. all of the above.



The minority group most adversely affected by Washington's wartime policies was
a. German-Americans.
b. blacks.
c. Japanese-Americans.
d. American communists.
e. Italian-Americans.



In the 1800s the Japanese government drove many Japanese farmers off their land by
a. confiscating property for military bases.
b. forcing them to work in factories.
c. conscripting them into the military.
d. imposing a steep land tax.
e. refusing to let them grow rice.



In the period from 1885 to 1924, Japanese immigrants to the United States were
a. poorly educated.
b. primarily from the island of Hokkaido.
c. some of the poorest people to enter the country.
d. exclusively farmers.
e. select representatives of their nation.



When the United States entered World War II in December 1941,
a. it took nearly two years for the country to unite.
b. the conflict soon became an idealistic crusade for democracy.
c. the government repudiated the Atlantic Charter.
d. a majority of Americans had no clear idea of what the war was about.
e. the idea of allying with the Communist Soviet Union was repugnant.



During World War II, the United States government commissioned the production of synthetic ____ in order to offset the loss of access to prewar supplies in East Asia.
a. textiles
b. rubber
c. tin
d. fuels
e. plastics



Match each of the wartime agencies below with its correct function:
A) War Production Board
B) Office of Price
C) War Labor Board
D) Fair Employment
1. assigned priorities with respect to the use of raw materials and transportation
2. controlled inflation by rationing
3. imposed ceilings on wage increases
4. saw to it that no hiring discrimination practices were used against blacks seeking employment in war industries

a. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
b. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
c. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
d. A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
e. A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3



While American workers, on the whole, were committed to the war effort, several unions went on strike. The most prominent was the
a. Teamsters.
b. Amalgamated Meat Packers.
c. Longshoremen.
d. United Mine Workers.
e. Industrial Workers of the World.



During World War II,
a. labor unions declared a self-imposed moratorium on strikes.
b. unions actively combated racial discrimination.
c. farm production declined.
d. for security reasons, the bracero program with Mexico was temporarily halted.
e. labor unions substantially increased their membership.



The employment of more than six million women in American industry during World War II led to
a. equal pay for men and women.
b. a greater percentage of American women in war industries than anywhere else in the world.
c. the establishment of day-care centers by the government.
d. a reduction in employment for black males.
e. a strong desire of most women to work for wages.



The main reason the majority of women war workers left the labor force at the end of WW II was
a. union demands.
b. employer demands that they quit.
c. male discrimination on the job.
d. government requirements to hire veterans.
e. family obligations.



African-Americans did all of the following during World War II except
a. fight in integrated combat units.
b. rally behind the slogan "Double V" (victory over dictators abroad and racism at home).
c. move north and west in large numbers.
d. form a militant organization called the Congress of Racial Equality.
e. serve in the Army Air Corps.



Which one of the following is least related to the other three?
a. Smith-Connally Act
b. A. Philip Randolph
c. Fair Employment Practices Commission
d. racial discrimination in wartime industry
e. proposed "Negro March on Washington."



Big-government intervention received its greatest boost from
a. the New Deal.
b. World War II.
c. the Depression.
d. World War I.
e. the Cold War.



The northward migration of African-Americans accelerated after World War II because
a. the southern system of sharecropping was declared illegal.
b. Latinos had replaced blacks in the work force.
c. mechanical cotton pickers came into use.
d. northern cities repealed segregation laws.
e. the South made it clear that they were not wanted.



During World War II, American Indians
a. demanded that President Roosevelt end discrimination in defense industries.
b. rarely enlisted in the armed forces.
c. moved south to replace African-American laborers.
d. moved off reservations in large numbers.
e. promoted recovery of tribal languages.



By the end of World War II, the heart of the United States' African-American community had shifted to
a. Florida and the Carolinas.
b. southern cities.
c. the Pacific Northwest.
d. Midwestern small towns.
e. northern cities.



The national debt increased most during
a. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.
b. Herbert Hoover's administration.
c. World War II.
d. World War I.
e. the 1920s.



Most of the money raised to finance World War II came through
a. tariff collections.
b. excise taxes on luxury goods.
c. raising income taxes.
d. voluntary contributions.
e. borrowing.



The first naval battle in history in which all the fighting was done by carrier-based aircraft was the Battle of
a. Leyte Gulf.
b. the Java Sea.
c. the Coral Sea.
d. Midway.
e. Iwo Jima.



The tide of Japanese conquest in the Pacific was turned following the Battle of
a. Leyte Gulf.
b. Bataan and Corregidor.
c. the Coral Sea.
d. Midway.
e. Guadalcanal.



The Japanese made a crucial mistake in 1942 in their attempt to control much of the Pacific when they
a. failed to take the Philippines.
b. unsuccessfully attacked the oil-rich Dutch East Indies.
c. overextended themselves instead of digging in and consolidating their gains.
d. sent their submarine force on a suicide mission at the Battle of Midway.
e. attacked Alaska and Australia.



In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of
a. heavy bombing from Chinese air bases.
b. invading Japanese strongholds in Southeast Asia.
c. fortifying China by transporting supplies from India over the Himalayan "hump."
d. "island hopping" across the South Pacific while bypassing Japanese strongholds.
e. turning the Japanese flanks in New Guinea and Alaska.



The conquest of _______was especially important, because from there Americans could conduct round-trip bombing raids on the Japanese home islands.
a. Guadalcanal
b. Wake Island
c. New Guinea
d. Okinawa
e. Guam



The Allies won the Battle of the Atlantic by doing all of the following except
a. escorting convoys of merchants' vessels.
b. organizing Allied "wolf packs" to chase down German U-boats.
c. dropping depth charges from destroyers.
d. bombing submarine bases.
e. deploying the new technology of radar.



Hitler's advance in the European theater of war crested in late 1942 at the Battle of ____________, after which his fortunes gradually declined.
a. the Bulge
b. Stalingrad
c. Monte Cassino
d. Britain
e. El Alamein



The Allies postponed opening a second front in Europe until 1944 because
a. they hoped that Germany and the Soviet Union would cripple each other.
b. men and material were needed more urgently in the Pacific.
c. the Soviet Union requested a delay until it could join the campaign.
d. they believed that North Africa was more strategically vital.
e. of British reluctance and lack of adequate shipping.



The Allied demand for unconditional surrender was criticized mainly by opponents who believed that such surrender would
a. encourage the enemy to resist as long as possible.
b. be impossible to obtain.
c. be unacceptable to the Soviets, who had already suffered terrible casualties.
d. result in an armistice whose terms would lead to war, much as the Treaty of Versailles had led to World War II.
e. discourage anti-Hitler resisters in Germany.



President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill announced at their wartime conference in Casablanca that their principal war aim was to
a. destroy the last remnants of European imperialism.
b. promote the national independence of all European nations.
c. contain the postwar power of the Soviet Union.
d. force the unconditional surrender of both Germany and Japan.
e. create an effective postwar Atlantic alliance.



Arrange these wartime conferences in chronological order:
(A) Potsdam, (B) Casablanca, (C) Teheran.
a. A, B, C
b. C, B, A
c. B, C, A
d. B, A, C
e. A, C, B



Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) V-J Day, (B) V-E Day, (C) D Day, (D) Invasion of Italy.
a. D, C, B, A
b. A, C, B, D
c. B, D, A, C
d. C, A, D, B
e. A, D, B, C



The major consequence of the Allied conquest of Sicily in August 1943 was
a. a modification of the demand for unconditional surrender of Italy.
b. the overthrow of Mussolini and Italy's unconditional surrender.
c. the swift Allied conquest of the Italian peninsula.
d. a conflict between Churchill and General Eisenhower over the invasion of the Italian mainland.
e. the threat of a Communist takeover of the Italian government.



After the Italian surrender in August 1943,
a. the Allies found it easy to conquer Rome and the rest of Italy.
b. the Soviets accepted the wisdom of delaying the invasion of France and pursuing the second front in Italy.
c. the British demanded the restoration of the monarchy in Italy.
d. the Americans withdrew from Italy to prepare for D-Day.
e. the German army poured into Italy and stalled the Allied advance.



The real impact of the Italian front on World War II may have been that it
a. delayed the D-Day invasion and allowed the Soviet Union to advance further into Eastern Europe.
b. prevented the rise of fascism or communism in Italy after the war.
c. enabled the Americans to appease both British and Soviet strategic demands.
d. enabled the United States to prevent Austria and Greece from falling into Soviet hands.
e. destroyed the monastery of Monte Cassino and other Italian artistic treasures.



At the wartime Teheran Conference,
a. the Soviet Union agreed to declare war on Japan within three months.
b. the Big Three allies agreed to divide postwar Germany into separate occupied zones.
c. the Soviet Union agreed to allow free elections in Eastern European nations that its armies occupied at the end of the war.
d. plans were made for the opening of a second front in Europe.
e. it was agreed that five Big Powers would have veto power in the United Nations.



The cross-channel invasion of Normandy to open a second front in Europe was commanded by General
a. George Patton.
b. Dwight Eisenhower.
c. Douglas MacArthur.
d. Bernard Montgomery.
e. Omar Bradley.



In a sense, Franklin Roosevelt was the "forgotten man" at the Democratic Convention in 1944 because
a. so much attention was focused on who would gain the vice presidency.
b. he remained in Washington, D.C., to conduct the war.
c. poor health prevented him from taking an active role.
d. the issue of a fourth term was prominent.
e. Vice President Henry Wallace controlled the convention.



Franklin Roosevelt won the election in 1944 primarily because
a. Republican Thomas E. Dewey favored an international organization for world peace.
b. labor unions turned out for Roosevelt.
c. Harry Truman was his running mate.
d. questions arose regarding Thomas E. Dewey's honesty.
e. the war was going well.



Action by the United States against Adolf Hitler's campaign of genocide against the Jews
a. was reprehensibly slow in coming.
b. included the admission of large numbers of Jewish refugees into the United States.
c. involved the bombing of rail lines used to carry victims to the Nazi death camps.
d. was slow in coming, because the United States did not know about the death camps until near the end of the war.
e. was a major reason the U.S. fought World War II.



As a result of the Battle of Leyte Gulf,
a. Japan stalled an Allied victory.
b. Admiral William F. "Bull" Halsey lost his first naval engagement.
c. Japan was nearly able to take Australia.
d. the United States could bomb Japan from land bases.
e. Japan was finished as a naval power.



The Potsdam conference
a. determined the fate of Eastern Europe.
b. brought France and China in as part of the "Big Five.
c. concluded that the Soviet Union would enter the war in the Pacific.
d. was Franklin Roosevelt's last meeting with Churchill and Stalin.
e. issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or be destroyed.



The spending of enormous sums on the original atomic bomb project was spurred by the belief that
a. a nuclear weapon was the only way to win the war.
b. the Germans might acquire such a weapon first.
c. the Japanese were at work on an atomic bomb project of their own.
d. scientists like Albert Einstein might be lost to the war effort.
e. the American public would not tolerate the casualties that would result from a land invasion of Japan.



The "unconditional surrender" policy toward Japan was modified by
a. assuring the Japanese that there would be no "war crimes" trials.
b. guaranteeing that defeated Japan would be treated decently by American occupiers.
c. agreeing not to drop more than two atomic bombs on Japan.
d. agreeing to let the Japanese keep Emperor Hirohito on the throne.
e. permitting the Japanese to retain a strong army but no real navy.



Which of the following was not among the qualities of the American participation in World War II?
a. a group of highly effective military and political leaders
b. an enormously effective effort in producing weapons and supplies
c. a higher percentage of military casualties than any other Allied nation
d. the preservation of the American homeland against invasion or destruction from the air
e. the maintenance and re-affirmation of the strength of American democracy