Art History Exam 3 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by bramant
updated 1 year ago by bramant
art history
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Romanesque Portal




-Reliquary Statue of Sainte-Foy


-Silver gilt and jewels over a wooden core

-Child martyr, killed for refusal to pray to Roman gods. Monks stole her because “she wanted to be in their temple instead,” has bones of her inside



-Speyer Cathedral



-Burial place for Roman emperors, twin spires and apse for bible and sermon.

-aerial view has a transcept to make it look like a cross. Big focus on vertical lines and has clerestory windows



-Durham Cathedral Interior



-Complex groin vaults and ribbed webbing



-Dover Castle



-Castles had a tower for safety, protected the people inside.

-crenellations at the top for archers to sit on, sits on a cliff



-Moissac, South Portal at Saint Pierre



-Elongation, Christ in Center. Hierarchy of scale



-Moissac, Christ in Majesty Tympanum


-Mandorla with a halo and a sphere to symbolize holding the world. Four evangelists surrounding him, holt and spiritual elongation and flattening to show that they are unearthly while the others are naturalistic



-Trumueau, South Portal of Saint-Pierre



-Unnatural proportions, movement but not natural, no realism, represents divinity



-Moissac, Abbot Durandus



-Memorial piece, basic in design, unnatural proportions, bilateral symmetry, very flat, abstract



-Last Judgement Tympanum at Autun



-On the left is people going to heaven becasue they went to church, on the right there are people being shoved down an incinerator and going to hell, angel and devil persuading people. At the bottom is a lot of souls, some rising from graves to be judged mortals and humans are realistic to show humanism, god is more flat and unearthly



-Gislebertus, Last Judgement





-Crucifix (Majestat Batllo)


-Polychromed wood

-Light, cheap, would be carried in processions. Clothedness=royalty, purples, Islamic prints



-Virgin and Child


-Oak with polychrome

-Throne of wisdom, her seat is the lion throne of Solomon and Jesus’s throne is Mary who represents the church (he represents wisdom)



-The Bayeux Tapestry


-Embroidery, linen

-Continuative narrative of England’s historical events. Like the battle of Hastings and the appearance of Haley’s comet

-would be shown during feasts as a storytelling event



-The Appearance of Hailey’s Comet



-super flat, kind of floating



-Battle of Hastings



-Nothing naturalistic, battle to reclaiming the crown



-Hildegard and Volmar


-Facsimile of the front is piece of the liver sci-fi as. Tongues of flame in her face she is having visions and writing them down. No ground line, golden background, purple robes






-Birthplace of gothic art, saint died a martyr’s death/was executed. Abbot Sugar moved massive social classes after building Saint-Denis, bringing prestige to the cathedral. Lots of light, gold, and precious gems to make it feel like a space between heaven and earth (lux nova)



-The Flight into Egypt, Saint Denis


-Stained Glass

-blue is purity and gold is divinity, has halos. Flight is part of the canon with Mary, Joesph, and Jesus fleeing, but diverges from the canon because Jesus makes a date tree grow for Mary to eat from



-Chartres Cathedral, West Façade



-Points are not equal sizes, still influenced by Romanesque and has a rose (circular) window that is symbolic of Virgin Mary

-stone tracery around window, cult of Mary begins because she is kind and loving and is the “soft part” of religion STARRED



-Royal Portal, Chartres Cathedral



-Three portals, right portal archivists depict philosophers and scholars (revival of human knowledge)

-capitals of jambs have epics of life of Christ and mary, left portal has Christ’s ascension, right portal has Christ on mary’s lap. Second coming of Christ in central tympanum
-archivists have scenes of the zodiacs



-Old Testament Kings and Queens



-Jamb statues, Chartres, part of column is beautiful, calm, and tranquil



-Rose a window and Lancets, north transcept, Chartres cathedral


-stained glass and stone

-light peaking through windows (lux nova), clerestory windows. Too much saturation in stained glass colors = less light but more spirituality



-Virgin and Child and angels from the choir of Chartres cathedral



-Mary a with a crown as queen of heaven, Jesus wearing browns and greens as a child to represent child of earth. Mary’s halo is held up by spiritual doves, Jesus is a small adult