3.9/5 Flashcards

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Low self-esteem is associated with
¤ é depression
¤ é aggression
¤ é substance abuse
¤ é social withdrawal
¤ é suicidal thoughts
¤ ê lower happiness
¤ ê lower self-evaluation of physical appearance
we think about self-esteam in contactes of adelession alot , but it all starts pertty early and with early input. so how people are talking to you, how you doing in school, how many friends you have. all of that is influnchial if we have low-self esteam related to all diffrent kinds of experance. so you might think of what might track with self-eastem you are proberly correct
we see higer depression
¤ é aggression
¤ é substance abuse
¤ é social withdrawal
¤ é suicidal thoughts for kids with low self-estem levels.
alot of these outcomes will be co-formed or tracked togther. when we are depressed we are more likely to engage in substand absuse and social withdraw, more sociadul toughts. if we are agresstive we are more likely to socialy withdraw or being excuded socially. all of this can lead to lower happynessrates , lower satesfations rate with life genterly and with freinship or relashinship and lower self-evaluation of physical appearance.
we start to really cach on to what socity, media and our classmates think about the way things look and it does not just have to be around whight or bodytype. it can be around the cloths that we weare, the syle that we have, are we clean vs are we not as clean, who comes to school in frsh clothes, and who comes to school with the same 3 or 4 shirts. there is alot of bieses come in there and it defeninly influnce are self-esteam


peer exceptance

Peer groups
¤ Collectives that generate unique values and
¤ Social structure (leaders and followers)
¨ Peer acceptance (sociometrics)
¤ ask children to rate how much they like or dislike
each of their classmates or to nominate some of
those whom they like the most or least, or whom
they do or don’t like to play with

peer group. these start to emarge in our 3rd 4th and 5th grade classroom sometimes a little bet earlier.

but in high school is pertty clear what cathegores or what groups exsit in the social context. there was mean grils, or nerdes in hight school, and in meadia

we got colivtives of people that generate unic values and standerd point, so people who are really in sports they maybe pertty adment in woking out alot or eating healthly. maybe they preform will acedemiclly because there expictations around there preformacce to weather or not they can play


Social structure (leaders and followers)

there is also so leaders vs followers.

like the mean girls, vergena gorge got to girls behind her. she got crones to heng around

so how do we know that this is realsome people will sat there is no such thing as social category it just everybody off to themselves. tecniclly we can mager this sientificlly and using a term sociometric



in this case we can go into the classroom and we can ask children how much they like and dislike one another. we are taking a servay.

with youger ages we can make it a little bit simple who do you play with the most, who gets in troble the most, or the least who does not have many freinds to play with. were as you get older you whould ask who is part of a group, who is the higer preforner in class,


peer nomanation tecnic

if you look at these questions who would like to play with they rate this one person, who gets in truble the most they write the date.


Characteristics Associated with
Sociometric Status

Peer status is affected by the childs:
¤ Attractiveness
¤ Athletic ability
¤ Social behavior
¤ Personality
¤ Cognitions about self and others
¤ Goals when interacting with peers
¨ Peer status is also influenced by the status of the childs

when we are thinking about child chrecterstic atracness plays in, which is those fesical chrecteristics that may make kids excepted compare to other kids, so who has the ladist stayle and the colist packpack and then

¤ Cognitions about self and others
¤ Goals when interacting with peer

and so when we are thinking about ourselves right do we feel more confident, does that reinrate to other people, we will proberly want to have frends that want to interact with us if we feel confident, self asherd are self estem is high, but if our self-estem is low, we maybe more shy or we may be more self-deffacating which somtimes can lead to intersting frenship dienamexs. so if people have low self-estem in freindship groups they may show enve they maybecrtical of other people and themselfves which can kind of turn people off. if you think about other alot, the that could assist you relationship with people one on one, so you might be a good project parner something of that nature nad what is your goalsdo you want to make friends, do you want to clims a latter, do you want to enter in a group you dont want to know about.

we also know kids friends influnce there social stadice



¨ Tend to be cooperative, friendly, sociable, helpful, and
sensitive to others.
¨ Have good emotion regulation skills
¨ Aggressive?
¤ Relational Aggression
¨ Popular-prosocial
¤ Academic and social success
¨ Popular-antisocial
¤ Social success but belligerent

we do have categories involved in soceomitric and these may sound sterio tipical. they do have sientific factsin term of social saycology. so poplar kids are not just the best in school, they are tipiclly cowarative, theyare frinedly, socialble and they are good at regalting there emotions so this helps them pertty easily during the social contes. but we may think of people who were poplore and pertencilly agesstive. so were they gosseping were tehy egcoshinary, were they just out right mean to you

who is braded the most. so how many times is there name written down on the those peer nomonation



Popular-prosocial people this is were an athlite that is pertty smart, you can think about the top of class people who are intested in cancle or redership potion they have social seccess and they are ushilly doing well in school.



this is like that vergena gorge mentality, so they are sochilly secsefrul, but they are relidlint or mean. they ingage in alot of relational agresstion, somtimws phicical agresston,, there this this gender difrences there.



Two types:
¤ Aggressive-Rejected
n Physically aggressive, hostile, threatening
n Disruptive
n Delinquency
¤ Withdrawn-Rejected
n Socially withdrawn
n Shy, anxious
n Frequently bullied

these are the people that get pushed out of that social cercle


withdrawn rejected

the shy kid who gets picked on alot or someone with diffrent abilities who get picked on someone who is more vernable to be singles out they dont have alot of frents or any frinds. this leads the sabtable to bolying or tageted teasing and this is common in early years and also trough high school


aggressive rejected kids

this is were kids get phusically aggresive. they are enacting those delingwance behavores and they are desrubtive in class. so if you think about a kide who gets in trouble all the time in your classrom and maybe have behavioal issues and they were fighting or yelling, over all not forming to expectations, then this kid is also pushed out of the social senario because people dont want to be assocceated with them. they kind of want to keep them in arms link as to not get in truble somethims or as to avode being a taget of that agresstion


neglected kids

Less sociable, but not particularly shy or
anxious about social interactions
¨ Less disruptive
¨ Avoid confrontation

kids can soshlise normoly. they maybe part of a normal group and they dont interit to conflicial state, they are not ushily bulied a whole punch if they dont want a cople one exprinses. they keep to themselves they have a slow set of freinds



Blend of characteristics of popular kids and rejected
¨ Aggressive, angry, and disruptive
¨ BUT ALSO, funny, athletic, sociable, and have
leadership status in peer group.
¨ Viewed by some as arrogant or a snob

they are a blind of popluar and rejected indivial characristics. so they maybe aggressive. angry, desruptive, they might have behaviroal problems, but they can also be funny really athletic, socialble, they may have leadership states somewere, for some people there are vewed as arrogant or snob.



average kids are average

they got reglare number of frinds, somtimes they are desliked but there are not standing out in a huge way. there getting by



Popular Children who receive many positive nominations and few
negative nominations.
Rejected Children who receive many negative nominations and few
positive nominations.
Neglected Children who are low in social impact (i.e., they receive
few positive or negative nominations). These children are
not especially liked or disliked by peers; they simply go
Average Children are designated as average if they receive an
average number of both positive and negative
Controversial Children who receive many positive and many negative
nominations. They are noticed by peers and are liked by a
quite a few children and disliked by quite a few others.


Outcomes Associated with
Sociometric Status

Rejected kids seem to be at greatest risk for negative
¤ Poorer academic performance
¤ More likely to have to repeat a grade
¤ More likely to drop out
¤ Higher rates of externalizing problems
¤ Higher rates of internalizing problems
¨ Again….direction of effects?

what outcomes are associated with socionetric staus. so we know that rejected kids are at the higest risk for negative outcomes. espeshily does negative rejected kids.

if you have poor academic proformace you dont think school is that intersting, you dont have teachers invested in you as a student that is super riskey. if you dont find ducation valuble or is not excepted of you as an individual. then you are more likely to drup out in that sens were you repat a grade. that identfication of truble some pebahore a delicwent behavore can take you out of school for certan of day. if you are in that alternative ISS group you are messing on alot of instruction.

we also have those interlizsing and extorlizing problems, thses kids are are more influced by there surrondings and that diffrenly effects there meantal health or effect what they plan to do beyound high school or public education setting. they influnce there outcomes over all.

we dont know the derection of these effects and we dont know the cusal meconisims. we can ust corelate outcomea. there is some people who may be truble maker in school who end up really secseessful, that is a totoly chgectory that can happen. maybe they are socialble, or maybe they undersnad how to plat the social game, and clim certain latters in sertan groups.

it really depend on individual diffrences, how you can menovrate social contex


The Impact of Social Rejection

Increased sadness
and anger
¨ Decreased selfesteem
¨ Decreased feeling of
belonging or
¨ Increased aggression
¨ Similar brain
activation to
physical pain

there is alot of stuff that is ecateble to your everyday life.

if someone is rejected by somebody weather is a friendship, or they are in a relashinship . is tough you dont like having somone say i dont really like you. increase sadness and anger depending on your persinality you maybe prow to ingage in that sadness or deprestion responce or you may be quiker to anger. why dont you like me. why are you treeting me this way. i am upset that this is happing. decrease self-esteam, decrease in self-blongingness. this may influnce agressive behavior and when we thinking about the expernance of social rejection. will you would think is somthing you just have to get over. it is not phical pain, is not like braking your leg.


the brain processes the social excoloshion as a pain responce. the same noropath way that are fireing when you pmp you elbole or brack your leg. very similer is the social rejection pathway,

when we think about the long gevity or outcome theory, the more excuded or the more you are rejected from that social group. what we gonna do to self medicate to feel better about that rejection. take tienaro or harder scrupes.

but when we think about when we start to self-medicate or what behaviros we engage in there might be problimatic for us. were does it come from what is that motavation