3.8 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by lucy45
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What are some ways to combat childhood obesity? What ways don’t work?

Changing behaviors
¤ Eating—including school nutrition
¤ Exercise—including recess
¤ Parents can be involved
¨ Shaming does not work

how do we make a positive change behaviore change is imporant, we are looking at aeating and exsersise, we also want to ge parents envolved, juse creating that healther life style in genral for everyone involved. so school nutration can be a part of eating behaviroes, but the school food can be bad. what ca schools include in there meals or how can they natully make food for that large group of students.for exercise how do we include recess or ficical activity in the learning envirment. we are here at 8 hourse a day, we might do somthing active . and overall shaming does not work. so taking that away from the coversation about these obesity an health. we should also get kids aware of what they are doing


Consequences of Obesity

¤ ê life expectancy
¤ é heart disease
¤ é diabetes
¤ é asthma
¤ é cholesterol
¤ é blood pressure

concecuse of obesity or why some of this can be problimatic, we want to think about piysical health. so for chilren who are obsies or identifide as obeise we do see they have lower life expectincy then there peer. addeshinly they have higer risk of heart disease¤ é diabetes¤ é asthma¤ é cholesterol¤ é blood pressureso these are real effects of being very over wight rader then a just normative amount, what avrage for your wight and hight



¤ ê Self-esteem
¤ ê Friends
¤ é Anxiety
¤ é Depression
¤ é Suicidal thoughts (adolescence)we also have psychological consurens for kids who are obese thse kids ofter report haviving low self-estem, they also have fewer friends that they report and also they are less freqintly selected as best freind or a close freind in what we call sociyale mitric. there social life is affected, adeshinally we higer rates of anxiety and deprestion and what is really improrent to know that suicidal thoughts and ideation planing increase the individuals especiully during adolescence. so this is not just a health issue this is a vey real social emotional interpersonal issue. you want to make sure people not only helping phisically but also in there mind and in there relashinship



so as a teacher, a perent , sibling or a caregiver is imporant to except people were they are and promote that exceptance. so descoraging/condeming/ panishing, bulling for this reason and also understanding body types can be diffrent and that is okay


Which of the following statements about the
causes of obesity is true?
A. Fraternal twins are more likely to share the
disorder than identical twins.
B. Obese children are less responsive than normalweight individuals to internal hunger cues.
C. Inactivity is not related to obesity.
D. Parents of overweight children rarely use highfat, sugary foods as behavior reinforcers



Obese children report __________
than normal-weight children.
A. Fewer school difficulties
B. More suicidal thoughts
C. Less aggression
D. Less social isolation



fine motore skills and gross motor skills

we gain control of those fine motor skills and then for gross motors skills are those larnge corelated movments. we see a wide vaariabiliyu acress children. so some kids are better at gross motor skills then others


Paul is concerned because his 6-year-old son prints
using large letters and numbers. You can tell Paul
that his son’s writing is large because he

B. has not developed adequate depth
C. makes strokes with his entire arm
rather than wrist and fingers


Are there sex differences in motor skill development? If so, what might explain these differences

Girls outperform boys on
¤ fine motor skills
¤ balance
¤ agility
¨ Boys outperform girls on
¤ gross motor skills
n Throwing
n kicking
These findings correlate with
socialization/gendered expectations
this is related to socilazation and gender diffrances in athlic placement . these trates and skills are exprince dependent. so you can develop your skills to growth motevation in a sport as long as you pratice often or interacted with it pertty often. so is not selected for just boys or girls, but when we look at genral trands, we see these diffrences


Stages of Piaget’s
Cognitive-Developmental Theory

Concrete Operational stage 7-11 years