3.7 Flashcards

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so for motore output what is control mecnism for out internal state the external stimilase and what we decide to do

for humans we have cognative choice system, so what are our cultural belifes. are we more non-volice in nature, do we belive in eye for an eye. do we think that agrasive behavore or anatemite is depanded on the agreser, so somebody else, how they act towards you influces how you re-act towars them. how does a lequal system play a rule.

that is one diffrent from our rotted coutter parts. they dont have ratjem, we have ratjem. so what we do can influce the amount of freedom in evryday life

mortal congnation that kind of atracte with coultrual belifs. so all of that regalates tipiclly how we feel internary and if we have an egrssive state, do we actully exsecute those behavers. with rates the only main cognative control that they have is a social higharky.

this atractes to humens, were you stand msy influance how you retaliate, or if you related at all. if you are in a lower wrong in your lower wrong of your compeny, you wont feel you can be roat to your boss in any way, but your boss might feel like i got the power their not gonna say anything.


what fatores are influncial of agression

person to person bases . in humans genatics do play a rule. we know that diffecult temperment babyies can grow up to be trublesome emotional reglatores. so there not grate at say i am engry and i dont know how lto come down. there having a hart time bringing there stress level down, that conosal level down with that self thought sometime using other people, going to an aduilt. going to a teacher to help them come down.

with that defecult temperment these inflents are already predesposed to really sencitive evirental change. so likely opsite by that change and there not shre how to regtate on that change.

we know that the diffecult tempermant is bieologilly based. we also know there is other things that mach in with phisical temperment we have noral bieologial changes from diffrent from other people.

if you have some sort on noral developmental diffrence then that can influance more ability to regelate more agresstive tindencies


family conflicts

this is derectly related to your envriment rader then nature base.

so we know for kids who weatness family conflects often they are more likely to anact in agressive behavore then there cother parts. i am oly taking about verble abuse or demistic volince senario


Anti-social peers

we are thinking about kids who link up with the bolies.

so how do those interactions phsical or not you peak someone ealse wheater or not you yell at someone ealse


Punitive parenting

if you consently feel like there is a tomp on you, you cant do much, you cant talk back to your parents. your parents are not lessoning. this will make kids feel push down at times. there in a plase that the parent is not in that overside postion. they may be more likely to let loose


Hostile attribution bias

this combanse with all the exsisting with nature vs nuture idea. this come in with cognative macnisim that influnce aggresive behavore. it is spesifclly related to interpertation of social senarios or effect

how do we study this we can show vedios about social senarios or written up social senarios and we can see what there interpertation can be what there own interpration can be. to ask them to write up what they think this person ment.

with hostile indivial bias individiual are seeing embegoues or unclear social senario as intenchilly hurtful or harmful to themselves or the actore in the senario. so they are prosiving during this interactions that is pertty regliar

for example you are waling to class and you are five feet from the door and there is someone infront of you going trought the door, but they dont hold it for you. do you think that is perbesful are they trying to make your life harder, by not opening the door for you. was it just that they dont know you were there, that more notrol more common answer.

we are focuse on wather people view treat, or intent upon in there everyday senario


in the video


childrent who are processing in a defintive manner are more likely to interacted that agressive behavire to actully punch someone or kike someone.kids egsibit aggretion, is normal for kids to hit each other sometimes, it is normmal for kids of tack toyes from others with out there promations. there learning agesnt how they interact with there peers. so there is some level of agresstion that is very normative. somtimes agereetion can be a good thing if yoy are being tretend by someone ealse, then that is an acture understaning of a trate setuation, but kids that are interation to embuous setuations. setoution that are unclear and intend. there seeing that they need to be intessive from somthing that does not require any diffrence. someone not holding the door for you means that you and go hit them or someone cutting in front of you in the line not perpesfully does is not mean for you to push them out of the line.

so this what we are talking about behavers that are more problematic when we know genterly will anactive agresstive behavores in a normative sent when does it get to be an issue. and when we find out that those kids are having issues, we will knowdist that they are more reactive, more impostive, more self-reglation and they are getting intruble alot

how we menagate there response staright to that agressive inactive behavore. with kids it is reletivly simple, but it takes some traning


Tom spreads mean rumors about Dan at school
so that other kids won’t want to be friends with
him. This is an example of:
A. Verbal aggression
B. Physical aggression
C. Relational aggression
D. Empathy

Relational aggression


Baumrind’s Child-Rearing Styles

Two dimensions of parenting style:
¤ Responsiveness
¤ Warmth, support, and acceptance

are they loving are they cearing in times of stress, are they intentive

¤ Demandingness
¤ Parental control and demandingness

peraental control and what parent expectations are for the child.


reaponsive and unrespostive

demanding and undemanding

when we are responsive we except our child were we are and we come at problems or issues from the childs perspictive, so how is my kid is thinking about this developmetal speecking. what age are they, what congnatively they can handle

unresponsive parenting the parent is rejecting the childs needs or thoughts and it is a peracetric oprooch. so in this age parents really want obedeanse. there very demading and there is not a whole alot of room for a child to speck back. it is alot of unelateral communcation structure. parent to child, not child to parent.

deamding Vs undemanding we want sort of expection for the child, that sets them up for seccess, it sets them up for adecated dependice, altonomy and self-confidice, they feel like they manege a task or they know parent expect them to act a certin way in a certain envirment. it gives them glader

undermating parents just let kids do what they want


authoritative parenting

we have a reciprocal relationship that is responsive and communitive, so parents can talk to child and child can talk to parent. there is a nice balence of responsiveness and demanding

this is good


authoritarian parenting

this is not good

this is a controlling, and power-assertive relashinship. parents has the rang here. there is a unidirectional communication. parent to child not child to parent. you are very stricted


permissive perenting

we got adoligent relasinship. we can think of vergina gorge mom. she is not a regluire mom, she is a cool mom and vergina is allowed to do what she wants. there is no control attempts in fact parents want there chilren to be there friends, insitedd of a gaded point


uninvolved parenting

this is being neglecful relashinship. so parents is not really there. not intersted of what a child is doing, which can lead to problimatic outcome.


How do height, weight, and body composition change in middle childhood? (hint: how does this
compare to early childhood?)

Same pace of height/weight development as
early childhood

¤ ~ 2-3 inches per year
n At the end of middle
childhood girls are taller
than boys
¤ ~ 5 lbs per year

7 to 11

kids at this age rage are tipiclly are in the same pased of hight and wight change development

we gain about 2 to 3 inchins in hight per year and are body fat remins persity stable. we might gian 5 pounds per year.

in term of gross bords, tipiclly grils are going to start there grossports in terms of hight sonner then boys do. so by age 11 and 12 when we are starting middle schoold girls are taller then boys, which is normal


Height, Weight, Body Composition

we exprince adepolicy repound, which is a slow gain of body fat over time to accomulate our pupertal develpment as that begain at age 11 or 12

so our body begain to prepare for that big hormonal shift as well as the reperductive shift and a body ship. we expresnse a rossfer during peupertiy too


childhood obesity

Obesity: >20% over healthy weight
¨ Genetics account for tendency to gain weight
¨ Parental practices

this startes to become more obviouse in the middle childhood. in infency and early chilhood is harder to penpoint just because kids diffrent quite a bit in how they look at that age. some may have more baby fat then others. but when we think about obesity we are not just thinking over wight we are thinking significintly over wight at least in terms of the individials normative wight or what we expect for there hight at there age.

this is defind over 20% waging over that once age and once hight.


causes of obesity

¨ Genetics account for tendency to gain weight
¨ Parental practices

with in the contex of obesity is that genetics do account for the individuals tendency to gain weight.

so if your family or genral linage is more hivey sit then that is more normal for you most of the time. it may not be because you are obease, it could be that your overwight was conseptilly tepical in the avrage poplulation. but for your set of genatics, that is normative for you and you can still be perfectly healthy with that wight as you are

samething with if you are a shorter sit of individual or a small set of individual. yourbody wight ay be derected to genatics


parental practices

what are pedants promoting in the home.

so when we see opease childrent. we tipiclly contract unhealty meals at home or at school somethimes. we can see food rewarde or bravery.

so by foucing on rewarde or braverly it takes the focuse away form what ever behaviore you are trying to inform and but more focuse on that trate. so more exciment about that treet foot the more expectation of them.


external vs internal cues

an external hunger cue is like seening a budiful sandwich put in front of you

interal cue you might of hurt it at 8 am legure and your tommy start to grow a little bet because your stomic is emtty and start to gramp. i need food . this is goming from your brain


for cildren who are obease

they are focesing on more external vs internal hunger cue. so there less in toon with how there body actully feels and what they seeing. so there kind of a brian reaction to that sight of food similier do that reward pathway connection

so we see something delatiouse now we are hungry. rader then we are hungry then going to seek out for something delashious


causes of obesity

we also know that it is not just dieite. play a rule gwnaticts play a rule, but activelty and sleep are also just as important. so when we are ,sleeping at night that gives our body a time to reset, rest or diegest. the less sleep that we get, the less it trows off that pattern and it could influance metaliblism. so less time to rest and diegest maybe your nutrian count is a little off


phical activity

physical activity atracts with wight loss and gain in some intince

recess time has been sistematic taken out of schools in more resent years and this is related derectly to influce of campuse insruction so teacher and edmeistratores more like admestratore want more time from in class instructions, so what do we take out, we can take out free time during the day, we can split free time into 5min for each class rader that 1 houre and 45min day were you are going wiyled.

so in elementry school age years, this is kind of a problem the less time we have to go crazy to run around the more stess out about school we are, the less we are prforming not making a good grade,.

we also seeing that urben school destricts are seeing that much more often compare to sup-urpen, town an ruler communites. this could be diffrences in admistration, diffrentce in expectation and funded