3.6 Flashcards

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Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development

6-year-old in Piaget’s pre-operational stage
engage in centration
¤ What did the first boy do?
n “He broke 15 cups”
¤ And the second boy?
n “He broke a cup by moving roughly”
¤ Is one of the boys naughtier than the other?
n “The first one because he broke 15 cups”
¤ If you were the mommy or daddy, which one would
you punish most?
n “The one who broke 15 cups”

we cant soliy argue that peer inteaction is going to be way to stimulate moral development and piaget underscores how much ids know about motive and what kids know about intention.

if you remeimber the barbill study. kids can understand that other humens have motives and they will try to help a humen actore to complete a task vs a robote actore. kids do understand what peoples goals might be.

so if you give them henris example were his goal is to reeach the gam . e was successful so he reached his goal. but what we do not have infomation on whether or not he was allowed to get the jam


Critique of Piaget

Little evidence that peer interaction alone
stimulates moral development
¨ Piaget underestimated young children’s ability to
appreciate the role of motive and intentionality
n More about high quality cooperative interactions
generally rather than just the quantity of peer

with the concept of peer interaction we want these interactions to be high qulity and cowaprisive, so we want these social gematic play contex. we want rich social envarents to teach us about what is fear and what is not fear. what is an acsendet vs what was on perpise. is more about cwality then cwontity. we are learning about mortal jugment


Domains of Moral Reasoning

¨ Moral imperatives
¤ Right and wrong, fairness
¨ Social convention
¤ Customs and regulations
¨ Matters of personal choice
¤ Mostly about individual preferences
¨ Children reason differently across these domains in
early childhood

moral imperatives, which are the basic bienary consects right vs wrong, fare vs unfear. these are outlined in alot of fairy tail or treditinal stores.


Social convention

oCustoms and regulations

these are things that come in from our upringers within a culture or a community or a socity.

what reglations are assoseated with socity or what are you tought at home or learned


Matters of personal choice

¤ Mostly about individual preferences
¨ Children reason differently across these domains in
early childhood

these are about indivigual perfranses.

you may think i like doing this thing, but someone ealse may not like it

when we thinking about chilhood understanding of these inharavives we know that it stares out basic with the narsry braives, or triditional stories, but as we get older we will get more compex, so social covention, may become very imporatent, and personal choise as will.


What factors influence
moral development?

¨ Secure attachment
¨ Direct reinforcement
¨ Discussions about others’ perspectives
¨ Discussions about moral issues

what iflunses morality which is modeling. so what do you see day to day. this does not only have to be parents it can be teachers anf fellow peers

secure attachment is good for motal understanding, because we know secure attached individuals find them self more confedint in navegatting those large social questions.

derect reinformant is also gate. so if you want to stell fearness or understand of fearness for your children and it is fear to share, if you have 2 siblingsbthen let say if you get a chesmass candy you have split it 3 ways it just natrul that is how it should be. or if you have chores you split them 3 ways

Discussions about others’ perspectives
¨ Discussions about moral issues. this is also valuble. thinking about what is beyound your derect exprinse. it is a good way to have your chilren have a brode understanding of the world and the complexsity between it.


Prosocial behavior

Prosocial, or altruistic, behavior—actions
that benefit another person without expected
reward for the self

you are going out of your way to help someone elase, share and heng out with them and you are not expecting anything in return

the behavire that is included in prosocial behavore are Helping
¤ Sharing
¤ Comforting


Instrumental Helping

¨ Assisting
another in
achieving an
goal such as
searching for
or getting
something out
of reach

istrumental helping this is a common behavore we see in young kids. so assisting someone ealse to achive an action based goal . so helping someone find somthing, helping someone to get it out of reeach. helping someone open somthing.

non-verble interaction just using gesters


¨ Assisting
another in
achieving an
goal such as
searching for
or getting
something out
of reach

¤ Infants as young as 14-months-old help
¤ Non-human primates help
¤ Providing an external reward does not
increase helping, in fact it decreases it.
¤ Young infants prefer helpers

infents as young as 14 mouth old help other people, or try to help other people

when we are thinking about rewards do you get a coin when you are helping somebody ealse. this is not going to increass helping behavore. it is like the braverly were we talked about the nutration. kids are going to focuse on the rewared rader then incoding the action. behavore


Prosocial behavior is more:
A. Innate
B. Learned

both answers are cottect


Empathic Helping or Comforting

Helping or comforting someone who is distressed or
in pain.
¨ Empathy: feeling with another person and
responding emotionally in a similar way
n Empathic helping substantially increases during 2nd and 3rd
n But! Still only around 50% of the time
n Continues to increase through adolescence
¨ Sympathy: Feelings of concern or sorrow for
another’s plight

helping someone who is distress or in pain. we know empathy realtes to feeling with another person, or respoding emotionly in a similer way to someone who is in distress.



empathic helping incresses during 2nd and 3red year. so you may seem toddlers and young children pating there friend in the back if they are crying or giving them a huge. this is suppose to be a conroting action. but we are only interacting those behavore 50% out of time.

we are going to see an increase in these behavores in analessions. when we are better equipt to help others in destress

when we are young the only thing we know how to do is give them a pat on the back or give them a hug.

we are feeling the same as them



this is just feeling concers or sorrow for someone ealse. you feel for them, you dont know what they are going trough, but you kowe that is a hart time



Young children are not great sharers, but sharing and
preference for egalitarian outcomes increases with age.

kids are bad at sharing, as they each they do start to prefer egaterion sharing behavorer which means 50-50 spit or everyone gets a equle slice. 5 and 6

at 3 and 4 we are not doing that 21%

but we go up to 60% between 7 and 8 in the petagrium range


What influences the development of
prosocial behaviors?

¤ Identical twins more similar than fraternal twins in
terms of empathy and prosocial behavior
¨ Temperamental reactivity/emotionality
n Hard to be prosocial if you tend to get upset by
others’ distress
n Emotion regulation is important
¨ Parental Socialization
n Modeling and teaching
n Discipline and parenting style

what influnces ptrosociality. genatics. identical twins are similer frateful empathy then relitivliy fraternal twins who are not as similer on empethy


emperamental reactivity/emotionality

n Hard to be prosocial if you tend to get upset by
others’ distress

is hart to be prosocial, if you get distress by others pertty easily. if you are more difeculit tempromented indivial you alredy have a hard time reglating on your own. if the envaroment gets stressful that is going to decress your likelyhood of being breech


Parental Socialization

Modeling and teaching
n Discipline and parenting style

bing able to reglate your emotions is imporant for pro-socilality. we have to temper down our own needs or wants sometimes inorder to match the engegy, of the social senario

parents are important, mideling or teaching. what is benifiaial for the social contex and what is a good way how to be good to tour naber.



Proactive aggression (to fulfill a need) vs. reactive
aggression (to hurt someone else)
¤ Proactive most common initially
¤ Reactive increases in early and middle childhood


proactive agrestion

Proactive most common initially. at infency or younger ages like 2 to 5 years old. this is talking someones toyes away. this is pusing somomone because they are infront of you. or there not doing what you like them want them to do.

to get somthing. they are agrasive to get that thing they wanted


reactive agresstion

increases in early and middle childhood

activly hurt someone ealse. so you are going like a drug dlear here. you want to hurt someone fellings or you want to hurt them phisiclly

reactive agration is more common the later years of early chilhood, into middle childhood and with in analassions

so not just fighting behavore, think about cocept, social excotion, romers these are verble and recial aggresser that can dedrently present themself in laler ages


¨ Physical aggression

physical injury
¤ Higher in boys



Verbal aggression

name-calling, teasing, threats
¤ Becomes more common than physical in early

this is more common then physical aggression trouthout timeline then early childhood


the more outword you push your agression in terms of phical gesture the more ovyies it is the teacher is going to catch on, and till you not to do that

when we are thinking about these social displayes we know that males tipeclly are more common agenist males,so this is a phical alceration

with femalse we see a more coverd or relational desplay of agretion. so those cocept struchers, the social excotion.

regardess of gender we are still seeing the same amount of agresstion display. regladess of type men and women still except the same amount of agresstion. so is not that women are more agresstion then man that is a complete meth


Trajectory of Aggression

what is the trajectory in agetion. we see a very similer struchure inother mamoles. like in bird. we know that there is external stimilie that influce our internal state.

so when is gold outside inside yourbody says you have to get my body warm. if there is a keyatic setuation outside you gonna have to a increase hart rate you gonna be very like watching the setuation.

you are also going to have a motore output depeding on how things go. so this could be a phical type agresstion puching or staping.

it can also be a verble desplay insult

for himens there is a much diffrent meganasim for cognative control then is for rottens or bireds. we are more complex.

we include our cultural beliefs, and mortal cognatios. so do you thunk is right to hit someone elase, or do you think fare. do you have a more ,eye to eye mind set or do you have more peacful mind set, like a sideline mind set and dont want to get involved


What factors influence aggression?

in humens we are seeing that genatics can diffrently pay a rule in aggresive behaviroal outcome. especially when we have diffecult temperment. this is our biogiclly based diffrance for our reactively levels. so when hight in hart rate . when dp we feel stemelated by the envarment. and how do we reglate for people with diffecult time they have vert diffecult task reglating there esponses. they have a hard time calming down


What factors influence aggression?

derect verble behavore rader then hostaylev. here we are thing heating, yelling, sometimes these lare ficial, somethimes these are interpersenal. sometimes they are verble, name calling, teasing or we can also have a relational based exclutoion, fomrating some sort of behavore to excude someone else.


how agresstion is used or when we choose agresstion. two main mecenasims

cognative meconisims: so interpreationg. howdo you view somone elas talking to you or the body langue, do they say somting upsetting to you. what kind of motavation you have based on your perciption of the contact or senaro.


we have motavation

just gentarly, and we also know bawdries/limitation

so what is an aggrive behavore that can get us in big truble vs an aggrive behavore that might light under the redore


emotional influent

we are thinking about feelings, so anger, jelosy, fear somtimes, emotinly hurt

all of these things play rule in a actural behavore that we choose

the tregictilly that we started to talk about mamols and birds. rotens are talking in external stemelight that influce there motor out puts and there internal state


so what do we get from our envremtnt

for rottens they may get self. rottens can smell each others hurmons , and that influins there agressive state.

there internal state is very important as will. so if you are hungery, are you most likely to snap as sombody if you got to eat right now.

what about stress if you feel, like there is alot in your shoters and someone does shomting to piss you off and men come of. that may in agression

when we thinking at a more bieologial level eargy reperductive stage and sometimes time of day. so are you sleepy, are you going to bed, are you less likely to interact. or you have alot of eargy ready to go or too much eargy