State Governance of the Real Estate Profession #1 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by KateZegarac
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What’s the maximum civil fine that the Ohio Real Estate Commission can impose on someone for a single violation of practicing real estate without a license?



If an Ohio licensee doesn’t pay fines imposed as a disciplinary sanction within 30 days, what happens?

The commission will suspend the license


Who’s responsible for auditing Ohio brokerages for their compliance with license laws?

The division of real estate


Jenny is a licensed real estate broker in Ohio and member of the Ohio Real Estate Commission. How many years of recent experience must she have?

10 years

Candidates are required to have 10 years of experience as a broker in the period immediately preceding appointment to the commission.


Which of the following costs are eligible for disbursement from the Ohio real estate recovery fund?

The claimant's actual loss


What is the Ohio real estate recovery fund’s maximum per-licensee liability?



Which one of the following tasks does the Ohio superintendent of real estate perform?

Request criminal records checks


The Ohio Real Estate Commission can impose a $1,000 per-violation civil penalty on anyone found practicing real estate without a license. What’s considered a violation in Ohio?

One day acting without a license


An Ohio complainant appealed the superintendent’s decision to dismiss the complaint. What will happen at the next real estate commission meeting?

The commission will hear testimony and determine whether to affirm or reverse the superintendent’s decision.


Practicing real estate without a license is considered what type of offense in Ohio?

Practicing real estate without a license is considered a first-degree misdemeanor in Ohio.


If the Ohio real estate superintendent determines that a complaint has merit, what’s the next step in the process?

Schedule a hearing


The Ohio Real Estate Commission enforces licensing laws and regulations. Who makes the licensing regulations that the commission enforces?

The division of real estate


Emerald filed a complaint against an Ohio real estate licensee. She received a notice from the division of real estate. What's the next step?

The complainant and the licensee have 10 days from receipt of the notification to let the division know that they’d like to go to informal mediation.


If Ohio licensees disagree with sanctions the Ohio Real Estate Commission imposes on them, what option can the licensee exercise?

If a licensee disagrees with any aspect of the sanctions the Ohio Real Estate Commission imposes, the only option the licensee can exercise is to file an appeal with an Ohio court.

Appeal to the court of common pleas


What is the Ohio superintendent of real estate authorized to do?

Enforce standards of conduct for licensees


If individuals in Ohio are fined for practicing real estate without a license, where are the fines deposited once paid?

Fines collected for practicing without a license are deposited into the division of real estate operating fund. The fund is used to pay administrative and overhead expenses for the division.