IELTS vocabulary topic: Health Flashcards

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1. Do you have any unhealthy habits?

Unfortunately yes. I do have a hectic schedule every day so I keep skipping meals. I know this habit is harmful to my body and always makes me feel under the weather. I’m trying to break this habit by creating a clear timetable.

  • a hectic schedule: lịch trình bận rộn/ dày đặc
  • skip meals: bỏ bữa
  • to be harmful to sth: có hại cho ai
  • feel under the weather: cảm thấy không khỏe
  • break the habit of Ving: từ bỏ thói quen gì


2. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?

For me, the easiest way is to exercise on a daily basis. It not only helps me keep fit but also reduces my stress level. Other than that, I also have regular check-ups every year to avoid major health problems.

  • on a daily basis: hằng ngày
  • keep fit/ stay in shape: giữ sức khỏe, khỏe mạnh, giữ dáng
  • reduce my stress level: giảm thiểu stress, căng thẳng
  • regular check-ups: kiểm tra sức khỏe thường xuyên


3. Do you do any sports?

Swimming is my favourite sport and I do it every day without fail. However, I’m planning to take up a new sport such as kickboxing or karate as a way to protect myself.

  • without fail: hằng ngày
  • take up a new sport: bắt đầu một môn thể thao mới


4. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?

Well, I have to say that sports do wonders for our health. Firstly, it helps us stay in shape and build muscles. People also do sports for entertainment and relaxation after a stressful working day. I guess that’s the reason why we can get better sleep after every workout.

  • do wonders for our health: mang lại nhiều điều có lợi cho sức khỏe
  • build muscles: phát triển cơ bắp


5. What do you think is more important, eating healthy or doing exercise?

To me, eating healthy is more essential. You know there is a saying: You are what you eat. For example, if you eat too much fast food, you are likely to get obesity. In contrast, having a healthy diet and providing vital nutrients is a way to build a strong immune system and fight against any health problems. These benefits can not be achieved by only exercising.

  • You are what you eat (idiom): Thực phẩm bạn ăn sẽ thể hiện cơ thể của bạn ra sao
  • obesity: bệnh béo phì
  • vital nutrients: các dưỡng chất cần thiết
  • build a strong immune system: phát triển hệ thống miễn dịch khỏe mạnh
  • fight against: chống lại


6. Do you think more about your health now than when you were younger?

Certainly! Now that I’m older, I can feel that my body isn’t as fresh as a daisy as it was before. Therefore, I pay more attention to my health now. For instance, I try to get rid of the sedentary lifestyle by doing sports more often and going on a diet. I even visit the doctor once in a while to have check-ups.

  • as fresh as a daisy: tràn đầy năng lượng, khỏe mạnh
  • pay attention to: chú ý đến cái gì
  • a sedentary lifestyle: một lối sống thụ động
  • once in a while: thỉnh thoảng


Well, in reality, there are many ways to stay healthy and keep fit. The one lifestyle that I find easiest to follow is to eat clean. I found out about this way of life through social media platforms in 2018 because people were crazy about it back then.

First, let me explain the term - “eat clean”. When you eat something clean, the food is organic and less processed. In other words, this lifestyle keeps you away from added sugar, preservatives, artificial colours and flavours. The interesting thing about "eat clean" is that it does not require you to reduce your food intake BUT your calorie intake.

There are many kinds of food that meet this criterion such as eggs, broccoli and berries with high amounts of nutrients but no excess calories. Therefore, if I eat clean, I will not feel under the weather compared to having a very strict diet.

Now, I need to make it clear that this is not a diet but a way of life. Leading a “clean” lifestyle like this also means maintaining a positive mindset and loving yourself. It does not create a feeling of pressure to starve yourself but is more about how you pay attention and give your body what it really needs.

There are hundreds of fitness articles and magazines talking about how it is beneficial for your body and even your mental health. Basically because when you eat clean, you cut down on all the unfavourable ingredients and elements, for example, sweeteners which create a greater risk of health issues like obesity.

In addition to a healthier body and diet, eating nutrient-dense food as I mentioned is an effective method to lose weight and get into shape but still stay energized.

I used to eat clean daily by buying local ingredients and cooking at home. But now, I have a heavy workload so I just do it from time to time. I hope that this lifestyle can be adopted by everybody so that we can all have better health.

  • eat clean: lối sống ăn sạch
  • a way of life: lối sống
  • to be crazy about sth: rất thích cái gì
  • to be organic: hữu cơ
  • to be less processed: không qua chế biến nhiều
  • keep sb away from sth: hạn chế ai với cái gì
  • reduce your food intake: giảm thiểu lượng đồ ăn nạp vào
  • calorie intake: lượng calo nạp vào
  • excess calories: calo thừa
  • have a strict diet: một chế độ ăn kiêng nghiêm ngặt
  • lead a lifestyle: sống một lối sống
  • maintain a positive mindset: duy trì tư duy tích cực
  • starve yourself: bỏ đói bản thân
  • fitness articles: bài báo/viết về sức khỏe
  • mental health: sức khỏe tinh thần
  • cut down on: giảm thiểu cái gì
  • unfavourable ingredients: những nguyên liệu không mong muốn
  • sweeteners: đồ ngọt
  • a greater risk of sth: nguy cơ cao hơn
  • nutrient-dense food: thực phẩm giàu chất dinh dưỡng
  • lose weight: giảm cân
  • stay energized: luôn tràn đầy năng lượng
  • a heavy workload: một khối lượng công việc đồ sộ
  • from time to time: thỉnh thoảng
  • adopt a lifestyle: bắt đầu một lối sống


1. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

It depends much on age and personal preferences. For youngsters like me, we often go to the gym and play team sports such as football that require more energy and physical strength. Meanwhile, older people are into doing relaxing sports like yoga or pilates.

  • team sports: các môn thể thao đồng đội
  • require more energy and physical strength: yêu cầu nhiều năng lượng và sức mạnh thể chất
  • relaxing sports: các môn thể thao thư giãn


2. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?

I think the obvious reason is that quitting these habits requires a lot of time and effort. Some people just lack consistency and determination. However, there are objective reasons as well. For example, when it comes to fast food and unhealthy snacks, the temptation created by adverts can drive people to eat them over and over again.

And lastly, people can actually be addicted to the sugar in this unhealthy food.

  • quit a habit: từ bỏ một thói quen
  • determination: lòng quyết tâm
  • fast food: đồ ăn nhanh
  • temptation: sự lôi kéo
  • drive sb to do sth: khiến/ điều khiển ai làm gì
  • be addicted to sth: nghiện cái gì


3. How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?

From my point of view, the unhealthy lifestyles that people have are the result of inadequate health awareness. Therefore, the first step could be creating educational campaigns to widen people’s knowledge about this area. The government and local authorities can also motivate people to exercise by providing public sports facilities and sponsoring sports events.

  • health awareness: hiểu biết về sức khỏe
  • widen people’s knowledge: mở rộng kiến thức cho mọi người
  • motivate sb to do sth: truyền động lực cho ai làm gì
  • provide public sports facilities: cung cấp các cơ sở thể thao công cộng


4. Do you think people have become more health-conscious in recent years?

Yes, especially after the long period of Covid-19. Although people now have longer average lifespans compared to the past, there is still a number of health problems that put them at risk. Firstly, the booming economy around the world is an underlying reason for poor environmental conditions that lead to serious diseases such as cancer.

Secondly, I haven’t even mentioned other mental illnesses, for example, depression which is becoming more and more common. These mental issues are way harder to deal with in comparison with physical ones. As a consequence, you can find many articles and magazines that are specialized in this subject.

  • longer average lifespans: tuổi thọ trung bình dài hơn
  • put sb at risk: đặt ai vào nguy hiểm
  • an underlying reason: lý do bên dưới, sâu xa
  • poor environmental conditions: điều kiện môi trường kém, không tốt
  • serious diseases: bệnh nghiêm trọng
  • mental illnesses: các căn bệnh tâm lí
  • depression: trầm cảm
  • deal with: giải quyết
  • be specialized in sth: chuyên biệt về cái gì


1. How do you keep healthy?

I try to keep healthy by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. I make sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and I try to limit my intake of processed foods. I also make sure to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, whether it's going for a walk or running. Finally, I make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, so my body can rest and recharge. All of these things help me stay healthy and energized.

  • Balanced diet (n.): chế độ ăn cân bằng
  • Processed foods (n.): đồ ăn chế biến sẵn


2. Do you often do exercises?

Yes, I do. I used to maintain a sedentary lifestyle, but now I am trying to exercise on a daily basis. I can’t do some strength training as I always feel tired after doing it, so I usually go for a walk or do yoga to help me relax and stay flexible. Exercise helps me stay healthy and energized, so I make sure to make it a priority.

  • Sedentary lifestyle (n.): lối sống ít vận động
  • Stay flexible (phr.): dẻo dai, linh hoạt
  • Make something a priority (phr.): ưu tiên cái gì


3. What is your favorite sport?

I am keen on walking, as I can't do vigorous workouts. I go for a walk every morning around the park near my home. At first, I struggled with waking up early, but I get used to it now. I prefer walking with my friends so that we can exercise and chat with each other, and it's like killing two birds with one stone.

  • Vigorous workouts (n.): bài tập thể dục cường độ mạnh
  • (To) kill two birds with one stone (idiom): một mũi tên trúng 2 đích


4. Are there health classes in your school?

Yes, there are health classes in my school. We have a variety of health classes that cover topics such as nutrition, physical fitness or mental health. Each class is designed to help students be aware of the importance of taking care of their bodies and minds. We also have a health center on campus that provides resources and support for students who need help with their health. The health classes are a great way to learn about how to stay healthy and make sure we're taking care of ourselves.

  • Nutrition (n.): dinh dưỡng
  • (To be) aware of something (adj): nhận thức về cái gì


1. How do you keep yourself healthy?

Honestly, to maintain good health, I focus on 2 things including a proper diet and doing exercises on a regular basis. To be more specific, I avoid eating junk food and increase the consumption of vegetables, and I hit the gym 3 days a week.

  • to maintain good health: duy trì sức khỏe
  • a proper diet: chế độ ăn hợp lý
  • consumption of vegetables: sự tiêu thụ rau củ
  • to hit the gym: đến gym


2. Do you think you have a balanced diet?

Well, to be honest, to some extent, I would say yes. To keep myself in shape, I try not to eat junk foods at all costs and consume an adequate amount of macronutrients. The reason behind this is that the balance between protein, fat, and carbohydrates allows my body to function properly, while junk foods just lead to cardiovascular diseases.

  • to keep oneself in shape: giữ dáng
  • at all costs: bằng bất cứ giá nào
  • be adequate: đầy đủ
  • macronutrients: chất dinh dưỡng đa lượng
  • cardiovascular diseases: bệnh tim mạch


3. How do you manage stress in life?

From my perspective, stress is one kind of mental health problem which poses a threat to us. Therefore, managing and avoiding it is necessary if we want to lead a healthy lifestyle. To do so, I have to maintain positive thinking, exercise more to refresh my mind and consult doctors whenever I feel stressed.

  • poses a threat to someone/something: đe dọa ai hoặc cái gì
  • to lead a healthy lifestyle: sống một cuộc sống khỏe mạnh
  • maintain positive thinking: duy trì suy nghĩ tích cực


4. Do you have any unhealthy habits?

Well, I bet everyone is guilty of excessively indulging themselves to some extent and I’m not an exception. Being a gamer and a night owl prevent me from going to bed early. So yea, pulling an all nighter seems normal to me.

  • be guilty of: có lỗi trong việc gì
  • excessively indulging themselves: quá nuông chiều bản thân
  • exception: ngoại lệ
  • to pull an all nighter: thức cả đêm


5. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?

My favorite quote when it comes to my health is “You are what you eat”. This means your diet directly leads to your health prospect. Thus, I try my best to eat right by investing time and effort in researching what to eat for the entire week and devising a personal healthy diet plan. So far, it’s worked for me regarding staying healthy.

  • health prospect: sức khỏe trong tương lai
  • to devise: tạo ra (kế hoạch)


6. Is it easy to keep fit where you live?

Gladly, the answer is a solid yes. Within the vicinity of my neighborhood, you can easily find many gyms or health centers, not to mention healthy food stores. However, whether it is easy for you or not to keep fit does not entirely depend on the available amenities but on your perseverance and consistency.

  • vicinity of something: trong vùng lận cận của something
  • amenity: tiện ích
  • perseverance: sự kiên trì
  • consistency: tính nhất quán


7. What do you think is more important, eating healthy or doing exercise?

From my standpoint, it is best to balance these 2 activities to achieve long-lasting results. However, I’m sided with doing exercise as a more vital option. This is because when you are working out, you will have the tendency to eat more healthily as you don’t want your efforts to be fruitless.

  • long-lasting results: kết quả lâu dài
  • vital: quan trọng
  • tendency to do something: có xu hướng làm gì
  • fruitless: vô nghĩa


8. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?

Playing sports has numerous health benefits. Physical activity can help you gain muscle and boost metabolism more effectively. Sports can provide both mental and physical well-being. Participation in sports and other physical activities has a considerable impact on the human body.

  • numerous: rất nhiều
  • boost metabolism: tăng cường trao đổi chất
  • mental and physical well-being: sức khỏe tinh thân và thể chất


Over the last 2 years, Covid-19 has been rampaging people’s lives all over the world, and the most cost-efficient and effective way to deal with this contagious disease that experts usually tell people during this pandemic is “Wash your hands!”

This motto has been broadcasted on various social media platforms including TV, radio, Facebook, and newspapers. To be precise, it is not only a concise phrase so as to make people memorize it easily but it is also the most practical advice during this time. As the virus spreads through contact with human respiratory droplets, our hands are the most exposing part of the body to take in the virus. Indeed, people tend to touch surfaces on which the virus is, and then put their hands to their mouths, noses, or eyes, which allows the spreading of the disease.

Therefore, doctors recommend that we wash our hands frequently with sanitizer or with soaps and water in order to get rid of the existence of the virus in our body parts. However, at first, very few people complied with it, so the proliferation of the infected was too high and rapid to control. Fortunately, thanks to the supreme efforts of governments and experts in the field, people eventually understood how serious and fatal Covid-19 was and started washing their hands.

After all, the pandemic has been brought under control, and washing hands has played a vital role in this marvelous result.


tối ưu chi phí

Gas pipes are repaired quickly and in a cost-efficient manner for consumers.


dễ lây nhiễm

Covid-19 is highly contagious.


khẩu hiệu

“No one can walk my path.” That’s my motto.

to broadcast

phát sóng

The concert will be broadcast live this time.

human respiratory droplets

giọt bắn (dịch mũi/nước bọt)

Human respiratory droplets are the main spreading mean of the virus.

exposing parts

bộ phận phơi nhiễm

The exposing parts to sunlight can be greatly damaged during scorching hot days.


nước rửa tay diejt khuẩn

Remember to use sanitizers whenever you enter the building.

to get rid of

tránh khỏi cái gì

Could you please tell me how to get rid of this mess?

to comply with

tuần theo

People need to comply with the new regulations in order to better the situation.


sự tăng lên đột ngột

The proliferation of new patients puts a strain on the hospital's performance.

supreme efforts

nỗ lực mạnh mẽ

It will take supreme efforts to overcome this stage of life.


gây nguy hiểm tính mạng

The wound would be fatal if it were not treated correctly.

vital role

vai trò trọng yếu

Downsizing plays a vital role in the company’s survival in this age of crisis.

marvelous result

kết quả tuyệt vời

After all, this marvelous result changes my life.


Do people in your country exercise frequently?

As far as I’m concerned, in the past, citizens didn’t have the habit of working out, but now their living pattern has changed as their concern about personal health has been increasing lately. Indeed, it is easy for us to encounter many people taking a stroll in the park or on the pavement early in the morning.

Besides, the young these days are hitting the gym twice or more times a week in order to be in shape. I reckon that Vietnamese people are paying more attention to their personal well-being.

living pattern

lối sống/thói quen sống

My living pattern does not allow such unhealthy behaviors.

to take a stroll

đi bộ

Taking a stroll in the park for half an hour can be a good mediating activity.

personal well-being

sức khỏe cá nhân

No one will take care of your personal well-being unless you pay them


Do you think that diets can affect our health?

Well, I truly believe so, since there is a saying “We are what we eat”. This means that all kinds of food that we consume would result in our prospective health conditions. To be more specific, if anyone has an unhealthy diet by consuming too much sugar or fat, he will never be able to stay in shape, instead, he will be obese and be likely to develop heart disease.

By contrast, those who are eating healthy food will have their lives well taken care of, so their quality of life will be enhanced.

prospective health conditions

điều kiện sức khỏe trong tương lai gần

Your prospective health conditions depend completely on your living pattern such as sleeping and eating.


Which one do you support, treating diseases or preventing them?

As far as I know, people usually say that “prevention is better than cure”, and well, I believe so as well. To be frank, no disease is far better than curing one, since no one ever wants to be engaged in a health condition that deteriorates their standards of living. Indeed, although with the advent of technology, advancements in medicine have allowed us to heal any wound or get rid of various types of ailments, the treatment process is still costly and complicated.

For example, today cancer patients can live much longer if their tumors are detected early, but the treatment plan would cost them a fortune to purchase equipment or to pay for hospital fees.


làm tệ hơn

Eating too much junk food deteriorates you from the inside.

the advent of technology

sự tiến bộ công nghệ

The advent of the new medical technology allows people to treat wounds more quickly.