underestimate (v)
to think something is smaller/less important (과소평가하다)
eternity (n)
forever or unending time (영원)
secluded (adj)
hidden from view (한적한, 외딴)
frugal (adj)
small in amount; careful with spending (절약하는)
discard (v)
to throw out; trash (버리다, 폐기하다)
primary (adj)
main importance; earliest in time (주된, 주요한)
replenish (v)
restore back to a former level/condition; fill up (다시 채우다, 보충하다)
arduous (adj)
requiring great effort; difficult (몹시 힘든, 고된)
fatal (adj)
causing death (치명적인)
scour (adj)
travel over an area while looking for something (샅샅이 뒤지다)
plunge (v)
to push into something; to dive/jump (급락하다)
gorge (v)
greedily eat a large amount (잔뜩[실컷] 먹다)
passerby (n)
a person who go past by foot (행인, 지나가는 사람)
horizon (n)
the line where Earth and the sky meet (지평선)
fatigue (n)
The condition of being tired;exhaustion (피로)
regain (v)
recover (되찾다[회복하다])
diligent (adj)
hardworking (성실한)
sacred (adj)
religious,holy (성스러운, 종교적인)