If a A/A*B/B is crossed with a/a*b/b and the F1 is testcrossed, what percentage of the test cross progeny if they're:
a) unlinked
b) linked
c) 10 mu
d) 24 mu
a) each would have a 25%
b) only parentals with a 50%
c) parents would have 45% each
d) parents would have 38% each
In a haploid organism, cD x Cd are crossed. C and D are 8 mu apart. what proportion will be:
a) CD
b) cd
c) Cd
d) all recombinants
a) 4
b) 4
c) 46
d) 8

+/+*+/+*+/+ x p/p*v/v*b/b
a) linked?
b) map
a) all 3
b) v-----p---b
v->p 22
p->b 15

ignore d and f
a) 1:1:1:1 ratio
b) 0.76
c) 3 df; p is between .5-.9
e) accept

yes all 3

a) F1 would have all dominant
b) t---------D ; w----------A and T----------d ; w---------A
F1 would be same
c) 0.52
zebra fish name
Danio rerio
what kind of organism
diploid, eukaryotic vertebrate
easy to mutagenize and transform
especially useful for
developmental and toxicology studies
lays many eggs
generation time 3 months
transparent embryos
genome size
sequencing published
number of genes
69% which have human orthologs
the number of BLAST hits you expect to see by chance with the observed score or higher