casual (adj)
done without much attention/thought;relaxed,unplanned (대충하는, 건성의)
militant (adj)
violent, aggressive in action (공격적인, 전투적인)
pillar (n)
an important part; suppport (기둥)
rigorous (adj)
extremely thorough, strict, tough (철저한, 엄격한)
silhouette (n)
shadow; dark shape of someone/something (검은 윤곽, 실루엣)
searing (adj)
extremely hot (타는 듯한)
commitment (n)
promise/engagement (약속)
dehydration (n)
lack of water or moisture (탈수)
ancestral (adj)
belonging to/inherited from an ancestor (조상의)
ravenous (adj)
very eager, greedy for food (배가 고파 죽을 지경인)
comrade (n)
a close friend who shares his/her interest (전우, 동료)
delirious (adj)
unable to think,speak/ crazy (정신이 혼미한)
detect (v)
to discover or notice something/someone (발견하다)
mentality (n)
mental attitude (사고방식)
immoral (adj)
bad or evil, not moral (비도덕적인)
affirm (v)
confirm (단언하다)
disastrous (adj)
causing great harm (처참한, 형편없는)
satchel (n)
a small bag (책가방)