APUSH Chapter 29 Flashcards

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Before he was elected president in 1912, Woodrow Wilson had been
A) Presbyterian minister.
B) state governor.
C) successful businessman.
D) Progressive Republican.
E) United States Senator.



As governor of New Jersey, Woodrow Wilson established a record as
A) mild conservative.
B) reactionary.
C) man who could readily work with Democratic party bosses.
D) social radical.
E) passionate reformer.



In 1912, Woodrow Wilson ran for the presidency on a Democratic platform that included all of the following except a call for
A) antitrust legislation.
B) monetary reform.
C) dollar diplomacy.
D) tariff reductions.
E) support for small business.



When Jane Addams placed Teddy Roosevelt's name in nomination for the presidency in 1912, it
A) demonstrated that the Republican party supported woman suffrage.
B) ensured Roosevelt's defeat by William Howard Taft.
C) symbolized the rising political status of women.
D) showed that Roosevelt had lost touch with public opinion.
E) demonstrated his concern for international peace.



Teddy Roosevelt's New Nationalism
A) pinned its economic faith on competition and the breakup of large monopolies.
B) opposed the growth of labor unions.
C) sought to raise tariffs to protect American industry.
D) supported a broad program of social welfare and government regulation of business.
E) favored state rather than federal government activism.



Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom
A) advocated social-welfare programs
B) opposed fragmentation of big industrial combines
C) favored small enterprise and entrepreneurship
D) supported minimum wage laws
E) opposed banking and tariff reform



The 1912 presidential election was notable because
A) it gave the voters a clear choice of political and economic philosophies.
B) personalities were the only issue of the campaign.
C) it was the first time women had the right to vote.
D) the Democratic party had split.
E) the Socialists competed as a serious third party.



Match each 1912 presidential candidate below with his political party.
A. Woodrow Wilson 1. Socialist
B. Theodore Roosevelt 2. Democratic
C. William Howard Taft 3. Republican
D. Eugene V. Debs 4. Progressive

A) A—1, B—2, C—4, D—3
B) A—1, B—3, C—4, D—2
C) A—4, B—3, C—2, D—l
D) A—3, B—1, C—2, D—4
E) A—2, B—4, C—3, D—l



According to the text, the runaway philosophical winner in the 1912 election was
A) socialism.
B) progressivism.
C) conservatism.
D) capitalism.
E) feminism.



In 1912 Woodrow Wilson became the first __________ elected to the presidency since the Civil War.
A) person born in the South
B) Democrat
C) lawyer
D) non—Civil War veteran
E) Presbyterian.



Woodrow Wilson was most comfortable surrounded by
A) military veterans.
B) Catholics.
C) political professionals.
D) journalists.
E) academic scholars.



Woodrow Wilson's attitude toward the masses can best be described as
A) open contempt.
B) public support but private dislike.
C) having faith in them if they were properly educated.
D) indifference.
E) trust in their natural common sense.



Woodrow Wilson's political philosophy included all of the following except
A) faith in the masses.
B) scorn for the ideal of self—determination for minority peoples in other countries.
C) a belief that the president should provide leadership for Congress.
D) a belief that the president should appeal over the heads of legislators to the sovereign people.
E) a belief in the moral essence of politics.



As a politician, Woodrow Wilson was
A) clever and agile.
B) a showman, like Teddy Roosevelt.
C) a man with the common touch.
D) willing to compromise with his opponents.
E) inflexible and stubborn.



Congress passed the Underwood Tariff because
A) big business favored its passage.
B) President Wilson aroused public opinion to support its passage.
C) the general public had been demanding a higher tariff.
D) the tariff kept the graduated income tax from being enacted.
E) Wilson gained Western support for tariff reduction.



In 1913, Woodrow Wilson broke with a custom dating back to Jefferson's day when he
A) appointed members of his cabinet without regard to their party affiliation.
B) appointed a black man to the Supreme Court.
C) endorsed woman suffrage.
D) personally delivered his presidential address to Congress.
E) rode with his defeated predecessor to the inauguration.



When Woodrow Wilson became president in 1912, the most serious shortcoming in the country's financial structure was that the
A) large banks were scattered too widely around the country.
B) Bank of the United States had been greatly weakened.
C) banking system had been overregulated by the federal government.
D) U.S. dollar was tied to gold.
E) currency was inelastic.



When Congress passed the Underwood Tariff Bill in 1913, it intended the legislation to
A) lower tariff rates.
B) raise tariff rates.
C) eliminate tariffs as a source of revenue.
D) essentially maintain the existing tariff schedule.
E) aid American farmers.



The Sixteenth Amendment provided for
A) a personal income tax.
B) direct election of senators.
C) prohibition.
D) woman suffrage.
E) abolition of child labor.



The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 guaranteed a substantial measure of public control over the American banking system through the final authority given to the
A) Secretary of the Treasury.
B) President of the United States.
C) United States Senate Banking Committee.
D) locally elected regional banks.
E) presidentially appointed Federal Reserve Board.



The Federal Reserve Act gave the Federal Reserve Board the authority to
A) issue paper money and increase the amount of money in circulation.
B) close weak banks.
C) take the U.S. dollar off the gold standard.
D) collect income taxes directly from employees' paychecks.
E) establish government—owned public banks.



The Clayton Anti—Trust Act
A) held that trade unions fell under the antimonopoly restraints of the Sherman Anti—Trust Act.
B) regarded labor as an article of commerce.
C) helped Congress to control interstate commerce.
D) explicitly legalized strikes and peaceful picketing.
E) exempted farm cooperatives from antitrust action.



Because of the benefits that it conferred on labor, Samuel Gompers called the _______________ "labor's Magna Charta."
A) Federal Reserve Act
B) Underwood Tariff Act
C) Clayton Anti—Trust Act
D) Sixteenth Amendment
E) Workmen's Compensation Act



The first Jew to sit on the United States Supreme Court, appointed by Woodrow Wilson, was
A) Felix Frankfurter.
B) Arsene Pujo.
C) Abraham Cahan.
D) Louis D. Brandeis.
E) Bernard Baruch.



Woodrow Wilson showed the limits of his progressivism by
a. opposing workingmen's compensation.
b. opposing the entry of women into politics.
c. vetoing the Federal Farm Loan Act.
d. refusing to appoint the Jewish Louis D. Brandeis to the Federal Trade Commission.
e. accelerating the segregation of blacks in the federal bureaucracy.



Woodrow Wilson's early efforts to conduct an anti—imperialist U. S. foreign policy were first undermined when he
A) withdrew support from American investors in Latin America and China.
B) repealed the Panama Canal Tolls Act.
C) sent American marines to Haiti.
D) promised eventual independence to the Philippines.
E) conducted a buildup of American military forces in Hawaii.



Which term best characterizes Woodrow Wilson's approach to American foreign policy diplomacy?
A) imperialistic
B) moralistic
C) realistic
D) balance—of—power
E) isolationist



President Woodrow Wilson refused to intervene in the affairs of Mexico until
A) American business investors demanded protection.
B) Venustiano Carranza became president of Mexico.
C) American sailors were arrested in the port of Tampico.
D) William Randolph Hearst and his newspaper began a campaign for involvement.
E) Pancho Villa conducted raids into New Mexico.



Before his first term ended, Woodrow Wilson had militarily intervened in or purchased all of the following countries except
A) Haiti
B) the Dominican Republic
C) the Virgin Islands.
D) Cuba.
E) Mexico.



Woodrow Wilson's administration refused to extend formal diplomatic recognition to the government in Mexico headed by
A) Porfirio Diaz.
B) Venustiano Carranza.
C) Pancho Villa.
D) Victoriano Huerta.
E) Emiliano Zapata.



As World War I began in Europe, the alliance system placed Germany and Austria—Hungary as leaders of the _______________, while Russia and France were among the _______________.
A) Central Powers; Holy Alliance
B) Central Powers; Triple Alliance
C) Allies; Central Powers
D) Triple Alliance; Central Powers
E) Central Powers; Allies



From 1914 to 1916, trade between the United States and Britain
A) decreased considerably.
B) violated international neutrality laws.
C) was carried only on British ships.
D) was based on weapons shipments.
E) pulled the American economy out of a recession.



With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the great majority of Americans
A) earnestly hoped to stay out of the war.
B) favored entering the war in support of the Allies.
C) supported the Central Powers.
D) wanted to form a military alliance of neutral nations.
E) favored U.S. mediation of the conflict.



One primary effect of World War I on the United States was that it
A) opened new markets in Germany and Austria—Hungary.
B) suffered severe business losses.
C) conducted an immense amount of trade with the Allies.
D) turned more of its economic activity toward Latin America and Asia.
E) virtually ended American international trade.



President Wilson insisted that he would hold _______________ to "strict accountability" for _______________.
A) Britain; repaying the loans made to it by American bankers
B) Britain; the disruption of American trade with the European continent
C) Germany; starting the war
D) Germany; fair treatment of civilians in Belgium
E) Germany; the loss of American ships and lives to submarine warfare



German submarines began sinking unarmed and unresisting merchant and passenger ships without warning
A) when the United States entered the war.
B) in retaliation for the British naval blockade of Germany.
C) in an effort to keep the United States out of the war.
D) because international law now allowed this new style of warfare.
E) in a last—ditch effort to win the war.



Which of the following American passenger liners was sunk by German submarines?
A) Lusitania
B) Arabic
C) Sussex
D) Titanic
E) None of these was an American ship.



The Progressive "Bull Moose" party died when
A) Teddy Roosevelt refused to run as the party's presidential candidate in 1916.
B) Teddy Roosevelt lost the presidential race in 1916.
C) the United States entered World War I.
D) the Republican candidate, Charles Evans Hughes, advocated the same programs as Roosevelt.
E) Woodrow Wilson won over most Bull Moose voters.



In the Sussex pledge, Germany promised
A) not to sink passenger ships.
B) to maintain the territorial integrity of France.
C) to halt its naval blockade of Britain.
D) to halt all submarine warfare.
E) not to sink passenger ships without warning.



When Woodrow Wilson won reelection in 1916, he received strong support from the
A) East Coast.
B) working class.
C) business community.
D) prowar members of both parties.
E) new women voters.