USH Unit 5_Documentary Notes Flashcards

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What was the meeting between Secretary of War Stanton, General Sherman, and 20 blacks?

they gathered together to discuss the future of the freedmen population (rapidly increased after they were freed)


Who was general Sherman and what was his role?

He had given out land to the blacks which became an independent black community. The blacks could set up a congress similar to that of US


Who was Tunis Campbell?

He was a black man who was the president of the congress in St. Catherine's Island in the Sea Islands. He allowed education.


How did Johnson's views on planters develop?

Initial: hatred

:ater: acknowledged Soiuthern perspective and wanted to reconciliate white northerners and southerners --> abandoned the strict regulations on planters


Who was General O.O. Howard and what was his role?

He was given orders from the president to make a mutual agreement with blacks and whites

--> had to tell blacks that the land would be taken back and if they wanted to stay, they had to write labor contracts


What was the thirty-ninth Congress and why was it significant?

This had 60 former confederates in which the clerk of house refused to call the Southern states' names --> reflects on tensions

confederates were denied their seats

Northern democrats sided with Johnson and went in conflict with the Southern / tried to tie south and north together


Civil Rights Act of March 1866

  • Both houses signed the bill that ensured freedom without in regard to race
  • People warned him to not to veto the bill if he wants to maintain contact with the Congress
  • But johnson vetoed the bill
  • Moderate republicans were outraged
  • Johnson’s plan of reconstruction was too lenient
  • Many in congress stated that the civil rights act wasn’t enough


New Orleans Political Convention

- black people were ready to fight for their right to vote

- president johnson dismissed


Race riot in New Orleans (1866)

  • 1866, July 30th, the state convention occurred
  • Republicans were chased out
  • Black men were murdered in streets


1866 midterm elections

  • Speaking tour → wanted to sell his policies to Northerners
  • Blamed the slaughter of New Orleans on the Congress
  • Referred to himself as a Jesus figures
  • Egotistic to the point of mental disease
  • Cunning as well as unreasonable


what happened with Marshall Twitchell

he was a northener in lousiana who wanted to work with the blacks --> the white southeners didnot like him


Georgia legislatures voted to eliminate black lesgislatures
