Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology: A&P Chapter 7 Flashcards

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1) Which of the following is not true regarding the axial skeleton?

A) has 80 bones

B) includes the skull

C) includes the pelvic and pectoral girdles

D) includes auditory ossicles

E) includes the thoracic cage

C) includes the pelvic and pectoral girdles


2) Which of the following is a function of the axial skeleton?
A) provides an attachment for muscles that move the appendicular skeleton
B) provides an attachment for muscles that move the head, neck, and trunk
C) provides an attachment for muscles involved in breathing
D) provides protection for the brain and spinal cord
E) All of the answers are correct.

E) All of the answers are correct.


3) Which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton?

A) skull

B) false ribs

C) sternum

D) hyoid bone

E) pelvic girdle

E) pelvic girdle


4) The skull and vertebral column are part of the ________ skeleton.
A) axial
B) apical
C) appendicular
D) articulated
E) sagittal

A) axial


5) Identify the mismatched pair.

A) skull bones: 8 cranial and 14 facial bones
B) bones associated with the skull: 6 auditory ossicles and 1 hyoid bone
C) vertebral column: 24 vertebrae and 1 sacrum and 1 coccyx
D) thoracic cage: sternum and 24 ribs and 2 clavicles
E) There is no mismatched pair

D) thoracic cage: sternum and 24 ribs and 2 clavicles


6) In some individuals the supra-orbital foramen is incomplete and called the
A) supra-orbital fissure.
B) supra-orbital suture.
C) supra-orbital fontanelle.
D) supra-orbital notch.
E) supra-orbital meatus.

D) supra-orbital notch.


7) The olfactory foramina are found in which of the following bones?
A) ethmoid
B) sphenoid
C) temporal
D) nasal
E) zygomatic

A) ethmoid


8) A thickening of the frontal bone that helps protect the eye is the
A) optic canal.
B) supra-orbital margin.
C) superior orbital fissure.
D) frontal suture.
E) frontal sinuses.

B) supra-orbital margin


9) Which portion of the temporal bone houses the structures of the internal ear?
A) squamous
B) petrous
C) styloid
D) zygomatic
E) mastoid

B) petrous


10) Which paired bones form the lateral, posterior portions of the cranium?
A) frontal
B) maxilla
C) sphenoid
D) parietal
E) zygomatic

D) parietal


11) Delicate projections that form from the ethmoidal labyrinth are
A) olfactory foramina.
B) pterygoid processes.
C) sphenoidal sinuses.
D) superior and middle nasal conchae.
E) auditory ossicles.

D) superior and middle nasal conchae.


12) Which of the following is not a cranial bone?

A) frontal

B) parietal

C) palatine

D) temporal

E) occipital

C) palatine


13) Air-filled chambers found in several bones of the skull are called
A) conchae.
B) sinuses.
C) fontanelles.
D) sutures.
E) fossae.

B) sinuses.


14) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) mandible: movable facial bone in skull
B) maxilla: alveolar processes
C) sphenoid: external acoustic meatus
D) frontal: glabella
E) occipital: foramen magnum

C) sphenoid: external acoustic meatus


15) Which of the following articulate in the mandibular fossa?
A) condylar process
B) mastoid process
C) acromion process
D) coronoid process
E) zygomatic process

A) condylar process


16) The internal acoustic meatus is located in which bone?
A) occipital
B) ethmoid
C) sphenoid
D) temporal
E) parietal

D) temporal


17) The occipital ________ are where the occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra.
A) processes
B) condyles
C) foramina
D) fossae
E) tubercles

B) condyles


18) The auditory ossicles are housed in which cranial bone?
A) sphenoid
B) ethmoid
C) zygomatic
D) temporal
E) lacrimal

D) temporal


19) The parietal bones and occipital bone articulate at the ________ suture.
A) lambdoid
B) central
C) sagittal
D) coronal
E) posterior

A) lambdoid


20) The ________ is the bony chamber that protects and supports the brain.
A) skull
B) centrum
C) cranium
D) cephalum
E) cortex

C) cranium


21) Infection of the large process on the temporal bone would be called
A) tinnitus.
B) encephalitis.
C) meningitis.
D) petrositis.
E) mastoiditis.

E) mastoiditis.


22) The inferior portion of the nasal septum is formed by the
A) nasal bone.
B) perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone.
C) inferior nasal conchae.
D) vomer.
E) palatine bone

D) vomer


23) The optic nerve passes through which structure?
A) superior orbital fissure
B) inferior orbital fissure
C) optic canal
D) internal optic meatus
E) external acoustic meatus

C) optic canal


24) The four primary sutures are lambdoid, coronal, sagittal, and
A) lateral.
B) cuboidal.
C) parietal.
D) squamous.
E) frontal.

D) squamous


25) The ________ bone is unusual because it doesn't contact another bone.
A) vomer
B) lacrimal
C) hyoid
D) atlas
E) ethmoid

C) hyoid


26) The hard palate of the roof of the mouth is mostly formed by the
A) palatine processes of the maxillae.
B) lesser wings of the sphenoid bone.
C) nasal bones.
D) zygomatic process.
E) palatine bones.

A) palatine processes of the maxillae.


27) The foramen magnum is found in the ________ bone.
A) frontal
B) parietal
C) ethmoid
D) occipital
E) temporal

D) occipital


28) The suture that forms the articulation of the parietal bones with the frontal bone is the ________ suture.
A) lambdoid
B) rostral
C) coronal
D) squamous
E) sagittal

C) coronal


29) The calvaria (or skullcap) is formed by the ________ bones.
A) frontal, temporal, and parietal
B) frontal, parietal, and occipital
C) temporal, parietal, and occipital
D) frontal, temporal, and occipital
E) frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital

B) frontal, parietal, and occipital


30) The zygomatic arch is formed by the articulation of processes from which two bones?
A) zygomatic and maxilla
B) frontal and temporal
C) sphenoid and temporal
D) zygomatic and sphenoid
E) temporal and zygomatic

E) temporal and zygomatic


31) The prominent bulge just posterior and inferior to the external auditory meatus is the
A) mastoid process.
B) styloid process.
C) occipital condyle.
D) condyloid process.
E) temporal process.

A) mastoid process.


32) Which of these is not one of the facial bones?

A) frontal

B) maxilla

C) vomer

D) mandible

E) zygomatic

A) frontal


33) Each of the following regions/markings is associated with the occipital bone except the

A) superior and inferior nuchal lines.

B) foramen magnum.

C) hypoglossal canals.

D) glabella.

E) external occipital crest.

D) glabella.


34) A point of attachment for muscles that rotate or extend the head is the
A) styloid process.
B) mastoid process.
C) palatine process.
D) coronoid process.
E) zygomatic process.

B) mastoid process


35) Ligaments that support the hyoid bone are attached to the
A) styloid process.
B) mastoid process.
C) palatine process.
D) coronoid process.
E) zygomatic process.

A) styloid process


36) Each of the following is associated with the temporal bone except the

A) mastoid cells.

B) petrous portion.

C) sella turcica.

D) internal acoustic meatus.

E) mandibular fossa.

C) sella turcica.


37) The hypophyseal fossa of the sella turcica contains the ________ gland.
A) lacrimal
B) pituitary
C) olfactory
D) nasal
E) sellar

B) pituitary


38) Each of the following structures is associated with the sphenoid bone except the

A) foramen ovale.

B) optic canals.

C) pterygoid processes.

D) Sella turcica.

E) cribriform plate.

E) cribriform plate.


39) A skull bone that could be described as looking like a bat with wings extended is the
A) maxilla.
B) crista galli.
C) sphenoid.
D) ethmoid.
E) temporal.

C) sphenoid.


40) The nasal conchae
A) attach muscles that move the eye.
B) contain the nerves for olfaction.
C) create turbulence in the nasal passageways.
D) protect the pituitary gland.
E) attach muscles that move the mouth.

C) create turbulence in the nasal passageways.


41) The bony portion of the nasal septum is formed by the
A) nasal bones.
B) perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone.
C) perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and vomer bone.
D) vomer and sphenoid bone.
E) perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and sphenoid bone.

C) perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and vomer bone.


42) Of the following bones, which is unpaired?
A) vomer
B) maxillae
C) palatine
D) nasal
E) lacrimal

A) vomer


43) The styloid process, zygomatic process, and auditory ossicles are associated with the
A) parietal bone.
B) occipital bone.
C) sphenoid bone.
D) temporal bone.
E) lacrimal bone.

temporal bone.


44) The skull contains ________ bones.
A) 32
B) 22
C) 42
D) 12
E) 27

B) 22


45) While playing softball, Gina is struck in the frontal bone by a wild pitch. Which of the following complaints would you expect her to have?
A) a sore jaw
B) a black eye
C) a headache
D) a sore chest
E) a sore back

C) a headache


46) The alveolar processes of the mandible
A) support the upper teeth.
B) support the lower teeth.
C) anchor the tongue.
D) are part of the temporomandibular joint.
E) articulate with the hyoid bone.

B) support the lower teeth.


47) The smallest facial bones are the
A) ethmoid bones.
B) lacrimal bones.
C) lacerum bones.
D) nasal bones.
E) zygomatic bones.

B) lacrimal bones.


48) Ridges that anchor muscles that stabilize the head are the
A) anterior and posterior nuchal lines.
B) anterior and superior nuchal lines.
C) inferior and superior nuchal lines.
D) medial and lateral nuchal lines.
E) cranial and caudal nuchal lines.

C) inferior and superior nuchal lines.


49) The hyoid bone
A) attaches to tongue muscles.
B) is linked to the styloid process by a ligament.
C) is superior to the larynx.
D) does not directly articulate with other bones.
E) All of the answers are correct.

E) All of the answers are correct.


50) Damage to the temporal bone would most likely affect the sense(s) of
A) balance.
B) hearing and balance.
C) smell and taste.
D) vision.
E) touch and pressure.

B) hearing and balance


51) Premature closure of the sagittal suture would result in
A) a long and narrow head.
B) a very broad head.
C) an unusually small head.
D) a distorted head with one side being longer than the other.
E) death.

A) a long and narrow head.


52) During development a cleft palate forms when which bones fail to meet along the midline of the hard palate?
A) temporal
B) maxillae
C) zygomatic
D) sphenoid
E) ethmoid

B) maxillae


53) Kristen went to the dentist complaining of jaw tenderness and popping noises when she opens and closes her mouth. He notices abnormal wearing on the articulating surfaces of her teeth. Which of the following conditions does she most likely suffer from?
A) deviated nasal septum
B) cleft palate
C) temporomandibular joint syndrome
D) dislocated jaw
E) sinusitis

C) temporomandibular joint syndrome


54) Jack gets into a fight and is punched in the nose. Which of the following bones might be fractured?
A) ethmoid bone
B) zygomatic bone
C) temporal bone
D) mandible
E) parietal bone

A) ethmoid bone


55) As the result of an accident, Bill suffers a dislocated jaw. This injury would involve the
A) stylohyoid ligaments.
B) hyoid bone.
C) condylar process of the mandible.
D) alveolar process of the mandible.
E) greater horn of the hyoid bone.

C) condylar process of the mandible


56) Your friend Greg is hit in the jaw and when looking at him, his face looks misaligned. You immediately take him to the emergency room and are not surprised to learn that he has a broken
A) temporal bone.
B) zygomatic bone.
C) mandible.
D) external auditory meatus.
E) clavicle.

C) mandible