Psych exam 2 Flashcards

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a patient diagnosed with major depression disorder began taking citalopram 5 days ago the patient now says this medicine isnt working the nurses best intervention would be too

Explain the time lag before antidepressants relieve symptoms


a nurse conducting group therapy on the eating disorder unit schedules the sessions immediately after meals for the primary purpose of

promoting processing of anxiety associated with eating


which nursing response demonstrates accurate information that should be discussed with a female patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder and her support system SATA

it is critical to let your healthcare provider know if you're not sleeping well

remember that alcohol and caffeine can trigger a relapse of your symptoms

is your family prepared to be actively involved in helping manage this disorder

the symptoms tend to come and go and so you need to be able to recognize the early signs


caring for patients who are terminally ill require the nurse to focus on communication are of presence and symptom management art of presence includes 2 essential skills these skills aew

listening and observing


a patient being treated for an eating disorder is prescribed refeeding which outcomes are the primary reasons a patient receiving this treatment is closely monitored by the nursing staff(SATA)

fluid tolerance


abnormal glucose metabolism


a patient being treated for an eating disorder is prescribed refeeding which outcomes are the primary reasons a patient receiving this treatment is closely monitored by the nursing staff

No physical signs or symptoms of an electrolyte imbalance are observable


four teenagers died in an automobile accident six months later which behavior by the parents best demonstrates acceptance of the tragedy

the parents who establish a fund for a teenage safe driving course

Alternate Answers

creates a scholarship fund at their child's highschool


A patient referred to the eating disorders clinic has lost 35 pounds in 3 months which physical manifestations of anorexia nervosa would a nurse likely find SATA

peripheral edema





when teaching a patient with depression about foods to avoid while taking the MAOI phenelzine (nardil) which of the following would the nurse in charge include



an adolescent comes to the crisis clinic and reports sexual abuse by an uncle the adolescent told both parents about the uncles behavior but the parents did not believe the adolescent what type of crisis exists



during the initial interview at the crisis center a patient says ive been served with divorce papers im so upset and anxious that cant think clearly which comment should the nurse use to assess personal coping skills

in the past how have you handles difficult or stressful situations


an outpatient diagnosed with bipolar disorder is prescribed lithium the patient telephones the nurse to say ive had severe diarrhea for 4 days i feel very weak and unsteady when i walk my usual hand terror has gotten worse what should i do the nurse will advise the patient to

have someone bring the patient to the clinic immediately


a patient has blindness related to conversion disorder but is unconcerned about this problem which understanding should guide the nurses planning for this patient

the patient's anxiety is relieved through the physical symptom


the mother of a teenager is concerned that her teenaged daughter may be anorexic which report of the teenagers behavior is support of such diagnosis(SATA)

peculiar handling of food cutting into small bits

although she has grown 3 inches she has gained no weight

hasnt had on menstrual period in the last 2 years


which measure would be considered a form of primary prevention for suicide

helping school children learn to manage stress and be resilient


a patient tells the nurse im ashamed of being bipolar when im manic my behavior embarrasses everyone even if i take my medication there are no guarantees im a burden to my family these statements support which nursing diagnoses( SATA)


chronic low self esteem


when considering protective factors related to risk of suicide these include

Access to effective mental healthcare and strong connection to family or friends


as death approaches a patient diagnosed with AIDS says i do not have enough energy for many visitors anymore and i am embarrassed about how i look i only want to see my parents and sister which actions should the nurse take (SATA)

assist family to inform the patients family of the request

support the patient to share the request with parents and sister


the dying patient with a neurocognitive disorder such as alzeheimers disease is especially challenging to provide care for they may have symptoms or pain that they are unable to adequately describe or define reversible conditions that respond to treatment may affect level of consciousness anxiety or agitations include

distended bladder constipation or nausea


disturbed body image is a nursing diagnosis established for a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder which outcome indicator is most appropriate to monitor

patient expresses satisfaction with the body appearance


a patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder becomes hyperactive after discontinuing lithium the patient threatens to hit another patient which comment by the nurse is appropriate

do not hit anyone if you are unable to control yourself we will help you


a patient comes to the mental health clinic with insomnia irritability increased tension and headaches the symptoms began 1 week ago after the patient was laid off from work the patient expresses concern that this will result in a relocation that will be hard on the entire family the patient is most likely experiencing

a situational crisis


an adult says to the nurse the cancer in my neck spread in only 2 months ive been cursed my whole life maybe if i had been more generous with others considering the stages of grief described by Kubler ross which stage is evident



physical assessment of a patient diagnosed with bulimia often reveals

prominent parotid glands


what precipitating emotional factor has been associated with an increased incidence of cancers

feelings of hopelessness, despair from depression and prolonged intense stress


priortity interventions for a patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder and feelings of worthlessness should include

careful unobtrusive observation around the clock


substance abuse is often present in people diagnosed with bipolar disorder the 28 year old patient drinks alcohol instead of her prescribed medications the nurse caring for the patient recognizes

alcohol used as a form of self medication for bipolar symptoms


which of the following statements about non suicidal self injury is incorrect

patient. who engage in NSSI are not necessarily suicidal even when their injuries become life threatening


A patient is seen in the ER for cuts on both wrists that are minimal patient paces and solves but after a few minutes the patient is calmer the nurse attempts to determine the patients perception of the precipitating event by asking

what was happening when you started feeling this way


a team of nurses report to the community after a category 5 hurricane devastates many homes and businesses the nurses provide emergency supplies of insulin to the persons with diabetes and help transfer patients in skilled nursing facilities to sites that have electrical power which aspects of disaster management have these nurses fulfilled (SATA)




a nurse interacts with an outpatient who has a history of multiple suicide attempts select the most helpful response for a nurse to make when the patient states I am considering committing suicide

bringing up these feelings is a very positive action on your part


a patient experiencing moderate anxiety says i feel undone an appropriate response for the nurse would be

im not sure i understand give me an example


a woman who is 5'7 160 lbs and wears a size 8 she says my feet are huge ive asked three orthopedists to surgically reduce my feet this person tries to buy shoes to make her feet look smaller in social settings conceals both feet under a table chair which health problem is likely

body dysmorphic disorder


serotonin syndrome is believed to be related to over activation of the central serotonin receptors which of the following are true about serotonin syndrome (SATA)

it is commonly associated with the use of tricyclic antidepressants

cyproheptadine is used as part of treatment


a patient with a new diagnosis of cancer says my father died of pancreatic cancer i took care of him during his illness so i know what is ahead for me which nursing diagnosis applies

anticipatory grieving


which action by a nurse are most appropriate when caring for a hospice patient (SATA)

giving choices

offering interventions that convey respect

fostering personal control

supporting the patients spirituality


a patient diagnosed with anorexia nervosa is resistant to weight gain what is the rationale for establishing a contract with a patient to participate in measures designed to produce a specific weekly weight gain

patient involvement in decision making increases sense of control and promotes adherence to the plan of care


when coumdeling patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder and advanced practice nurse will address the negative though patterns by using

cognitive behavioral therapy


a patient is experiencing psychomotor agitation associated with major depressice disorder which observation would the nurse associate with the symptom

paces aimlessly around the room


a medical surgical nurse works with a patient diagnosed with an illness anxiety disorder care planning is facilitated by understanding that the patient will most likely to

be resistant to accepting psychiatric help


in the current healthcare environment with constant advances in technology and dying has become more complex this adds to difficult decision patients and loved ones face at the end of life in the united states this is correlated with

it is our ethical duty to try as many. treatments as available


patient with a somatic symptom disorder has the nursing diagnosis interrupted family processes related to patients disabling symptoms as evidenced by spouse and children assuming rows and tasks that previously belonged to patient an appropriate outcome us that the patient will

demonstrate performance of former rules and tasks


the plan of care for a patient in the manic stage of bipolar disorder should include which interventions (SAT)

provide a structured environment for the patient

ensure that the patients nutritional needs are met


which medication should the nurse be prepared to educate patients on when theyre prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) for panic attacks



a patient was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa the history shows the patient virtually stopped eating 5 months ago and lost 25% of body weight the serum is currently 2.7 mg/dl

imbalanced nutrition less that body requirements related to reduced oral intake as evidenced by loss of 25% of body weight and hypokalemia


the columbia protocol also known as the columbia suicide severity rating scale (C-SSRS) supports suicide risk assessment through a series of simple questions which of the following is correct about CSSRS (SATA)

ask whether and when they attempted suicide or began a suicide attempt that was either interrupted by another person or stopped of their own volition

includes actions they have taken and when to prepare for suicide

asks if they have had thoughts about suicide


an imbalance of certain transmitters are thought to disrupt specific brain regions that contribute to various anxiety disorders these neurotransmitters are (SATA)

epinephrine ,norepinephrine dopamine serotonin, GABA( BOOK)

Serotonin,GABA, norepinerphine


which question would be a priority when assessing symptoms of major depression

you look really sad have you ever thought of harming yourself


a patient checks and rechecks electrical cords related to an obsessive thought that the house may burn down the nurse and patient explore the likelihood of an actual fire the patient states this event is not likely this counseling demonstrates principles of

cognitive restructuring


a patient undergoing diagnostic tests says nothing is wrong with me except a stubborn chest cold the spouse reports to the patient smokes coughs daily lost 15 pounds and is easily fatigued which defense mechanism is the patient using



what is an essential difference between somatic symptom disorders and factitious disorders

factitious disorders are under voluntary control whereas somatic symptom disorders involve expression of psychological stress through somatization