Trends Q 2 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by Mandy1303
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A client is learning about cholesterol. The nurse explains that the good cholesterol transports plasma cholesterol away from plaques and to the liver for metabolism. This type of cholesterol is called:

high-density lipoprotein.


A client has a blood pressure of 124/78 mmHg and a triglyceride level of 160 mg/dL. Based on these results, the nurse knows that the client has:

a prehypertensive blood pressure and a borderline high triglyceride level.


The nurse measures a clients blood pressure to be 158/92 mmHg. The nurse recognizes that this blood pressure is classified as:

stage I hypertension.


A client is complaining of chest pain that occurs during exercise. This pain is relieved when the client rests. The nurse realizes that this client is experiencing which type of angina?

Stable angina


A client diagnosed with stable angina is undergoing a 12-lead electrocardiogram. Which of the following results is not expected?

ST segment elevation


The nurse is instructing a client diagnosed with mild heart failure on dietary modifications. Which of the following client statements indicates that the instruction has been effective?

I will avoid soy sauce.


A client is undergoing diagnostic testing for infective endocarditis. Which of the following laboratory tests would be most useful in diagnosis?

Blood cultures


Which of the following would the nurse most likely assess in a client diagnosed with right- sided heart failure?

Distended neck veins


Which of the following diagnostic tests is useful to diagnose mitral valve prolapse?

Transesophageal echocardiography


A client diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse is experiencing palpitations. Which of the following should the nurse instruct this client?

Avoid tobacco


Which of the following should the nurse instruct a client who has been diagnosed with an arrhythmia?

How to take his own pulse


A client is diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia. The nurse should prepare to administer which of the following medications?



A client is recovering from insertion of a pacemaker to pace the activity of the ventricles. At which point on the electrocardiogram tracing will the nurse assess pacer spikes?

Before the QRS complex


A client with a heart rate of 40 who is experiencing shortness of breath and nausea is diagnosed with second-degree AV block type II. Which of the following will be included in this clients treatment? (Select all that apply.)

Administer atropine sulfate

Insert external pacemaker


A clients electrocardiogram rhythm strip is a straight line. Which of the following should the nurse do to help this client? (Select all that apply.)

Assess for loose leads.

Assess for power to the monitor.

Assess the strip for possible fine ventricular fibrillation.

Begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation once verified the client has no pulse.