Illinois Rules of the Road 2024 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by cerxei
Drivers Ed Permit Test
updated 1 year ago by cerxei
Grade levels:
9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade
drivers education
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Ch 1) Must be at least __ to obtain an Illinois driver's license



Ch 1) To get your license you must complete:

State approved driver's education course, 50 total hours of practice driving, pass three parts of driver's license exam.


Ch 1) A driver under 18 is not allowed to:

Drive any vehicle for-hire transporting property or any vehicle requiring a commercial driver's license.


Ch 1) A driver under 21 is not allowed to:

Drive any vehicle for-hire that transports more than 10 passengers, a commuter van, religious organization bus, school bus, vehicle transporting senior citizens or child care vehicle.


Ch 3) Driver's 15-17 Night Time Restrictions: Sun-Thu:

10pm to 6am


Ch 3) Driver's 15-17 Night Time Restrictions: Fri-Sat:

11pm to 6am


Ch 3) Age 15: Permits must be held for minimum of _ months.



Ch 3) Age 15: Must practice driving:

50 Hours total, including 10 hours at night while being supervised by an adult 21+ with a valid license


Ch 3) Age 15: Must not acquire any:

Driving infractions, underage alcohol convictions, or court supervisions in the 9 month permit phase.


Ch 3) Age 15: Number of passengers is limited to:

1 person in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat.


Ch 3) Age 15-20: Any wireless/cellphone use while driving, including a hands-free device, is prohibited for a driver under the age of:

19, unless the case of an emergency.


Ch 3) Age 15: Permit is valid for:

2 Years.


Ch 3) Age 16-17: Must maintain a conviction-free driving record for

6 months before turning 18.


Ch 3) Age 16-17: A traffic conviction during the Initial Licensing Phase may extend restrictions beyond:

Age 18.


Ch 3) Age 16-17: For the first 12 months of licensing, or until the driver turns 18, whichever occurs first, the number of passengers is limited to:

One person under age 20, unless the passenger(s) is a
sibling, stepsibling, child or stepchild of the driver.


Ch 3) Age 16-17: After the driver turns 18, the number of passengers is limited to:

One person in the front seat and the number of safety belts in the back seat.


Ch 3) Age 18-20: No age-related restrictions apply except in cases where:

A driver fails to move from the Initial Licensing Phase to the Full Licensing Phase.


Ch 3) A driver age 16-17 must have the written consent of:

A parent/legal guardian to obtain a driver’s license.


Ch 3) The parent/legal guardian can cancel the driver's license until they turn:



Ch 3: For the minor to get their license back they must:

Get permission from parent/legal guardian, must reapply for a driver’s license, take all applicable exams and pay the appropriate fees.


Ch 3) The parent/legal guardian can access the minor's driving record by going to: and using a personal identification number (PIN) provided by the Secretary of State’s office.


Ch 3) A driver under age 21 is limited to:

1 court supervision for serious traffic offense.


Ch 3) If receiving court supervision for certain alcohol-related violations, a driver under age 18 will be denied a:

Full graduated driver’s license for nine months.


Ch 3) A driver under age 21 who is convicted of two or more moving violations within a 24-month period:

Will have their driver’s license suspended for a minimum of 30 days.


Ch 3) A person under age 21 who receives court supervision for possession, consumption, purchase or receipt of alcohol will receive a:

Three-month driver’s license suspension if the offense occurred
while the person was an occupant of a motor vehicle.


Ch 3) An alcohol conviction will result in a minimum:

Six-month suspension of driving privileges if the offense occurred while the person was an occupant of a motor vehicle.


Ch 3) People under age 18 who violate the night time driving restriction during the Permit Phase or the
Initial Licensing Phase:

Might have their driving privileges suspended.


Ch 3) People under age 18 who are charged with
an offense due to a crash where a passenger was seriously injured or killed:

Might be denied issuance/renewal of their driver’s license.


Ch 4) When stopped by law enforcement you should:

Slow down, activate turn signal and safely pull over onto the right-hand shoulder of the roadway. If there is no shoulder find the next safest location to pull over.


Ch 4) When stopped by law enforcement do not:

Stop your vehicle on bridges, curves, next to guardrails, concrete walls, medians or any place where it would be difficult for other vehicles to pass.


Ch 4) When stopped by law enforcement; after pulling over you should:

Stay in the vehicle with both hands clearly in sight on the steering wheel. Keep your hands on the steering wheel until the police officer says otherwise or the traffic stop is complete.


Ch 4) When stopped by law enforcement do not:

Exit your vehicle unless asked to do so, getting out of the vehicle can be perceived as aggressive behavior and a threat to the police officer’s safety.


Ch 4) Vehicle operators are required to have:

A valid driver’s license, registration and insurance in order to operate a vehicle


Ch 4) If you cannot identify an unmarked police vehicle and/or the driver as law enforcement, drive slowly and carefully below the speed limit and either:

1, pull over at a well-lit, populated location; 2, drive carefully to the nearest police station and attempt to attract the attention of a uniformed officer or 3, call 9-1-1. Activate your vehicle’s hazard lights as a helpful way to communicate intentions with the police officer.


If you are being stopped at night it is _____ to turn on your interior light of vehicle.



Ch 4) If the traffic stop results in a ticket:

-Should not refuse to sign a ticket if issued. A traffic ticket requires the driver’s signature.

-Should not debate the reason for the stop or argue with the police officer.

-Should not be uncooperative with law enforcement at the scene.

-Should not argue about the ticket at the time of issuance. If you believe an offense was not committed or the ticket was issued unfairly, you will have the opportunity to present the case in traffic court.


Ch 4) If the traffic stop results in an arrest:

Should not resist arrest if taken into custody by the police.


Ch 4) If you are suspected of drunk driving, refusal to submit to breath, urine, blood or performance tests can result in:

The loss of driving privileges.


Ch 4) If you believe that an officer has acted inappropriately during a traffic stop or other encounter you should:

Report the conduct to the officer’s superiors as soon as possible. Officers are required to give you their name and badge number if you request.


Ch 4) Illinois law _____ the use of headsets while driving:



Ch 4) If you must make a phone call, even with hands-free technology, it is recommended that you:

You pull off to the side of the road before making the call.


Ch 4) The only time you can use a cellphone that is not hands free is:

• To report an emergency situation.
• While parked on the shoulder of a roadway.
• While stopped due to normal traffic being obstructed and the vehicle is in neutral or park.


If you are in a crash with a motor vehicle, bicyclist, pedestrian or any road user caused by distracted driving:

You might face criminal penalties and incarceration.


Ch 4) Illinois law requires all drivers and passengers (front and back seat) age:

8 and older to wear safety belts even if the vehicle is equipped with air bags.


Ch 4) Passengers under age 8 must:

Be secured in an appropriate child restraint system.


Ch 4) The lap belt should be worn:

Across the hip bones and should never be positioned across
the stomach or soft part of the abdomen.


Ch 4) The shoulder strap should be as snug as possible but:

Still allow the driver to reach important controls.


Ch 4) Adjust the shoulder strap so it is comfortable and does not cross the body at or near the:

Neck or face.


Ch 4) A distance of:

10-12 inches between the driver and the air bag is desirable, especially for short, elderly or pregnant drivers.


Ch 4) It is recommended that children ages __ and younger be properly secured in the back seat:



Ch 4) The Child Passenger Protection Act requires all children under age 8:

To be properly secured in an appropriate child safety restraint system.

Ex: Booster seats


Ch 4) Illinois law requires children to be properly secured in a rear-facing child restraint system until:

Age 2 unless they weigh more than 40 pounds or are more than
40 inches tall.


Ch 4) _____ is one of the leading contributors to vehicle crashes, deaths and serious injuries on roadways.



Ch 4) SPEED LIMITS (unless stated otherwise)

Interstates and tollways __mph



Ch 4) SPEED LIMITS (unless stated otherwise)

Highways with four lanes __mph



Ch 4) SPEED LIMITS (unless stated otherwise)

Other highways and rural areas __mph



Ch 4) SPEED LIMITS (unless stated otherwise)

City/town areas __mph



Ch 4) SPEED LIMITS (unless stated otherwise)

Alleys __mph



Ch 4) SPEED LIMITS (unless stated otherwise)

School zones __mph (on school days between 6:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. when children are present and signs are posted).



Ch 4) A driver must take care to slow down when approaching and crossing an:

intersection, going around a curve, approaching the top of a hill, or traveling on a narrow and winding roadway.


Ch 4) A driver must be aware that there may always be dangers present due to:

pedestrians, bicyclists, traffic, weather, mechanical problems or road conditions.


Ch 4) When approaching or entering a highway construction or maintenance area Illinois law requires motorists to:

slow down, discontinue wireless/cellphone use (unless using a hands-free device that may include the use of a single-sided headset), yield to any authorized vehicles or workers in the area, change to a lane away from the workers when possible, and proceed with caution.


Ch 4) Drivers must obey construction zone speed limit no matter:

The presence of construction workers.


Ch 4) When approaching a stationary emergency/maintenance vehicle using visual signals, Illinois law requires motorists to:

Yield, change to a lane away from the emergency workers when possible and proceed with caution. If a lane change is not possible, reduce speed and proceed with caution.


Ch 4: Stationary:

Non Moving Vehicle


Ch 4) When being approached by an emergency vehicle using audible and visual signals Illinois law requires motorists to:

Immediately pull to the right side of the road and allow the emergency vehicle to pass. In some cases, a complete stop may be necessary to allow the emergency vehicle to pass.


Ch 4) When approaching a marked school zone between 6:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., on days when school is in operation and children are present, a driver must:

discontinue wireless/cellphone use (unless using a hands-free device that may include the use of a single-sided headset), reduce speed to 20 mph, and stop and yield the right of way to any children or adults in the crosswalk area.


Ch 4) Motorists encountering a funeral procession must:

Yield the right of way to all vehicles in the procession, should NOT drive between vehicles in an organized funeral 26 procession, except when directed to do so by a law enforcement officer.


Ch 4) Motorists in a funeral procession _____ have their headlights and hazard lights turned on.



Ch 4) A driver must yield the right of way to other drivers, bicyclists or pedestrians:

When making a right turn on a red light after a complete stop.


Ch 4) A driver may not:

-Enter an intersection or drive within a marked crosswalk unless there is enough space to allow passage of other vehicles and/or pedestrians.

-Drive onto a railroad crossing.


Ch 4) A driver must come to a complete stop (and yield):

When a pedestrian is on a cross walk and when children are close to a school zone cross walk.


Ch) 4 Drivers must use caution when passing another vehicle.



Ch 4) Driving off the pavement or main traveled part of the road is allowed when passing another vehicle on the right or the left.



Ch 4) When passing a pedestrian who is walking on the road or shoulder of the roadway, keep a minimum of 3 feet between your vehicle and the pedestrian.



Ch 4) When passing a bicyclist on any road, including a bicyclist on the road shoulder or in a dedicated bicycle lane, keep a minimum distance of less than 3 feet from the bicyclist.



Ch 4) Passing on a two-lane, two-way roadway is not allowed in an area marked for no passing by a solid yellow line or with a DO NOT PASS or NO PASSING ZONE sign.



Ch 4) Passing on a two-lane, two-way roadway is allowed in a construction zone. All constructions zones in Illinois are no passing zones.



Ch 4) Passing on a two-lane, two-way roadway is not allowed when a school bus has stopped to load or discharge passengers.



Ch 4) You must drive on the right half of the roadway except: when directed to drive in a left lane by traffic control signs and signals on a multilane, two-way highway.



Ch 4) When driving on an interstate highway or full access controlled freeway, a driver may drive in the left lane(s), except when passing another vehicle. Exceptions include when: There is an obstruction or hazard in the right lane.



Slow vehicles must use the right-hand lane except when passing or making a left turn.



A driver may not back up on any shoulder or roadway of any controlled-access roadway.



Ch 4) Electrical turn signals:

Apply the right-turn signal for a right turn and the left-turn
signal for a left turn.


Ch 4) Hand and arm signals:

Should give the signal using the left arm. For a right turn, the
hand and arm are extended straight up. For a left turn, the hand and arm are extended straight out to the left. To slow down or stop, the hand and arm are extended down.


Ch 4) Right turns:

• Give a right-turn signal from the proper turning lane.
• Obey traffic signs and signals.
• Yield the right of way to pedestrians, emergency vehicles and other vehicles in the intersection.
• Check traffic approaching from the left.
• Follow the general curve of the curb while making the right turn. Stay as close as possible
to the curb.
• Turn into the right-hand lane of the roadway you are entering.
• Be aware that trucks and buses may need more space to make a right-hand turn.
• Be aware of any bike lanes and check for bicyclists approaching the intersection.


Ch 4) Left turns

• Give a left-turn signal from the proper turning lane.
• Obey traffic signs and signals.
• Yield the right of way to pedestrians, emergency vehicles and other vehicles in the intersection.
• Check all approaching traffic.
• Point the wheels straight ahead until starting to make the turn.
• Complete the turn into the lane closest to the intended direction.


Ch 4) When moving your vehicle from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane:

Check for traffic behind your vehicle and to the left by turning your head and visually assessing the area. If the area is clear, give the left-turn signal and carefully move into the left lane.


Ch 4) When moving your vehicle from the left-hand lane to the right-hand lane, check for traffic behind your vehicle and to the right by:

Turning your head and visually assessing the area. If the area is clear, give the right-turn signal and carefully move into the right lane.


Ch 4) U-Turns:

You must not turn around on curves and hills unless you can see for at least 500 feet in all


Ch 4) Hazard Signal:

Both turn signals may be flashed at the same time to indicate a disabled or parked vehicle.


Ch 4) Two-Way Left Turn Lane:

The two-way left turn lane provides a safe area for cars making left turns at intersections or for cars turning left into or out of a drive located in the middle of the block.


Ch 4) Turns and Lane Changes in Construction Zones:

Pay special attention to signs, barricades and pavement markings when turning or changing lanes.


Ch 4) A rotary or roundabout is an intersection where:

Traffic travels around a central island in a circular, counter-clockwise direction.


Ch 4) Vehicles entering or exiting a roundabout must yield to all traffic including:

Pedestrians and bicycles.


Ch 4) When you approach a roundabout:

Slow down, look for signs/road marking that may lead you into the right direction, enter roundabout by turning right when it's available, stay in your lane


Ch 4) When exiting rounadbout:

Use your vehicle’s right turn signal to let other drivers know.


Ch 4) Do not change lanes or take an exit before checking for vehicles that:

May be continuing through the roundabout.


Ch 4) A vehicle is not required to stop for a school bus when both vehicles are on a four-lane roadway and the bus is stopped in the opposite direction from which a driver is traveling.



Ch 4) Any other time, you must stop before meeting or overtaking (passing) a school bus that is stopped and loading or unloading passengers, this includes:

• Any two-lane roadway, in rural areas and within city limits.
• Any roadway, highway or private road.
• Any parking lot located on school property.


Ch 4) When approaching a school bus from the opposite direction, you must come to a complete stop and remain stopped until:

The stop signal arm is no longer extended and the flashing lights are turned off or the school bus driver signals vehicles to pass.


Ch 4) A conviction for passing a stopped school bus with flashing lights and the stop arm extended will result in:

The suspension of your driver's license.


Ch 4) You must yield the right of way to any approaching train or railroad equipment.
