Psych Exam 1 Flashcards

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Select the correct etiology to complete this nursing diagnosis for a patient diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder disturbed personal identity related to

Cognitive distortions associated with unresolved childhood abuse issues


An experienced charge nurse observes a novice nurse expressing irritability regarding a patient with a long history of alcoholism and suspects the new nurse is experiencing countertransference which comment by the new nurse confirms this suspicion

my parents were alcoholics and often neglected our family(she changed experienced to advanced)


select the most appropriate label to complete this nursing diagnosis related to feelings of shyness and poorly developed social skills as evidenced by watching television alone at home every evening

Social isolation


when thinking about the prevalence of stigma related to mental health issues which statement by a student nurse is most concerning

Patients who have irish heritage are most likely to develop alcholism


below are the definition of primary secondary and tertiary prevention please choose the answer identifying the correct definition and order

(Primary) techniques and programs to improve the social environment so that the new cases of mental disorders to not develop

(Secondary) activity aimed in restoring the individual to the highest possible level of health and functioning

(Tertiary) activities directed toward early diagnosis and prompt intervention. thereby lessening the severity of a condition and enabling the client to return to the highest level of health at the earliest possible point


An experienced nurse says to new graduate when you've practiced as long as I have you automatically know how to take care of patients experiencing psychosis which factors should the new graduate consider when analyzing this comment

The experienced nurse may have lost sight of patients individuality which may compromise the integrity of practice

new research findings should be integrated continuously into a nurses practice to provide the most effective care


which technique will best communicate to a patient that the nurse is interested in listening

restating a feeling or thought the patient has expressed


A patient says please dont share information about me with other people how should the nurse respond

i will not share information with your family or friends without your permission but I will share information about you with other staff


which principle should guide the nurse in determining the extent of silence to use during patient interview sessions

silence can provide meaningful moments for reflection


which behavior shows that a nurse values autonomy? the nurse

discusses options and helps the patient weigh the consequences


A nurse works with a patient diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) who has frequent flashbacks as well as persistent symptoms of arousal which intervention should be included in the plan of care

explain that the physical symptoms are related to the psychological state


which action by a psychiatric nurse best applies the ethical principle of autonomy

exploring the alternative solutions with the patients who then makes a choice


as a patient diagnosed with a mental illness is being discharged from a facility a nurse invites the patient to the annual staff picnic what is the best analysis of this scenario

the nurses action blurs the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship


a patient newly diagnosed as HIV positive seeks the nurses advice on how to reduce the risk of infections the patient says I went to church years ago and I was in my best health then maybe i should start going to church again which response will the nurse offer

studies show that spiritual practices can enhance immune system function and coping abilities


A nursing student new to psychiatric mental health nursing asks a classmate what resources are best to use to understand which symptoms are present in a specific psychiatric disorder this resource is

diagnostic and statistical manual fifth edition (DSM-V)


a native american patient describes a difficult childhood and dropping out of highschool the patient abused alcohol as a teenager to escape feelings of isolation but stopped 10 years ago the patient now says I feel stupid Ive never had a good job I dont help my people which nursing diagnosis applies

chronic low self esteem


A woman just received notifications that her husband died she approaches the nurse who cared for him during his last hours and says angrily if you had given him your undivided attention he would still be alive how should the nurse analyze this behavior

anger is expected emotions in an adjustment disorder


the adult child of a patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder asks do you think depression and physical illness are connected since my father's death my mother has had shingles and the flu but she's usually not one who gets sick which answer by the nurse best reflects current knowledge

negative emotions and prolonged stress interfere with the body's ability to protect itself and can increase the likelihood of illness


which issues should a nurse address during the first interview with a patient with. a psychiatric disorder

relationship parameters the contract confidentiality and termination


which comment by the parents of young children best demonstrates support of development of resilence and effective stress management

we spend daily time talking about experiences and feelings


psychiatric mental health nurses can provide education about good nutrition exercise dangers of tobacco alcohol and drugs this is an example of what type of prevention



which individuals diagnosed with mental illness may need emergency of involuntary admission SATA

throws a heavy plate at a waiter at the direction of command auditory hallucinations

reports ideas of hurting their mother while shes sleeping


when a new patient is hospitalized a nurse takes the patient on a tour explains rules of the unit and discusses the daily schedule the nurse engaged in

milieu management


termination of a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship has been successful when the nurse

discusses with the patient changes that happened during the relationship and evaluates outcomes


Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs is useful when planning and implementing nursing care as it provides a structure for

establishing priorities of care


understanding the concept of countertransference is important for nurses to provide therapeutic care countertransference SATA

may result in strong negative or positive feelings for patients

refers to the unconscious feelings the nurse has for the patient


which comments by a nurse demonstrates use of the therapeutic techniques SATA

I noticed your hands trembling when you told me about your accident

I'm glad you were able to tell me how you felt about your loss


when considering the suggestions of Hildegard Peplau the best way to ensure that the patient stays focus of therapeutic conversations is for student nurses to

maintain awareness of personal behaviors/needs and reflect on these


which nursing interventions demonstrate false imprisonment

a patient has been irritating and attention-seeking much of the day a nurse escorts the patient down to the hall saying stay in your room and don't come out


the siblings of an asian american patient tells the nurse my sister needs help for the pain she cries from hurting which understanding by the nurse will contribute to culturally competent care for this patient persons of an asian american heritagr

often express emotional distress with physical symptoms


assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) and assertive community treatment are both community-based psychiatric services the difference is

ACT helps with severe mental illness live safely in community settings AOT is a court-ordered outpatient treatment for non compliant patients


a Mexican American patient puts in a picture of the virgin mary on the bedside table what is the nurse best action

understanding the reiligous beliefs may be of support to the patient and leave the picture where the patient placed it


a patient nervously says financial problems are stressing my marriage ive heard rumors about cutbacks at work I am afraid I might get laid off the patients pulse is 112/minute respirations are 26/minute and blood pressure is 166/88 which nursing intervention will the nurse implement

direct the patient in slow and deep breathing using abdominal muscles


according to Erik Erikson stages of development which of the following statements best reflects an unsuccessful resolution of crisis

a 28 yo states im still single and theres no one out there for me


a nurse prepares to assess a new patient who moved to the united states from central America 3 years ago after introduction what is the nurses next comment

are you comfortable conversing in English or would you prefer to have a translator present


of the following statements which one is true of self actualization

the self actualization process continues throughout life


an african american patient orignally from haiti has a diagnosis of major depressive disorder they tell the nurse theres nothing you can do this is a punishment the only thing i can do is see a healer the culturally aware nurse assesses the patient

may believe the distress is the result of.a curse or spell


a patient in the emergency department shows a variety of psychiatric symptoms including restlessness and anxiety the patient says I feel sad because evil spirits have overtaken my mind which world view is most applicable to this individual



a patient tells the nurse my doctor thinks my problems with stress relate to the negative way i think about things and suggested i learn new ways of thinking which response by the nurse would support the recommendations

teach the patient to recognize reconsider and reframe irrational thoughts


in a team meeting a nurse says Im concerned about whether we are behaving by using restraint to prevent one patient from self mutiliation while the care plan to another self mulitating patient requires one on one supervision which ethical principle most clearly applies to this situation



which entry in the medical record best meets the requirement for problems oriented charting

S. states I feel like im ready to blow up

O. pacing hall mumbling to self

A. auditory hallucinations

P. offer halperidol 2 mg po

I. haloperidol 2 mg po gram at 0900

E. returned to lounge at 0930 and quietly watched tv


which component of treatment of mental illness is specifically recognized by quality and safety education for nurses (QSEN)

care is centered


why is the study of culture so important for psychiatric nurses in the unites states SATA

Culture competence help protect patients from prejudice and discrimination

patients should receive information about their illness and treatment in terns they understand

psychiatric nurses often interfere with patients and their significant others over a long period of time


what is the legal significance of a nurse's action when a patient verbally refuses medication and the nurse gives the medication over the patient objection the nurse

can be charged with battery


after formulating the nursing diagnosis for a new patient what is the nurses next action

determining the goals and outcome criteria


during the first interview with a patient whose child died in a car accident the nurse feels empathetic and reaches out to take the patient's hand select the correct analysis of the nurses behavior

the gesture is premature the patients cultural and individual interpretation of touch is unknown


two weeks ago a soldier returned to the united states from active duty in a combat zone the soldier was diagnosed with PTSD which comment by the soldier requires immediate attention

sometimes I think i hear bombs exploding but its just the noise of traffic in my hometown


the miracle question is a useful technique in therapeutic communication it helps patients

visualizes goals and instill hope


As nurses we understand the promoting process of recovery is essential according to SAMSHA recovery is defined as a process of

change through which individuals improve their health and wellness live a self-directed life and strive to reach their full potential


a patient is having difficulty making a decision the nurse has mixed feelings about whether to provide advice which principle usually applies

is rarely helpful