point of view
EXAMPLE: From my point of view, it's not a good idea for you to work the night shift. You are too tired during the day and it is hard on your health.
very important for the way things will happen in the future
EXAMPLE: Transitioning from high school to college is a critical time in a young person's life. They need a lot of support so they don't fall into depression.
not give
EXAMPLE: My employer denied me health insurance. I had to buy my own policy.
dream come true
Something you have wanted very much for a long time that has now happened.
EXAMPLE: Buying a house is a dream come true! Let's celebrate!
fall into a trap

to make a mistake or bad decision which gets you into a bad situation
EXAMPLE: It is easier to find a new job if you are currently employed. Don't fall into the trap of getting mad and quitting before you have a new job lined up.
a very small amount of money
EXAMPLE: I worked very hard helping my neighbor move, but he paid me only a pittance. I was expecting a lot more.
at once
at the same time
EXAMPLE: I had two jobs at once. I was a teacher at a high school and a tutor at a college.
acceptable, satisfactory, good
EXAMPLE: I haven't had a decent meal since I moved out of my parents' home.
go away, no longer exist
EXAMPLE: The dark clouds disappeared. We are going to enjoy a beautiful day after all!
the wealth and resources of a country
EXAMPLE: The US economy is doing very well right now. Unemployment is low and wages are rising. The inflation rate is falling too.
a temporary job
EXAMPLE: I have a gig that will last one month. After that I will have to find another one.
independent contractor
(not an employee) a person that supplies goods or services to a person or company
EXAMPLE: I am an independent contractor. I don't have one employer, so I don't get benefits. Different people and companies hire me to do things for them.
(verb) succeed in doing something
EXAMPLE: I managed to earn enough money driving for Uber to pay my bills this month.
maternity leave
time off of work allowed to parents with a new baby
EXAMPLE: Her company allowed her 6 weeks off when her baby was born. She did not receive her salary during this time, which is common in the U.S. Some companies, however, do provide paid time off for new parents.
EXAMPLE: I took on a second job since I needed more income.
source of income
a way to earn money
EXAMPLE: He lost his job last week and needs to find a new source of income quickly.
to continue living
EXAMPLE: Now that we are expecting a new baby, I will need to take on a second job. I need to make enough money for us to survive.
workers' comp
money that a company provides to help workers who are injured at work
EXAMPLE: She fell and broke her ankle at work. Fortunately workers' comp will provide her with some income while she recovers.