handheld (adj)
(of an object) that has been designed so that it can be held with hands (손에 쥐고 쓸 수 있는)
toll (n)
The # of casualties caused by an event; deaths (사상자[희생자] 수)
innovation (n)
A new idea/method (혁신)
alchemy (n)
A kind of chemistry related to changing something ordinary-->extraordinary (연금술)
substance (n)
A material with physical characteristics (물질)
precursor (n)
Something that happened before another (선도자,선구자)
approximately (adv)
close to but not exactly (거의 정확한, 근사치인)
eternal (adj)
lasting forever; never ending (영원한)
incendiary (adj)
explosive (방화의)
advancement (n)
development or improvement of something; upgrade (발전)
combat (n)
a fight between 2 people/things (전투, 싸움)
utilize (v)
to use something effectively (활용하다)
arms (pl n)
weapons/ammunition (무기)
rifle (n)
a type of gun (소총)
inflict (v)
to force someone/thing to experience something unpleasant (괴로움 등을) 가하다)
caution (n)
acting carefully to avoid danger; great care/attention (조심)
antibiotic (n)
a medicine/chemical that can destroy harmful bacteria in body (항생제)
drastic (adj)
extreme; severe change (과감한,급격한)