Molecular Genetics Flashcards

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Question: What does the genetic code consist of, and how is it similar to the alphabet?

Answer: The genetic code consists of 26 letters, similar to the alphabet, coding for various traits.


Question: How does the genetic code direct information from DNA and RNA to shape individual characteristics?

Answer: The genetic code directs the translation of information in DNA and RNA into proteins, defining traits like eye color and hair color.


Question: Why is the genetic code considered universal among organisms?

Answer: The genetic code is considered universal because most organisms share similar DNA codes, as demonstrated by the percentage similarity in the bases of DNA among different organisms.


Question: Summarize the key goals set for the end of the lesson.

Answer: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to summarize experiments leading to the discovery of the genetic code, describe the relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes, explain the role of DNA replication in transmitting genetic information, and evaluate the impact of science and technology on society.


Question: How was DNA discovered, and who played crucial roles in understanding its structure?

Answer: Friedrich Miescher discovered nucleic acid in white blood cells (1860s), Chargaff established base-pairing rules (1940s), and Watson and Crick developed the first accurate model of DNA structure (1953) using Rosalind Franklin's x-ray photograph.


Question: Explain the role of codons in the genetic code.

Answer: Codons are sequences of three bases in DNA that form a unit of the genetic code, determining the specific amino acid in protein synthesis.


Question: How is genetic information passed from parent to offspring?

Answer: Traits, both visible and invisible, are passed through genes, which are segments or sections of DNA, from parent to offspring.


Question: What is the Human Genome Project, and what were its primary goals?

Answer: The Human Genome Project, initiated in 1990, aimed to identify 20-25,000 genes, map three billion base pairs in human DNA, and determine the sequence of codons coding for amino acids in proteins.


Question: Why does the discovery of the genetic code raise ethical questions?

Answer: The mapping of genes raises ethical concerns related to disease identification, cloning, and the potential ability to choose specific traits in offspring.


Question: Summarize the key concepts regarding the structure and role of DNA.

Answer: DNA contains the instructions for an organism's structure and function, coiled into chromosomes, with genes being sections of DNA transferred from parent to offspring. The genetic code is a set of instructions for protein synthesis.


Question: What analogy is used to describe DNA in the warm-up?

Answer: DNA is likened to a recipe for the body, and RNA helps carry out that recipe.


Question: Where is DNA found, and what is its role in protein synthesis?

Answer: DNA is found in the nucleus, containing instructions for protein synthesis.


Question: What are the components of DNA, and how does it differ from RNA?

Answer: DNA consists of deoxyribose, phosphate, and bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine). It differs from RNA in structure and bases.


Question: What is the structure of RNA, and what is its role in protein synthesis?

Answer: RNA is a single-stranded nucleic acid with ribose, phosphate, and bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, uracil). Its role is to move genetic information from DNA to ribosomes for protein synthesis.


Question: What are the similarities and differences between DNA and RNA structures?

Answer: Both DNA and RNA have similar structures, but key differences allow them to perform specialized functions.


Question: Who were key contributors to the discovery of DNA's structure, and what were Chargaff's rules?

Answer: Contributors include Levene, Chargaff, Watson, Crick, Franklin, and Nirenberg. Chargaff's rules state that A=T and C=G.


Question: How has DNA research impacted science, society, and the environment?

Answer: Impact includes the Human Genome Project for gene understanding, genetic testing for risk assessment, DNA typing in criminal investigations, and DNA research enabling selective breeding and genetically modified organisms.


Question: What analogy is used in the summary to describe DNA and RNA?

Answer: DNA and RNA are compared to recipes guiding protein synthesis in cells.


Question: What is the role of genes in organisms?

Answer: Genes are segments of DNA passed from parent to offspring, determining organism traits.


Question: What is the function of DNA in protein synthesis?

Answer: DNA serves as a blueprint for proteins, which are essential building blocks for organism structures and functions.


Question: What is the first step in protein synthesis, and what does it involve?

Answer: The first step is transcription, which involves decoding DNA to produce messenger RNA (mRNA).


Question: Describe the structures of DNA and RNA.

Answer: DNA is a double-stranded helix with deoxyribose, while RNA is a single-stranded nucleic acid with ribose.


Question: What is the purpose of transcription in protein synthesis?

Answer: Transcription produces mRNA from DNA, carrying genetic information from the nucleus to ribosomes.


Question: How are genes controlled during transcription, and what is the role of operons?

Answer: Operons control gene reading; repressor proteins can prevent RNA polymerase binding during transcription.


Question: What is the purpose of mRNA in protein synthesis?

Answer: mRNA acts as a worker, carrying genetic information from DNA to ribosomes for protein production.


Question: What are the three steps of translation in protein synthesis?

Answer: Initiation, elongation, and termination are the three steps of translation.


Question: How does translation convert mRNA into proteins?

Answer: Translation involves matching mRNA codons with tRNA anticodons, assembling amino acids into a polypeptide chain.


Question: When does termination occur in translation, and what does it signify?

Answer: Termination occurs when a stop codon is reached on the mRNA, signifying the end of amino acid addition and protein release.


Question: Why are proteins important in living organisms?

Answer: Proteins are crucial for the structure and function of all living organisms.


Question: How did the study of E. coli contribute to understanding gene expression?

Answer: The study led to the exploration of operons, revealing how genes can be turned on or off in response to environmental factors.


Question: What controls traits in an organism, and what serves as a blueprint for RNA?

Answer: DNA controls traits, and DNA serves as a blueprint for RNA.


Question: What is the focus of the lab introduced by the instructor?

Answer: The lab focuses on building proteins from RNA.


Question: List the three lesson objectives mentioned in Section 8.


  1. Describe the role of RNA in the creation of proteins.
  2. Demonstrate and model how base pairing builds proteins from RNA.
  3. Conduct a laboratory experiment answering specific questions about RNA's role in protein synthesis.


Question: What is emphasized in the lab preparation in the "Instruction" section?

Answer: Understanding the relationship between DNA, RNA, and proteins, including transcription and translation.


Question: Explain the base pairing rule for RNA mentioned in Section 4.

Answer: Adenine pairs with uracil in RNA, while cytosine still pairs with guanine.


Question: What is the start codon, and why is it crucial in protein synthesis?

Answer: The start codon is AUG. It is crucial because it marks the beginning of protein coding in mRNA.


Question: What process forms polypeptides from amino acids, and what is the role of the ribosome in this process?

Answer: Dehydration synthesis forms polypeptides. The ribosome facilitates amino acid linkage, forming peptide bonds.


Question: How is dehydration synthesis related to water molecules in protein synthesis?

Answer: Dehydration synthesis produces water as a byproduct during amino acid linkage.


Question: What does a stop codon signify in protein synthesis?

Answer: A stop codon indicates the end of protein synthesis, and no more amino acids will be added.


Question: Provide an example of a real-life application mentioned in the final section.

Answer: Hemophilia is an example where a lack of blood clotting proteins is treated with externally produced proteins.


Question: Why is correctly coded protein crucial for cellular function, as mentioned in the summary?

Answer: Correctly coded proteins are essential for proper cellular function as they determine traits and contribute to cellular processes.


Question: What causes the pale skin color in the alligator mentioned in the warm-up?

Answer: A mutation in the alligator's DNA affecting melanin production.


Question: What are the two main types of mutations discussed in the instructional section?

Answer: Point mutations (e.g., substitution) and frameshift mutations (e.g., insertion, deletion).


Question: Describe a missense mutation.

Answer: It occurs when there is an actual change in the amino acid sequence due to a point mutation


Question: What is a frameshift mutation, and how does it occur?

Answer: A frameshift mutation is caused by the addition or deletion of a base, altering the entire reading frame of the DNA sequence.


Question: Name three types of point mutations and explain each briefly.


  • Missense mutation: Alters the amino acid sequence.
  • Nonsense mutation: Introduces a premature stop codon, shortening the protein.
  • Silent mutation: No change in amino acid despite a change in the DNA sequence.


Question: How do frameshift mutations affect the reading frame?

Answer: Insertions or deletions in frameshift mutations shift the reading frame, producing a completely different protein sequence.


Question: What are the causes of DNA mutations discussed in Section 9?

Answer: Point mutations (substitution) and frameshift mutations (insertion/deletion).


Question: Are mutations always harmful, and why?

Answer: No, mutations can range from minor to severe, and some mutations may have no noticeable effect.


Question: Differentiate between somatic mutations and germline mutations.

Answer: Somatic mutations occur in body cells and are not passed on, while germline mutations occur in reproductive cells and can be inherited.


Question: Give examples of environmental mutagens discussed in Section 10.

Answer: Radiation (e.g., x-rays), UV rays from sunlight, chemicals from cigarettes, cosmetics, and dyes.


Question: How rare are mutations, and what is a common misconception about mutations?

Answer: Mutations are rare, and a common misconception is that they are always harmful; however, some mutations may have no impact or even be beneficial.


Question: Explain the term "mutant" in the context of DNA mutations.

Answer: In genetics, "mutant" refers to a change in DNA. It is not limited to negative connotations and includes variations such as eye color mutations.


Question: What is the significance of the blue eye mutation mentioned in Section 10?

Answer: Blue eyes result from a spontaneous mutation around 10,000 years ago, challenging the assumption that blue-eyed individuals inherit them from blue-eyed parents.


Question: How can mutations affect the phenotype of an organism?

Answer: Mutations can cause no change, small changes (e.g., altered eye color), or severe changes (e.g., conditions like Progeria) in the phenotype.


Question: Provide examples of mutagens and their potential consequences.

Answer: Mutagens include radiation (e.g., x-rays), UV rays, and chemicals from sources like cigarettes, cosmetics, and dyes. Excessive exposure can lead to mutations and health issues.


What is the purpose of chromosomes?

Chromosomes contain DNA, serving as the blueprint for building an organism and providing instructions for various traits and functions.


Describe the structure of chromosomes.

Chromosomes have two arms (p and q), a centromere holding them together, and contain genes coded as dark bands. DNA, coiled around histones, allows it to fit into the nucleus and double for cell division.


What are homologous chromosomes, and how do alleles contribute to genetic diversity?

Homologous chromosomes are paired chromosomes with genes for the same traits. Alleles, either homozygous (identical) or heterozygous (different), contribute to genetic diversity, allowing for survival in different conditions.


Explain the process of meiosis and its role in genetic diversity.

Meiosis is the process of creating cells with half the normal number of chromosomes (egg or sperm cells). Homozygous alleles result in offspring inheriting the same traits as parents, while heterozygous alleles allow for genetic diversity.


What are some examples of chromosomal disorders, and how are they identified?

Examples include Turner syndrome (missing an X chromosome), Down syndrome (Trisomy 21, an extra 21st chromosome), and Klinefelter syndrome (males with two X chromosomes and one Y). They are identified through karyotyping, which is a picture of matched chromosomes.


What is genetic counseling, and what does it involve?

Genetic counseling provides information on testing and risk assessment for genetic disorders. It involves taking a detailed family history, creating pedigree charts, and offering testing options, including karyotyping.


How do chromosomes contribute to genetic defects, and what are some examples of disorders?

Chromosomal defects can lead to disorders like Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Klinefelter syndrome. Changes in the number or structure of chromosomes, known as aneuploidy or polysomy, can cause genetic abnormalities.