Rock Cycle

The cycle in which the 3 different types of rocks are created. Different rocks are created through different processes such as applying heat or pressure
igneous rock

rock formed when magma reaches the surface and cools
sedimentary rock

The only type of rock formed on or near the Earth's surface. Sedimentary rock is created when sediments from the earth (land and water) are deposited (placed) and accumulate over time
metamorphic rock

These rocks are formed when other rocks are altered through heat, pressure, movement, etc.

The crust has both the continental (all the rock) and the oceanic crust. The continental crust is 20-80 kilometers (12-50 miles) thick and the oceanic crust is about 8 kilometers (5 miles) thick. Both crusts are part of the lithosphere

The outermost layer of the Earth- where there is life. The lithosphere includes the crusts and part of the upper mantle of the Earth

The largest layer of the Earth, the mantle is 84% of the Earth and is in-between the crust and the core. The upper mantle is part of the lithosphere. The lower mantle is very hot and rocks often turn to liquid

The core is the center of the Earth and has 2 layers, an inner and outer core. It is 1,802 miles below the Earth's surface. It is the hottest layer of the Earth the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid. The temperature at the core goes from 4,400 degrees Celsius to 6,100 degrees Celsius ( or about 8,000-11,000 degrees)