desecrate verb
to treat with extreme disrespect; to violate the sacredness (of something highly valued)
evanescent adjective
gradually disappearing; fading away like vapor
paragon noun
a model of excellence or perfection
provincial adjective
limited and narrow in outlook, unsophisticated
usurp verb
to seize power or position by force or without rights
supercilious adjective
proud; scornful; looking down on others
indigent adjective
not having enough to live on; very poor; impoverished
steadfast adjective
firmly and consistently loyal
callous adjective
hardened in mind or feelings
heed verb
to pay attention to
inexorable adjective
not capable of being influenced or prevented; relentless; unstoppable
parochial adjective
restricted to a narrow scope or outlook; narrow-minded
satirical adjective
attacking human vice or foolishness through irony or wit
enervate verb
to weaken; rob of strength or energy
irrefutable adjective
impossible to disprove
pique noun
a feeling of resentment or anger because of wounded pride
buoyant adjective
able to float or rise
partisan adjective
strongly supporting a specific party, cause, or person
marred verb
made less perfect through injury or damage
incorrigible adjective
uncontrollable; unmanageable; not capable of being corrected or reformed