Apes Unit 3 quizes Flashcards

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Cycads are gymnosperms that were diverse and abundant during the Mesozoic era. Extant species of cycads share many traits with those from the Mesozoic era cycads bear cones are long lived with growth, reproductive maturity, and a very few offspring based on this description the cycads are

k strategists with type one survivorship curve


The spotted lantern flies a herbivorous insect that is native to Asia and feeds on over 70 species of plants. The feeding behavior of the spotted lantern, fly damages plants, and the nymph in adult lantern, flies, secrete, sticky residue that attribute the damage to native plant species by promoting mold, growth, the spotted lens or fly reproduces, one serving its lifetime by laying between 50 and 30 eggs and eggs hatch. After a short amount of time the range of the spotted lantern flies increasing because the insects are transported to new environments by the movement of animals and people it is now found in many parts of the United States. which of the following best describes a spotted lantern fly in the United States?

this spotted lantern fly is a r selected and invasive species

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which of the following species is most likely to be an invasive species of introduced into a favorable new habitat?


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which curve in the graph best represents a k selected species



The tropical rainforest are known to have a large variety of animals. One example is the orchid mantis that is highly camouflage when standing on a certain species of orchid, found in tropical environments. Another species is a tropical cockroach can live anywhere in the rainforest where I can find water and a food source. Which of the following statements best describes why is predicted that the orchid mantis will be more affected by global climate change. Then the tropical cockroach will?

orchid, mantises tend to be advantaged and habitats that remain constant, the rainforest habitat is likely to shift because of global climate change.

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which of the following species is most likely to provide extensive parental care to its offspring?



raccoons eat a variety of food and live in a variety of habitats, including locations near humans. Tiger salamanders in abundance of worms and insects and require wetland habitats so they do not try out. Which of the following best identified to two different species??

raccoons are generalist, and salamanders are specialist.


which of the following can be interpreted from an age structure diagram of a country

The relative population growth of the population

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which of the following age structure diagrams represent a population that most likely has a negative growth rate


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based on the diagram, this country is likely experiencing

Rapid population growth

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based on the data in the age structure diagram, which of the following best describes the population of country a

Country a fairly stable, and birth rates are low


which of the following is a true statement about replacement level fertility

it is greater in countries with high infant mortality rates than countries with low infant mortality rates


in a human population, the population momentum effect is most likely to occur in cases in which a large percent of people in the population, in which age group

Younger than 18 years old

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The world population growth rate in 2015 is about one percent. It is expected to drop to 0.5% by 2050, partly because of increased access to birth control and developing nations. Another likely caused where the expected decline is

increasing numbers of women entering the workforce in developing nations


if a country has a crude birth rate of 24 per thousand and accrued death rate of eight per 1000, the natural annual percent increase growth rate of its population is



in a certain country, the birth rate is high, the death rate is high, and there are many children that are part of the workforce. The country is most likely in which stage of the following stages of the demographic transition.

stage one

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using the diagram, showing the demographic transition, the rate of population growth starts to slow down at which point

The beginning of phase 3


using the diagram showing the demographic transition, zero population growth is associated with

phases one and four


which of the following best describes a density independent factor that controls population size

occurrences of drought and flooding


The country of Sudan has an estimated annual growth rate of 2% at this rate of growth, approximately how many years will it take for the population of Sudan to double

35 years