In the formation of biofilms, such as on unbrushed teeth, cell signaling serves what function? EXAM 3
When neurons respond to a particular neurotransmitter opening gated ion channels the neurotransmitter is what part of the signal pathway? EXAM 3
Signaling molecule
Testosterone functions inside a cell by? EXAM 3
Binding with a receptor protein that enters the nucleus and activates specific genes
What is inhibited by a drug that blocks the addition of phosphate groups to proteins? EXAM 3
Receptor tyrosine kinase activity
How can one hormone such as estrogen, mediate so many effects? EXAM 3
Estrogen binds to specific receptors inside many kinds of cells, each of which have different responses to its binding
The centromere is a region in which? EXAM 3
Chromatids remain attached to one another until anaphase
Separate pieces of chromatin from eukaryotic (animal) nucleus consist of what? EXAM 3
Two long strands of DNA plus proteins
The drug Taxol affects what? EXAM 3
S phase of cell cycle
The human genome is minimally contained in which of the following? EXAM 3
Every human cell
True statement about sexual vs. asexual reproduction EXAM 3
In sexual individuals transmit 50% of genes to offspring
The human X and Y chromosomes EXAM 3
Include genes that determine individuals sex
Karotypes result from which EXAM 3
Ordering of human chromosome images
A mother who is 39 years old gives birth to a child with Down Syndrome, what is the probable cause of the child's condition? EXAM 3
One member of the couple underwent nondisjunction in gamete production

What signaling is represented by the image below? EXAM 3

What do the dots between the structure in the image below represent? EXAM 3
What does it mean when we use the terms monohybrid and dihybrid cross? EXAM 3
Dihybrid cross involves organisms that are heterozygous for 2 characters and a monohybrid cross involves only 1
a sexually reproducing animal has two unlinked genes one for head (H) and one for tail (T), genotype HhTt which of the following genotypes is likely? EXAM 3
Cattle roan coat color, What are the parents with 4 children with the ratio of 1 red: 2 roan: 1 white. EXAM 3
roan x roan
Cystic fibrosis affects a lot of stuff and results in a lot of symptoms what best describes this? EXAM 3
What is the reason linked genes are inherited together? EXAM 3
close together on same chromosome
Recombination between linked genes comes about for what reason? EXAM 3
crossovers between these genes result in chromosomal exchange
There are abnormal chromosomes in malignant tumors, which of the following might then occur to make the cancer worse? EXAM 3
Expression of inappropriate gene products
Example of polygenic inheritance? EXAM 3 BONUS
skin pigmentation in humans
Ideal fetal testing in humans? EXAM 3 BONUS
preformed at the earliest time in pregnancy
gene homozygous = death at or about time of birth what could stop this? EXAM 3 BONUS
design a test for identifying heterozygous carriers of the allele
A dwarf red snapdragon is crossed with a plant homozygous for tallness and white flowers. What is the F1 phenotype? EXAM 3 BONUS
tall, pink
Dunchenne muscular dystrophy how likely is it for a woman to have this disease? EXAM 3 BONUS
very rarely would a woman have this condition; the condition would be due to a chromosome error.
A woman is homozygous and her husband is heterozygous for a recessive disease what is the probability the child is healthy? EXAM 3 BONUS
Both parents are homozygous for recessive trait probability child doesn't have it? EXAM 3 BONUS
Genomic imprinting involves the addition of a methyl (-CH3) it depends on sex of parent who transmits the gene, which is true? EXAM 3 BONUS
Methylation must be reversible in ovarian and testicular cells
How many unique gametes in AaBbCCDdEEGg EXAM 3 BONUS
True or False: A heritable feature such as flower color is a trait? EXAM 3 BONUS
An individual with genotype XXY has what condition? EXAM 3 BONUS
Klinefelter syndrome
Why do chromosomes coil during mitosis? EXAM 3 BONUS
to allow chromosomes to move without becoming entangles and breaking
Proteins involved in regulation of cell cycle and show fluctuations in concentration during cell cycle are what? EXAM 3 BONUS
Density-dependent inhibition is explained by which of the following? EXAM 3 BONUS
as cells become more numerous, the cell surface proteins of one cell contact the adjoining cells and they stop dividing
For a chemotherapeutic drug to be useful for treating cancer cells which is most desirable? EXAM 3 BONUS
interferes with rapidly dividing cells
What are cells found in? EXAM 1
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic organisms
In comparison to Eukaryotes, prokaryotes are. EXAM 1
When a person gets dehydrated while exercising, their pituitary gland releases ADH, a hormone that signals the kidney to retain more water. This is called? EXAM 1
Negative feedback regulation
What are the two domains of Prokaryotes? EXAM 1
Bacteria and Archaea
In his transformation experiment, Griffith observed that? EXAM 4
Mixing it with heat killed pathogenic strain of bacteria with a living nonpathogenic strain can convert some of the living cells into pathogenic form
What considerations did Hershey and Chase have in mind in designing their experiment to determine whether DNA or protein is the genetic material EXAM 4
DNA contains phosphorous, whereas protein does not
After completing of their double-helix model, Watson and Crick recalled that their DAN molecule could carry an enormous amount of the hereditary information in which of the following? EXAM 4
nucleotide base sequences
Based on figure 2 below, which of these experimental treatments would increase the rate of sucrose transport into the cell?
Decreasing extra cellular pH
A bacterium engulfed by a white blood cell through phagocytosis will be digested by enzymes contained in ________ EXAM 2
The difference between pinocyosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis is that _________ EXAM 2
pinocyosis is non-selective in the molecules it brings into the cell, whereas receptor-mediated endocytosis offers more selectivity
The voltage across a membrane is called the ____ EXAM 2
membrane potential
The advantage of light microscopy over electron microscopy is that _________. EXAM 2
light microscopy allows one to view dynamic processes in living cells
What technique would be most appropriate to use observe the movements of condensed chromosomes during cell division? EXAM 2
standard light microscopy
What is the function of the nuclear pore complex found in eukaryotes? EXAM 2
It regulates the movement of proteins and RNAs into one of the
A cell with an extensive area of smooth, endoplasmic reticulum is specialized to _____________________________. EXAM 2
synthesize large quantities of lipids
Overton has a genetic abnormality which causes his cells to accumulate and get clogged with very large, complex, undigested lipids. Which cellular organelle must be involved in this condition? EXAM 2
the lysosome
Suppose a young boy is always tired and fatigued, suffering from a metabolic disease. Which of the following organelles is most likely involved with this disease? EXAM 2
A mutation that disrupts the ability of an animal cell to add polysaccharide modifications to proteins would most likely cause defects in its _____________________. EXAM 2
Golgi apparatus and extracellular matrix
Jerry completed a series of experiments and found that a protein-digesting enzyme (intestinal protease) functions best when the pH is 8.0 and the temperature is 37*C. During an experiment, he used some of the procedures listed below. Which procedure would have the least effect on the rate of protein? EXAM 2
Decreasing the amount of light
Anabolic pathways _________________. EXAM 2
consume energy to build up polymers from monomers
Living organisms increase in complexity as they grow, resulting in a decrease in the entropy of an organism. How does this relate to the second law of thermodynamics? EXAM 2
As a consequence of growing, organisms cause a greater increase in entropy in their environment than the decrease in entropy associated with their growth.
A system at chemical equilibrium ______________. EXAM 2
can do no work
When ATP releases some energy, it also releases inorganic phosphate. What immediately happens to the inorganic phosphate in the cell? EXAM 2
It may be used to form a phosphorylated intermediate
Zinc, an essential trace element for most organisms, is present in the active site of the enzyme carboxypeptidase. The zinc most likely functions as __________________. EXAM 2
a cofactor necessary for enzyme activity
A colony of bacteria growing on a culture medium is successfully synthesizing an organic compound. Which procedure would be least likely to have an effect on this synthesis? EXAM 2
Increasing the number of hormone molecules in the colony.

Based on your knowledge of biology, examine the diagram below, which represents a chemical reaction that occurs in the human body, and answer the question below.
substances X and Y are examples of what kind of molecule? EXAM 2
simple sugar
Which of the listed statements describes the results of the following reaction? C6H12O6 +6O2 --> 6CO2 +6H2O + Energy
C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced
Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are these domains? EXAM 2 BONUS
Bacteria and Archaea
What structure is common to plant and animal cells? EXAM 2 BONUS
In a bacterium, we will find DNA in the ________________. EXAM 2 BONUS
the nucleoid
A cell with a predominance of free ribosomes is most likely __________________. EXAM 2 BONUS
primarily producing proteins in the cytosol
You have a friend who lost 7 kg (15 lbs) of fat on a regimen of strict diet and exercise. How did the fat leave his body? EXAM 2 BONUS
It was released as CO2 and H2O
In autumn, the leaves of deciduous trees change colors. This is because chlorophyll is degraded and ___________________. EXAM 2 BONUS
carotenoids and other pigments are still present in the leaves
CAM plants keep stomata closed in the daytime, thus reducing lots of water. They can do this because they ________________________. EXAM 2 BONUS
fix CO2 into organic acids during the night
A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, and mitochondria. It could be a cell from _________________. EXAM 2 BONUS
nearly any eukaryotic organism
Muscle cells differ from nerve cells mainly because they ____ EXAM 4
express different genes
DNA in one of your brain cells is? EXAM 4
the same as the DNA in one of your heart cells
Mary wants to clone a long sequence of DNA approximately 200kb which vector should she use? EXAM 4
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)
You are cutting DNA, and you have a plasmid single sit for Y but not for X you need to? EXAM 4
cut the DNA again with restriction enzyme Y and insert these fragments cut with the same enzyme
RNAi methodology uses double-stranded pieces of RNA, which of the following might be more useful? EXAM 4
decrease production from a harmful gain of function mutated gene
As genetic technology makes testing for wide variety of genotypes possible, which of the following is likely to be an increasing trouble issue? EXAM 4
the need to legislate for protection of the privacy of genetic information