Break down the following word into its component parts. Enter each component part into one cell, with no slashes or spaces. Use as many cells as necessary – you may not need all cells provided. If no entry is required, leave the cell empty. For example, nasopharyngoscope = naso | pharyngo | scope
______ ______ ______ ______

alveolitis – alveol / itis – inflammation of an alveolus
Build a medical term from the information provided.
surgical removal of the tonsils ______
Build a medical term from the information provided.
instrument to look into the bronchus ______
Break down the following word into its component parts. Enter each component part into one cell, with no slashes or spaces. Use as many cells as necessary – you may not need all cells provided. If no entry is required, leave the cell empty. For example, nasopharyngoscope = naso | pharyngo | scope
______ ______ ______ ______ ______

nas / endo / scope – instrument for looking inside the nose
Break down the following word into its component parts. Enter each component part into one cell, with no slashes or spaces. Use as many cells as necessary – you may not need all cells provided. If no entry is required, leave the cell empty. For example, nasophyarynscope = naso | pharyngo | scope
______ ______ ______ ______

phrenoplegia – phreno / plegia – paralysis of the diaphragm