Section 9.5 Exercises Flashcards

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created 2 years ago by BerryJamJam
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medical terminology i
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In the first drop-down box, select the word part in the following term. Then, in the second drop-down box, select the correct definition for that word part.

pericardiocentesis ______ ______

Blank 1: cardio

Blank 2: heart


Break down the following word into its component parts. Enter each component part into one cell, with no slashes or spaces. Use as many cells as necessary – you may not need all cells provided. If no entry is required, leave the cell empty. For example, nasopharyngoscope = naso | pharyngo | scope

aortotomy: ______ ______ ______ ______

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Indicate which syllable(s) receives emphasis when pronounced. (You may need to select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark and double click the box with a question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer.)


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Break down the following words into their component parts. Enter each component part into one cell, with no slashes or spaces. Use as many cells as necessary – you may not need all cells provided. If no entry is required, leave the cell empty. For example, nasopharyngoscope = naso | pharyngo | scope

cardiothoracic surgery:

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

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Indicate which syllable(s) receives emphasis when pronounced. (You may need to select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark and double click the box with a question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer.)


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