Biogeographic Isolation Flashcards

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Which of the following must occur for speciation to happen?

reproductive isolation


Which of the following could result in speciation from biogeographic isolation?

the isolation of two populations of the same species


Which of the following is the best definition of biogeographic isolation?

the separation of members of a species through geographical or biological forces


Darwin hypothesized that new species could appear gradually through small changes in an ancestral species. Which observation that he made about finches most supports that hypothesis?

The finches all appeared to be related but differed from the mainland population.


A student argues that being separated geographically is the only way for speciation to occur. Why is he wrong?

Speciation can occur from biological forces as well.


The northern red-legged frog, or Rana aurora, is found along the western coast from British Columbia to Northern California. Their typical breeding season lasts from January to March. The foothill yellow-legged frog, or Rana boylii, is found along the western coast from northern Oregon to central California. Their typical breeding season lasts from April to July. What mechanism might keep Rana aurora and Rana boylii from mating?

temporal isolation


Cardueline finches can be found in many areas of the world, including North America and Asia. Hawaiian honeycreepers, which are found only in Hawaii, have been found to have DNA commonalities with this group of finches that indicate they have a common ancestor. Which mechanism might have led to the appearance of the Hawaiian honeycreeper?

geographical isolation


Which is most likely to happen to a population that becomes anatomically isolated from the rest of its species

The population will become a separate species over time.


Gentoo penguins present a potential mate with a pebble. Emperor penguins have a specific call and movement that they make to attract a mate. Which type of isolation do these penguins demonstrate?

behavioral isolation


Two species of flies, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans, can mate. They usually do not mate, however, even if they are kept together in a laboratory. Males court the females of both species, but the females prefer to mate with males of their own species. Which isolating mechanism does this describe?



Why do species evolve during adaptive radiation?

to fill different niches


What is the main difference between adaptive radiation and other forms of speciation?

Adaptive radiation happens over a relatively short time.


Which lists the correct sequence of events for evolution to occur through isolation?

founding population arrives, biogeographic isolation occurs, genetic changes occur, reproductive isolation results


Darwin hypothesized that new species could appear gradually through small changes in an ancestral species. What experiment did he conduct to test this hypothesis?

the breeding of pigeons


Scientists today can use many investigative methods to study evolution. Which method was developed after Darwin’s time?

DNA comparisons


Marsupials, such as kangaroos, koalas, and wombats, are mammals that care for their newborn young in a pouch. All marsupials that are found in Australia are thought to have evolved from a single species that migrated to the island and then adapted to the various niches. What does this example illustrate?

adaptive radiation


Horses and donkeys can mate, but they produce a mule, which is always a sterile animal. This means that they cannot produce viable offspring and are __________________ isolated.
