Build a medical term that means "a hardening of the blood vessels within the kidney that filter the blood."

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the root prostat/o?
All of these are true.

Read the health record information below:
Hospital Course
On arrival to the ED, Susan was alert and oriented, but she looked a little pale and tired. She was treated with IVF for dehydration and given antipyretics for her fever. Within an hour, she had improved some, but given her inability to tolerate PO, the pediatric on-call physician recommended that she be admitted. She was admitted for a UTI and treated with IV antibiotics, and a urine culture was sent. On hospital day 2, her fever had improved, and she was looking better overall. Unfortunately, on hospital day 3, Susan’s fever returned, and she looked acutely ill.
According to the health record information, for what was the patient admitted to the hospital?
Urinary tract infection

Read the following excerpt from a patient’s health record:
PMHx: Cryptorchidism as a child.
PSHx: Orchipexy at 4 years.
Which of the following statements is true, given the
health record information?
The patient had a hidden testicle as a child and it was surgically fixed when he was 4.
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term vesicocele?
vesico (bladder) + cele (hernia)= hernia of the bladder

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the abbreviation ESWL?
It breaks into extra (inside) + corpore (body) + eal (pertaining to) + shock + wave + litho (stone) + tripsy (wear down procedure).

Translate the medical term orchidoptosis as literally as possible.
Testicle drooping condition

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the abbreviation IVP?
intra (inside) + ven (vein) + ous (pertaining to) + pyelo (renal pelvis) + gram (record) = image of the urinary system through the injection of a contrast dye into the veins

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the underlined term
Transabdominal ultrasound
revealed significant postvoid residual. Consistent with bladder outlet
Cystoscopy to r/o urethral stricture
was normal.
cysto (bladder) + scop (looking) + y (procedure) = process for examining the bladder

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pyelocystostomosis?
pyelo (renal pelvis) + cysto (bladder) + stom (mouth) + osis (condition) = creation of an opening between the renal pelvis and bladder

Read the health record information found below:
Abd: Mild distention. Fullness and discomfort of suprapubic
Neuro: Normal reflexes and strength of the lower
extremities, normal sphincter tone.
Gross appearance of penis: No
meatal stenosis, easily retractable foreskin, no penile
DRE: Enlarged prostate of 3 finger breadths. No
Labs: Elevated PSA. UA normal. UCx negative. BMP normal.
Which of the following statements is NOT true, given the health record information?
The opening of the patient’s urethra is small (narrow).

Read the health record information found below:
Hematuria/albuminuria: Doug clearly has a nephropathy. The differential diagnosis includes post streptococcal glomerulonephritis, basement membrane disease, lupus nephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Since he had a recent throat infection, post streptococcal glomerulonephritis is the most likely cause. We will wait for the labs to confirm a recent strep infection.
Given this information, which of the following statements is NOT true?
The patient has excessive protein in his blood.
Translate the medical term orchidoplasty as literally as possible.
Surgical reconstruction of a testicle

Read the following excerpt from a patient’s health record:
This is a 24-year-old male with a right-sided testicular
mass. Given the u/s results, this is most likely testicular carcinoma.
The differential diagnosis also includes epididymitis, testicular
torsion, hydrocele, spermatocele, and varicocele.
of the following statements is NOT part of this patient’s differential
diagnosis, given this information?
Tumor in the organ that stores sperm

What is the abbreviation used by medical professionals to refer to the kidneys, ureters, and bladder?

Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the prostate and bladder."

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cystoplegia?
cysto (bladder) + plegia (paralysis) = bladder paralysis

What is the correct breakdown and translation for the term underlined in the health record below?
Hypertension, edema: We will begin Doug on diuretics and fluid restriction, as well as a low-sodium diet.

di (through) + ure (urine) + tic (pertaining to) = pertaining to urination
Diuretic breaks into di (through) + ure (urine) + tic(agent) = agent that causes urination.

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term underlined in the health record below?
A spiral CT of Susan’s abdomen and pelvis showed a developing perinephric abscess. Both nephrology and urology were consulted at that time, and they both agreed that the best treatment option would be needle aspiration with drain placement. She was taken to the OR, and the drain was placed. Fluid collection from the abscess was sent for culture.
peri (around) + nephr (kidney) + ic (pertaining to) = pertaining to around the kidney

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pyeloplasty?
pyelo (pelvis) + plasty (reconstruction) = surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis