trends chapter 22 Flashcards

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a nurse is preparing to administer a medication by using the vastus lateralis site and is unfamiliar with the process. a step by step reference that shows how to complete the process is referred to by what term?

top down flowchart


what nonprofit organization distributes knowledge related to health care for the purpose of improving health to governmental agencies, the public, business, and health care professionals?

institute of medicine


a nurse is removing a saturated dressing from an abdominal incision and must cut the tape to remove the dressing. the nurse accidentally cuts the sutures holding the incision, and evisceration occurs. in quality improvement, this incident is best identified using what term?

sentinel event


a nurse is assisting with the delivery of twins. the first infant is placed on the scale to be weighed. the physician requests an instrument stat. the nurse turns to hand the instrument to the physician, and the infant falls off the scale. when evaluating the incident, the nurse and her manager list contributory factors such as the need for two nurses when multiple births are known, and the location of the scale so far form the delivery field. these nurses are engaged in what process?

root cause analysis


each month data on admission assessments that are based on the following standard are entered: all patients will be assessed by an RN within 2 hours of admission. the target goal for this standard is 97% compliance. data are displayed on a graph that shows number and time of admission assessments and compliance variation limits. this pictorial representation is documented using what tool?

control chart


regardless of the term used to describe high-quality health care, what is the primary focus of quality?

meeting consumer needs and wants


a team of experienced nurses work together to develop algorithms that are converted into checklists to ensure standardization of commonly performed procedures. the focus of this team is primarily on which institute of medicine competency?



an organizations emergency preparedness task force meets to discuss how it should react in case of a terrorist attack and develops a disaster evacuation plan that details how each department will assist individuals in reaching safety. this type of diagram is referred to using what term?

deployment chart


patients with heart failure have extended lengths of stay and are often readmitted shortly after they have been discharged. to improve quality of care, a type of road map that included all elements of care for this disease and that standardized treatment by guiding daily care was implemented. this road map is referred to using what term?

critical pathway


the staff on a nursing unit notes that patient satisfaction varies from month to month. they plot the degree of patient satisfaction each month for 1 year to determine when the periods of greatest dissatisfaction are occurring. the staff uses which type of graph to present this information?

time plot


a group of nurses are presenting the importance of high-quality care during a system wide meeting of medical surgical nurses. they point out a finding of the quality chasm that supports what?

medication related errors place a tremendous financial burden on the U.S health care system


according to the quality chasm report what statement is true?

health care providers should be proactive rather than reactive to patient needs


during the night, a patient fell in the bathroom and sustained a hip injury. the patient was very upset because of being unable to attend a granddaughters wedding in 2 days. the team looked at the process and determined that the patient had been medicated with a narcotic, had urinary urgency so had not taken the time to put on shoes, failed to turn on the light because the door to the hall let in some light, and stumbled over a towel that had been placed to collect water leaks caused by construction that was in progress to replace damaged sinks. which factor was a special cause variation?

improper construction that caused the leak and towel placement


the number of IV site infections has more than doubled on a nursing unit. the staff determine common causes include the site is cleaned using inconsistent methods, dressing frequently becomes wet when patient showers, IV tubing is not changed every 48 hours per protocol, and inadequate hand washing of RN prior to insertion. a bar graph demonstrates the frequency in descending order, with 80% of infections being attributed to inadequate hand washing. the quality tool used is referred to as what?

pareto chart


the surgical team arrives in the operating room and one member states, everyone stop. let's identify the patient and operative site. now does anyone have any questions or conerns? this process is referred to by what term?



institute for healthcare improvement proposed a process for quality improvement with steps known as PDCA. what statement should be made when explaining the steps to a group of nurses interested in improving the process of medication reconciliation for heart failute patients with high rates of recidivism?

C is for check if the process for change worked. was there an improvement in accurate reconciliation? and what was learned? a stands for algorithm, which includes all steps of the process


a hospital is concerned that the number of medication errors has increased significantly in the past year. a project revealed four causes of medication errors. the above chart was used to help staff and administration know where to focus efforts to reduce errors. which process improvement tool is used in this situation?

pareto chart


a nurse is asked to float to a telemetry floor and is to place a patient on telemetry monitor. the nurse is unfamiliar with placement of EKG leads and would consult which type of chart to learn the correct placement?

C (bar graph)


which of the following occurrences would be classified as a sentinel event?

a nurse assisting with the delivery of twins places the twin 1 name tag on the second born twin, causing the first born twin to undergo surgery that was scheduled for the other twin.


a patient is ordered a low protein, low calorie diet but the patients family brings fish, lentils, and unleavened bread for a meal to observe a cultural practice. the nurse works with the dietitian to adjust the next few meals to accommodate for this variance. what term should be used to identify this situation?

patient centered care


nurses, physicians, and social workers finalize the plan of care and coordinate discharge for a homeless person who will need would care and follow up over the next 4 weeks. each member contributes based on his or her area of expertise but also recognize other members strengths. which of the QSEN competencies are being demonstrated?

teamwork and collaboration


which of the following statements concerning the institute of medicine competencies is correct?

the competencies address both individual and system approaches to transform care.


nurses working on an orthopedic unit use personal digital assistants to review medications prior to administration to reduce potential drug interactions. software is also installed that provides video clips of common procedures performed by nurses. nurses on this unit are best demonstrating which QSEN competencies?



a patient with complicated diabetes is scheduled for a below the knee amputation at 7 am. the surgical team adheres to the 2018 national patient safety foals by implementing which protocols? SATA

the surgical team asks the patient to verify his or her name, type of surgery, and limb to be removed

the surgical team uses the chart number and name/hospital number to ensure they have the correct patient

mark the procedure site with X and again ask the patient to verify correct site

after arrival in the operating room, perform a time out for final identification of patient and operative site along with agreement of what procedure is scheduled


the national database of nursing quality indicators identifies what client focused events as outcome indicator? SATA

a patient falls and fractures a hip

a patient develops bilateral pressure ulcers on their heels

a patient develops a catheter associated urinary tract infection

a patient develops pneumonia related to ventilator use


a nurse educator is explaining to licensed staff that health care is no longer safe and describes the quality and safety for nursing recommended competencies for educating nursing professionals. what competency is included? SATA

patient centered care

quality improvement




quality is defined by the ________




while taking a shower, a patient pushes the emergency light. when the nurse arrives, the patient complains of feeling dizzy and unsteady. the nurse turns to reach for the patients walker and the patient falls, hitting the right side of the face resulting in loss of vision in the right eye. this scenario represents a ______ event.
